9) "il 30 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 17, 1993 WL mre y 4 hed id ~~ & 3 - TIDE ye RES & sun dp Bp BI, \ "Scugog' s Community Newspaper of Chole" " Midgets hosting 0.A.S.A. Provincial Tournament The sports report for the Mid- get Merchant Fastball team is Sg this week by R.B. oase, Ives wr and Mike Tobin Photogra This week aly 4 Port Perry Mi- nor Ball is honored to be the host of the Midget "B" O.A.S.A. Provincial Championship Tour- nament. Many visitors will be in town to sample the hospitali- ty of our families and mer- chants, and to enjoy the well- known "diamonds on the lake. " Teams representing the various zones across Ontario are Na- panee, Waterford, Simcoe, East Gwillimbury, Owen Sound, Fin- gal (St. Thomas), Stouffville, and the host team Port Perry. 'See playoff format below. Open- ing ceremonies will be Saturday at 11 a.m. on the south dia- mond. There will be an admis- sion fee of $3 for a day pass or $5 for a weekend pass to help de- fray the expenses. The Port Perry Merchants, who won the "C" All-Ontario last year in New Hamburg, are looking forward to repeating this feat as the All- Ontario "BY Champions. An additional chal- lenge 1s that this year's midget team was moved up one catego- ry. The Merchants have been WR in the Oshawa Men's e this year in preparation for this important tournament. Come on down to the lake and enjoy the high 'aalibre Midget ball and support the local team. The parents and fans of the Squirt team who are hosting their own All-Ontario Tourna- ment the following weekend are co-operating with the Midget parents to assist in such things as diamond preparation, score keeping, gates, etc. The Midget parents, in turn, will take over these jobs during the Squirt Tournament in order to allow each parent to enjoy 'watching their own team. Thanks to Midget players' Todd Smart, Duane Empring- ham, and Jeff Card for their 'help at the Monster Bingo last Saturday. The Midget Merchant Fastball team Is hosting the Midget B. OASA Provincial Champlon- ship Tournament in Port. Pon penny this weekend. The local team is the defending at noon. Pictured are the members of this year's squad. Front cBride, Darrell Vander Slagt, Jett Card, Chad Venning, Brad Port's first game is Saturda row from left are: Jason 1 champions. Moase, Steve Laird and Jason Cochrane. Back row: Bob Vander Slagt, coach, Paul Linton, Denis Smith, Scott MacLennan, Duane Empringham, Wayne: Venning, coach, Grant Kay, Todd Smart and Ron Redman, coach. 2% Registration & Skate Accessories & Dress Exchange Se ptember 8 6: 00pm - oy Soong rina ---- Start-Up Date - Sept. Ly for the following sessions: | * PRECISION - ............. Mondays 4pm - 5pm. cesses THUISAAYS 4pm - 5pm - cto carol howroganon CAN FIGURESKATE - veesennnnenns TUESAAYS 4PM - Spm. SENIOR SESSION For information cal 985-4372 YMCA OF GREATER TORONTO DURHAM REGION THANK YOU The co-ordinators and participants of Summer START 1993 would like to thank the following businesses for their jpation in and continued : for this program: Dowson's valu-mart / Paulmac's Pet Foods/Port Perry IGA/ Port Perry Mini Golf and Driving Range / Port Perry YMCA / Scugog Island Marina / Stonemoor Daycare / The Creative Basket / Sundance Meadows Farm SeHoOL nN Ld Sova at "BACK BRA. Locker Mirrors, 'Baskets &- | Shelves. : + ASS0 ATED URS 'Port Perry Star OFFICE CENTRE 188 Mary St., Port Perry ko Games to be played this week are: Monday, Aug. 16 - Mer- chants vs O'Tooles at Durham 'Field;, Tuesday, A y 17 - Oshawa Weasels vs erchants at 8:30 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 26 . Merchants vs Greenbank at 8 p.m. The Oshawa Men's League playoffs will 'be starting the : es of Aug. 30 with the format yet tobe decided. We are lookin forward to an enthusiastic and vocal gro fans to Wher the Mid; ceas! vu " i $17) "fy Yom A FRE Loser to 4 (3 dit RET Sa : "4 loser Way (§ » Fo . a Smee ola Welt) | i fy ad ORES p A : 24 "13 Es + er G1. 9.00a.m: D1} Loser'\a B (2 Ty ALG 3 fod €2 2.00a.m, ET a a ESL opentag Cvandntss | v.26 0 ° n- Jot G3.732.00pm. D1 a Sa G4 '12.00p.m, D2 13." es 6S 2.00pm. D2 : Le MR "66 2.00pm, DT BS Bx G1. 4.00pm. D1 : eA G8, «4.00pm. 0 2 a PR 69. 6.00pm; DL - : aH © 10. 6.00pm, D2: : Sr. SUNDAY. ti ikl be Gd u G11 9.00a.m. D1 » Srassenwag J 'G12 9.00a.m.. D2 : , G1) 11.00a.m. DL "G14 1.00p4;, D1 615 3.00pm, D1 loser to ¥H - ~ if 1st Lose Nin rr) ? 4 i \ / ig or 0 . . 1 Losers' Bracket : ] : " fury xe » J Whams-- - o, ra ¥ LX E Loser 11 |} Loser | a : [ -- (s : <) i J: Taser 1 . 1 : " 3 FE @ f-- . SE | at i SE RY... "Gwen Bi Loser 2. Aflet lose ct Lo Times hose IA PERE ; ve ; Et 1 a - cM ik ng br : Loser ) } ' 3 (8 pA ok 4 - Ns foo RS { ox) 3. 4 " .; JE - i He : ° Ih -- rR ere RI "ed < Loger tT - ou Te : Sti iy Under Seven - Durham Cup The games regularly sched- uled for 2 Aug. 11 had to be can- celled due to lightning, but some of the under seven chil- dren enjo = playing in the Durham tournament on Saturday day, they tied with Uxbridge 2- 2, with goals Sunday. On Sat- urday, the por was just edged . out of two close games against. Whitby and Oshawa. On Sun-. by Nelson Lang- maid and Brent Wagg. ther Results from the soccer fields Dlagers were Matthew Hertz- 'berg, Batterink, Brandon Hoskin and with 'help from young. 'Troy 'Wagg. On Sunday, Peter Dutka and Sean Murray came out to help fill in the bE Wesley Cook, Celine Caylio "Gilmore, Kyle Geer, nderld on Aug. 12, Trader Sams eas ily handled 'Manvers 6-1..Goa . scorers were Jon Chambers with two, Colin Mark, Law- "rence Cook and Adam Hobbs. Cam Crawford was one of the many bowlers who Farcinated in a tournament on Saturday at the Port 'Club which was sponsored by Lake Lawn Bowling RR tour- nament was won by the Oshawa team of George Jackson, Gord Norris and Doreen Jackson. 7 ERY ST BF OK UA of t group of chants in their Yost. § for suc- aie Ao as