"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 15,1994 - 17 Lindsay UCW news The Lindsay Presbyterial Ex- ecutive meeting was held Feb. 2, 1994 at Queen St. United Church. At 10 a.m., President Jean Gorrill opened with Prayer. A Valentine poem, called friendship was read. Queen St. President Marylin Huchinson welcomed every one. Olive Nye directed worship and began with a poem. Then Hymn 142, "All the way my sa- viour leads me." was sung. A poem called "Grandmother's Progress Report" was read, fol- lowed by Prayer. Roll call and 45 ladies present. Olive asked each U.C.W. to report with some- thing they were doing, new or old, and any suggestions. Introductions and regrets fol- lowed and attendance sheet cir- culated. Motions Agenda accepted as printed. That all visitors be cor- responding members. Carried. Susan Lasch giving a Book Flash. A lot of good books were shown. Treasurers' report given by Joyce Junkin, also receipts and budget for 1994. Ecumenical Decade budgeted for this year. Waterloo Conference coming up in June 10,11,12. Get in touch with Joyce Polson if you want to go. Theme is " Women Relating." Bay of Quinte Conference needs two volunteers from each church. Man or woman. To be held at Fair Haven's Bolsover, May 27, 28, 29. Area C Rally March 9 in Oak- wood at 9:15 Registration Time. A run down on Rally's next. Area B Rally to be held April 7/94 at ' Cambridge United Church - Theme "The Sandwich Generation." Rally C will be held at Little Britain United Church, April 27/94. Theme "Live one day at a time." Cambridge St. Spring Luncheon is April 22 at 11:30 to 1p.m. We need more discussions with the native people in our ar- eas. Let them know we are in- terested. In one of the areas a new U.C.W. unit started in "memo- ry of the Kathleens". A new and wonderful idea. Carol Thomp- son brought nominations to mind. We need a first Vice Pres- ident, a Supply and Service Person, and a Stewardship per- son. Time for lunch, Grace was Money stolen from college student fund The Durham College Student Association Office was broken into and money was stolen on Feb. 1, 1994. The Student Association had been organizing a Daytona Beach Spring Break vacation for 60 students, since Novem- ber. A total of $4,571, collected from the students, was locked in a desk in the locked Student Association Office. Between 6:40 p.m. and 7:40 p.m., some- one broke into the office and pried open the desk. Durham College Security, the Durham Regional Police, and the Student Association Executive were promptly called in on Tuesday evening to han- dle the situation. Presently the police are conducting an inves- tigation. The Breakaway Tours will immediately replace the lost money, so that all 60 students will be able to attend the trip. "The students are our first pri- ority and we can't let them down now. We can guarantee the students vacation will not be affected by this incident," commented Michelle Walker, V.P., Promotions and Public Re- lations for the Student Associa- tion. _ Currently, the Student Asso- ciation 1s looking into a com- plete new security strategy in- cluding an electronic security system. hodontist COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE GENTISTRY FOR ADULTS & CHILDREN » Insurance Assignment Accepted + Senlor Clizens Discount (Ws coBact from Insurance Cam panies) ~» Payment Plans Arranged + Evening Appointments NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Town Hall 1873 Port Perry presents... sung, and everyone enjoyed cof- fee, muffins and a bag lunch. Back to session beginning with Hymn 241 and 123 in Red Book. Olive Nye gave reports on the Battered Women's Home and they need Women's and Chil- dren's clothing and toiletries. Supply and Service was very capably done by Marjorie Mor- rison. We don't need U.P.C. codes on labels anymore, just cut in half, or leave as is, $23,672 was gathered by 19 groups. Used eye glasses - 173 pair gathered by 12 groups, 18 pounds of used stamps - $7,000. Plastic pill bottles, short pen- cils, milk bags, there were eight big green garbage bags gath-' ered. Heinz baby food labels - $2,640 gathered. Canadian Tire money by 4 groups. U.C.W. ladies are working hard. Thelma Endicott gave M & S report. $41,000 was given by 50 U.C.W.s last year. Grace Sisson looks after Ar- chives. The minute books will be at all Rally's. : In memoriams given by Hel- en McIntyre. Joyce Jones for Stewardship. She says we can send and get a film for Sunday School or UCW, no cost, only to send back. Hymn 19, Joyful, Joyful was sung. ~ June Executive will be held at Carnarvon United Church, on Wed. the first at 10 a.m. Ruth Gorrie gave courtesies. Meeting closed with the Bene- diction. By: Mary Willis, Press Secre- tary. R egatta bingo on February 26 Albert Putsey The Hall Board was very dis- appointed with the response to the Valentine's Dance, and felt 1t would be better to cancel it as only two tickets had been sold. I am forwarding a calendar to Joyce Kelly of Blackstock with Caesarea's special engage- ments marked on it, so the two areas Blackstock and Caesarea can work without conflict. Ex- ample: Blackstock could have the Valentine's Dance and Cae- sarea could stage the St. Pat- rick's Dance. This way we can support one another. Joyce if you know the entertainment circle in Blackstock, I trust you will notify them of your find. Don't forget Regatta Bingo 18 set for Sat. Feb. 26 at Caesarea Hall - 7:30 p.m. The answer to last week's rid- dle about 20 crows on the fence and the farmer shot one. How many remained? Answer: none - the other 19 flew away. Have I got you thinking? Question of the week: Which came first: A: Great Pyramids B: Great Wall of China C: Hanging Garden of Babylon D: Roman Colosseum. Saying of the week, seeing it's Valentine's Week. Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. It's eternal goal is life. By Smiley Blanton. Last week I mentioned snow- mobile speed as 20 km. less than the printed sign speed on . the roadways. Somehow the printer made it 30. It is 20 km. less than the marked speed of our roadway signs. Sorry about that. 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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19" -- 8:00 PM Tickets available at Irwin Smith's LINDSAY'S OLDEST IMPORT DEALER Little Britain Road across from McLean's Auction Barn, Lindsay (705) 324-6771 SERVICE DEPARTMENT (705) 324-6771 Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:30pm Saturday 8:00am to 1:00pm TOYOTA TOYOTA : QUALITY SERVICE ADDRESS LABELS AVAILABLE AT PORT PERRY STAR OFFICE CENTRE 188 Mary St, Port Perry = 985-7383 « Fax: 985-3708 { U a osaciiau] io Rl coco ln sl] bool coils ll lle soll ona EE ------------------ ey RR RE EE