Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 8 Mar 1994, p. 20

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20) - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 8,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Rural RooTs SCOTT ANDERSON / PORT PERRY STAR The Grade 1 and 2 choir and rhythm band from Prince Albert Public School placed first at the sunderland Lions Music Festival In Sunderland recently under the direction of Doris Down, Marguerite Mitchell and Janice McCoy. Pictured are the members of the group. Sympathy is extended to Frank Fletcher and son Barry and his daughters on the death of a dear wife and mother Do- reen recently. The weekly euchre had nine tables on Thursday evening. The winners for the evening were Rose Taylor, Alice Wood- cock, Betsy Staniland, Merv Storie, James Emerton, and Jim Redman. The lucky draws went to Milton Anderson and James Emerton with two. Myrtle Snelgrove has re- turned home after spending three weeks in Florida with friends. Sarah Elliott and Hildy Smith spent a week with some other friends on Georgian Bay for a winter retreat. Lots of snow even got snowed in for a day but a real good time was had by all. The monthly U.C.W. meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 9 at the home of Linda McMillan. Roll call: Denise House gifts, coffee, paper prod- ucts or women's undergar- ments. The Prince Albert United Church Talent Auction will be held on Friday, April 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Centre. The committee encourages eve- ryone not only to contribute but to attend as well and bring your friends. This is a fun evening as well as making money to oper- ate the church. Anyone in the community is invited. If you are getting spring fever and starting your houseclean- ing the Friendly Visitors are looking for good items for their flee market to be held on April 30 at the Community Centre. They are also selling tickets on their quilt again this year. Flea Market on April 30 Birthday wishes go out to sev- eral ladies in the community who have celebrated birthdays recently: Jean Martyn, Pat Love, Irene Moore and Beth Willes. He's back - Old Man Winter laid a nice clean blanket of snow over the village on Sunday af- ternoon, making the roads quite slick. This was probably the cause of an accident which oc- curred in the village when the driver of a truck slid into the ditch, turning the vehicle on its side. Alady who was trapped in- side for some time was able to walk to the ambulance so, hope- fully, she will be okay. This Friday is euchre night in Utica Hall starting at 8 p.m. Anyone who can play the game is welcome to attend. Church and Sunday School will be held in Epsom Church this week starting at 11 a.m. Any who are interested in ioin- Euchre on Friday ing the Church by transfer, pro- fession of faith or baptism, are asked to contact Rev. Burton. The Port Perry Rod and Gun Club held their annual banquet and dance in Utica on Saturday evening. The numbers were smaller than other years but all that attended seemed to enjoy the evening. Lorne and Eileen Slute were Sunday supper guests in Port Perry with the Dear family. Jack and Nancy Skelding visit- ed on Friday evening. It's nice"to see Eileen Mole back in the village from her trip to England. Pete and Georgina Sutcliffe were in Stouffville on Friday evening to visit with Georgina's niece Annalee Crawford who is up from Nova Scotia and stay- ing at the home of her sister Mary Meredith. Happy holidays for Graeme Powell who is leaving this week for Avon Park in Florida to stay with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen for the March break. Youth Group taking part in famine Shirley (=T2) The March meeting of the Af- ternoon UCW held their busi- ness meeting on Friday with President Doris Hill chairing the meeting. Doris reminded the members that Lindsay Presbyterial UCW Annual Meeting will be on Wednesday, March 9 at Oakwood United Church. Registration 9:15 a.m. Anyone wishing to carpool, call Doris at 985-7886. Following the meeting the Greenbank-Seagrave ladies held their "World's Day of Prayer". This year's theme was "Women of Palestine". Prayers were not only for thase of Pales- tine but for those in conflict all around the world. A social hour followed. Rev. Art Rodgers, former minister of this charge, will be in charge of the Greenbank, Seagrave, Pinedale services next Sunday, 11 a.m. at Green- bank. Greenbank Youth Group will be participating in a 30 hour fa- mine to raise money for world vision. Yes, this means no food for 30 hours. If you would like to help these kids to help other kids by giving a pledge, please THE GREENBANK FOLK MUSIC proudly presents Washboard Hank & The Honkers iL. BNE Saturday, March 19, 1994 8:00 p.m. at the Greenbank Hall Tickets are available at: Irwin Smith Music; Circular Sounds (New Location); The Antrim House Pub For more info call: 985-1057 or 985-8351 SOCIETY contact any member of the group or call 985-3420. The organ fund committee 1s hosting a Talent Auction as its final fundraiser on April 9 at 7:30. Donations can be any- thing from babysitting, lawn, gardening care, baking, gift cer- tificates, crafts or any other pro- fessional services. Contact Mur- ray Stone 985-3427 or Linda Hunter 985-8559. Please sign up so you don't miss out. Dead- line March 27. The Greenbank 4H Club is" starting a new spring project called "Horticultural". For more Happy birthday greetings are extended to Tom Hodge who cel- ebrated his birthday last week with his brother John Hodge and his fiancee from Oshawa and Roy Werry as guests at a birthday party hosted by his mother Marion Hodge. Happy birthday, Tom. Our community lost an es- teemed senior citizen when Wes Pearce passed away following surgery to repair a broken hip. Up until about a year and a half ago, Wes lived by himself for many years on Scugog St. North. His relatives and many friends will certainly miss him. Fair Board members are re- minded that this Thursday, March 10 will be the regular meeting at 8 p.m. at the Rec Centre. Do plan to attend. Once again exhibitors of the Fair are reminded of the change in Kim Hope's special class for folk art. The theme is to be flow- ers not animals as listed in the preliminary list. information, call Margaret Pro- haska at 985-3021. If you missed "Minor Ball Registration" and are interest- ed in playing softball, please contact Barb Ward evenings at 985-3903. = Here are the "lucky" winners from last Friday evening's eu- chre held at Greenbank Hall. First Ladies Muriel Gibson, Second Dorothy Bray, Third Doris Evans, Mens First Don Linton, Second Cliff Rodd, Third Glen Till. Lucky draws, Jean Hunter, Marie Cookman Still time to register for 4-H Many of our residents are en- joying holidays of various kinds - some to Florida, others on ski- ing trips and others of a variety of types of changes. It used to be that rural residents seldom en- joyed holidays - what a delight- ful change. There were 13 tables at the weekly card party with the fol- lowing winners: Vera Fawns, Ruby Smith, Vi Linton, Paul Mucha, Edna Manns, Nerta Masters and Mary Poots. Lucky BUSINESS SERVICES Computer & Upgrades Local Area Networks (LANS) Consultations, Training, Business Plans, Strategy WILLIAM SANDIFORD (905) 985-1877 rr When business is good, it pays to advertise... When business is bad, you've got to advertise! and Larry Doble. Next euchre is April 1. Mrs. Margaret Couperth- waite and family attended a surprise 50th wedding anniver- sary party on Saturday for her sister and husband Jean and Clarence Wallace of Scarbo- rough. We are happy to report that your regular correspondent Helen McKean is feeling much better and we hope she will soon be home. Don't forget news for next week, call Shirley Lee at 985- 8926. draws were won by Lorna Bright, Muriel Butson, Carl Gimblett, Earla Hill, Kay Brown and Ross McRoberts. If you have not already regis- tered for 4H, there is still time if you hurry. The project this time is Basic Baking - something all young people should learn. For further information, please call Linda Arbuckle 986-5080, Barb Byers 986-5112 or Sheila Shor- tridge 986-4900. Young people 10 years and up to OAC age are welcome to attend. Blackstock WI Report March 2 by Lois Luke The March meeting was held at the Blackstock United Church with 14 members in at- tendance. WI Grace was sung and a delicious lunch served by the committee in charge. May Shortridge welcomed everyone and read a poem "Winter's Dream". Motto - Two things are bad for the heart - running up- stairs and running down peo- ple. Roll call was advertising that is offensive to women. District Annual will be May with Brenda Metcalfe as speak- er. Jean Adams was in charge of the program. She showed a vid- eo "Flight of the Snow Geese". Meeting closed with the sing- ing of Oh Canada.

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