16 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 22,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" [oT J. PETER HVIDSTEN / PORT PERRY STAR Curator Kim Harper of Scugog Shores Museum Village - welcomes the public to tour the old schoolhouse at the museum this week in celebration of .Heritage Week. Admission to the museum from Tuesday to Friday is free and it's a chance for residents to see some of the new special displays which include optical instruments, recently displayed at Port Perry Optical in Port Perry, and a new exhibit of antique toys and clothing. Ms. Harper is seen with some of the antique children's toys which will be on display. Straight Talk with Alex Shepherd, Durham MP nadians? nation of bookkeepers, dustry. collecting the money. Feb. 16 - Afternoon Atkinson 56-1/2. Helen Mathieson 45-1/2. Carnegie 45. Hoppy Carnwith 42-1/2. Evening son 28-1/2. Labanovich 26-1/2. West 25-1/2. Gord Day 24-1/2. OIL, FILTER & LUBE » Change engine oil - up to 4 quarts included e Install new oil filter - filter included e Lubricate chassis where applicable $21.95 Parts and labour included. Trucks & Vans extra 4 Table Howell - Avg. 42 First - Harold Brown and Don 3 Table Howell - Avg. 24 First - Judy and Don Atkin- [DIONE GET CAUGHT (@{0] Hh) Why not bring your Toyota in today so we can drain and refill your cooling system? Toyota Quality COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE * Pressure test the 300° cooling system * Inspect hoses, water 0° pump, drive belts and radiator -40° * Drain system and install Toyota long life coolant for winter and summer protection. most models $59 " 95 SERVICE DEPARTMENT (705) 324-6771 Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:30pm Saturday 8:00am to 1:00pm - ---- Tem Cems C8 Se. ---- - ain ron - a mm cee -- LINDSAY'S OLDEST IMPORT DEALER Little Britain Road across from McLean's Auction Barn, Lindsay (705) 324-6771 TOYOTA TOYOTA What does the GST do for Ca- Nothing, except turn us into a and wreak havoc with our tourist in- It draws citizens into collect- ing the government's tax which Canadians shouldn't have to do. The result is less tax collected because of high administration fees incurred by government in Really, we don't need a GST, just the revenue it generates. This government, as prom- ised during last fall's election, wants to change the tax. And I Bridge Results : Second - Joyce Watson and Ti Third - Marie and Harry Fourth - Bea Chapman and Second - Miriam and Charles Third - Anne Scott and Joan Fourth - Mary Alton and want your views known to me so I can take them back to Ottawa. I also want to take some of you up to the capital to tell the federal Finance Committee - of which I am a member - just how the GST needs to be changed. Let me make the trip to Otta- wa clear, taking taxpayers there is not, I repeat, not a pub- lic relations exercise. Ottawa needs to hear what Canadians are saying. And it needs to lis- ten. Together we can accom- PFAFF® Sewing Machines & Sergers New 1994 line of machines 6000 series Monthly payment plans with no interest Creative Heart SUZANNE LEE Greenbank, Ont. 985-2006 LD) plish that goal. Once the budget is brought down Tuesday, you will see the federal government is not going to give up the $15 billion the GST generateg annually. So the goal for us - the taxpayers - is to make the tax more efficient. How do we reduce the high cost incurred by small and me- dium-sized business, sales peo- ple, and our farmers, in collect- ing the tax? That's the goal. "I will be hosting three meet- ings next week so you can tell me how. On Tuesday, March 1, I will be at the Lion's Club, 26 Beech St., Bowmanville between 7 and 9 p.m. On Wednesday, March 2, I would like to meet you at the Latcham Centre, Queen and Water Streets in Port Perry, be- tween 7 and 9 p.m. Then on Thursday, March 3,1 hope you come out to the Ux- bridge Public Library, 9 Toron- to Street, Uxbridge. I'll be in the Tokai Room, between 7 and 9 p.m. When you stop and think about it, there really isn't any mystery to collecting the GST. We're all part of the process everytime we make a purchase. But the country's civil servants should be collecting tax. Not us. The government is the peo- ple. Let's get together. Let's change the GST. O) Greg Gouldburn and Anna Jackman, both of Oshawa, are pleased to announce the engagement of their son James Gregory to Tammy Cockerton, bh daughter of Yoonne and Don Cockerton of Oshawa. and Surviv NEXT COURSE MARCH 1" 4-Week Evening Course Tuesday & Thursday 6pm-9:10pm Learn to Drive. .. Young Drivers of Canada Training centers coast to coast * Driver training for al ages Private in-car instruction » Defensive driving you can live with * The Young Drivers program is only available at a Young Drivers Centre. For information, brochures and course schedules call: 2 Brock Street West, Uxbridge 852-9705 FE okt 24 RR ag CA ------------------------ NU PAIRED lL Sip Are. JAA EH HA