24 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, January 25,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" (------ News of interest to our rural neighbours Myrtle Spencer, of Greenbank turns 90 years old today (January 25). A party was held in her honor on Saturday by friends and family of the long-time Greenbank resident. Next W.I. Meeting Is on January 26 a) Faye and Keith Ashton had lunch with her parents Don and Stella Asling on Sunday. The UCW held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. James Jones of Uxbridge last Tuesday. Our biggest change for the new year is a new Presi- dent, Mrs. Grace Kirk. Floyd and Grace Evans and Don Asling drove to a Food- grain Bank meeting near Gode- rich last Friday. Birthday greetings to Molly Murison aged four years, also to her grandfather Mr. Bert Grassick whose birthday is this week. All were busy Sunday eve: ning watching the movie "Ine dent in a Small Town". We were interested because much of it was taped in our area and at the Munro home. Janet Lehman and children called on me on Sunday evening and Dorothy Munro called in the afternoon. Yet, it was my 86th birthday and I had a beau- tiful dinner Saturday evening with Norman and Betty Tap- scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munro had supper guests Gordon and Myrtle Prentice one day recent- ly. The sympathy of the commu- nity to the Sproules fumily in the passing of Robbie's father in Ottawa. Don't forget to come to the W.I. meeting at the home of Ve- ronica Oskee Jan. 26 at 7:45 p.m. Congratulations to Scott and Diana Jeffrey on the safe arri- val of daughter Alyssa on Jan. 17. Another newcomer is Caro- line, daughter of Garry and Martha Chissler who arrived last week. Ken and Beth Catherwood of Oshawa had lunch on Sunday with her mother, Ruth Ashton. Several families have or have had the flu, we hope it soon goes away. The Uxbridge Iattle Bruins didn't do so well this week. Can't expect to win them all, boys. 2 Some people torgot to phone me, was it you? This was a very special Sun- day in Greenbank United Church. At our morning ser- vice, we were treated to a very special solo - "Oh Lord Most Holy" sung by Leslie Bradley, accompanied on the piano by her grandmother Betty Stone. Rev. Shepherd read from the Old Testament all of the book of Jonah. His sermon "He Loves Me Too" used the lesson from that book. The Christian Unity Service for the churches of Scugog was well attended. The theme "Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart". The opening chorus sing includ- ed the band and singers from Emmanual Pentecostal Church with Rev. Dean Bursey. The choir from the Anglican Church of the Ascension sang twice for us and was led by Joan Lee. Scripture readings from Acts 1 and 2 were read by Rev. David Shearman from Blackstock - Nestleton United Church and Rev. Bob LePage of Port Perry and Prince Albert United Churches. The time of prayer was by Rev. Elaine Barber of Manchester and Scugog United Churches. A guitar and flute were beautifully played by Ruth and Paul Chilco. The offertory was conducted by Rev. Ken Van Schelven of Hope Church. Rev. Sandy Beaton of St. John's Presbyterian Church really brought to us the real meaning of Christian unity in his sermon, telling us "We Are All One Family" because we do - have "One Father". I'm sure no one goes to sleep in his chuxch while he is preaching on Sun- day morning! Rev. Charles Bull from the Anglican Church gave the Ben- ediction and Blessigg. Everyone enjoyed a social hour and deli- cious lunch served by the UCW. Ladies of the visiting congrega- tions provided the goodies. Rev. Shepherd, Judy Gibson and Helen McKean attended an all day seminar on Saturday in Lindsay at Cambridge United Church for Lindsay Presbyteri- al. The February meeting of the Fidelis Unit of UCW has been changed to Feb. 9 at 1:30. The evening group meet at their regular date, on Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. The Lindsay Presbyterial of UCW meets on Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. in Queen St. United Church. The Greenbank Youth Group 18 holding their Annual Spa- ghetti Supper on Feb. 6 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Ticket prices are $5 for adults, $2.50 for children under 10 and kids under three are free. Tickets are available from any Youth Group member or you can pay at the door. A delightful birthday party was enjoyed by Mrs. Myrtle Spencer on Saturday on the oc- casion of her 90th birthday. Friends, neighbors and her rel- atives gathered at Greenbank United Church to wish this very special lady good wishes and to help her enjoy her spe- cial birthday cake. Guests came from Buffalo, Burke's Falls and Toronto. Myrtle also met her great-great-grandchild. "1 [o] JCF:1)) On Jan. 19, the Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Murray Lee. The roll call "Tell of your childhood memories from your wintertime", brought out some very amusing experi- ences, like using warm bricks to warm the bed or put in the Cubs go Congratulations to the orga- nizers and volunteers of the Snow Flake Festival. Our fami- ly enjoyed watching the dog sled races and looking over the beau- tiful ice sculptures on Saturday. Belated birthday wishes are extended to Allen Martyn and Rev. Clarke from your friends from Scugog Island. It was fun seeing a picture of the Port Perry Flamingos of 1974 in the sports spotlight in last week's paper. My twin brother, Ken Davidson, was on that team. I spent many nights in the arena with my family supporting him. Where does the time go? Twenty years have passed and Ken still plays hock- ey forenjoyment in Ottawa. Hats off to Joe and Clara Dowson for delivering our mail for R.R. 3. It doesn't matter what the weather is like we can always count on getting our mail. Thanks Joe and Clara! 2nd Scugog Pack The 2nd Scugog Pack went on a joint camp with 8th Ajax last weekend. They went to Camp Endabanagh in Norland. Our boys had the experience of meeting new friends from Ajax. Ten boys came from our pack. The boys came prepared for skating but due to the cold weather they had to stay in- doors. They enjoyed many in- door games, skits, crafts and songs and everyone ate well! The leaders, Gerry Geary and Lisa Chandler, would like to thank Wilma Kowalczyk for coming to camp with them, Har- ley Davis for providing trans- portation, Allin Chandler for lending them a car phone, and Trevor Chandler for driving up to pick up the stranded leaders and children. The leaders vehicles wouldn't start on Sunday morning and mechanics from Norland worked on their vehicles and didn't charge them! Special thanks to the Norland Mechan- ics. Gerry finally got his van back on Wednesday. Thank you to the parents for being patient with the stag- gered arrivals and missing lug gage. Thanks to Glenda Ranieri for phoning all the parents with arrival times. What a weekend! Youth group holding a spaghetti dinner cutter under a buffalo robe, or having deep snow nearly up to the telephone wires. There were fewer members out, this due to our present snowy win- ter. We all enjoyed seeing the many bird feeders Shirley has in their back garden. I saw my first cardinal there but there are bluejays, chickadees, gold- finch and, of course, the many busy little sparrows. Mrs. Dorothy Ianson was able to be wish us and we really did enjoy the delicious desserts Shirley served, after we played several games. = camping Scugog Island United Church 19100 Island Road The Lectionary Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, Jan.25at 1:30 p.m. at S.1.U.C. The Good Friday Service Committee will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. at Manchester U.C. Choir practice will be held on Thursday,Jan.27 at 7 p.m. Youth Group will meet on Fri- day,Jan.28at6 p.m.atS.I.U.C. Don't forget to mark our an- nual meetings on your calen- dars. The Island Annual Congrega- tional Meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at S.I.U.C. The Official Board An- nual Meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. at S.I.U.C. For pastoral care, please call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Our services are at 9:45 a.m. with Sunday School and Nursery Care provided. Please call 985-8871 with your news for next week's col- umn. Have a good week! RELAX Let classifieds do the work! w 7 PORT PERRY STAR 985-7383