Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Mar 1994, p. 14

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i 14 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 22,1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" pn hE | R PORT PERRY STAR € Roots URAL "| Greenbank saddened i by loss of long-time friend Helen McKean Residents of Greenbank and area were saddened last week to learn of the death of their | long-time friend and neighbor | Helen McKean. Mrs. McKean, who was in her 79th year, died peacefully on Tuesday, March 15, 1994 at Community Memorial Hospital in Port Perry. Mrs. McKean was a corre- i % spondent for the Port Fay To tar for many years and unti HELEN McKEAN her recent illness took great joy in gathering and writing the news of interest to Greenbank res- idents. Her column will be missed in the Port Perry Star and by her faithful readers. A funeral service for Mrs. McKean was held on Friday, March 18, 1994 at the Low & Low Funeral Home, Port Perry. Sports dance April 30 Shirley Lee I am very sad to report the sudden passing of Mrs. Helen McKean last Tuesday. Helen will be much missed in Green- bank. Our sympathy is extend- ed to husband Don and the fam- ily. A service was held on Friday. It was a beautiful trib- ute to the life of Helen. Rev. Art Rodgers and Rev. David Shep- herd conducted the service jointly. Our sympathy is extended to Ross and Marie Cookman and family on the passing of his mother. Her service was held Saturday at Sunderland. Church service was well at- tended on Sunday, with Norma and Jane Brose extinguishing the Lenten candles. Next Sun- day is Palm and Passion Sun- day. Mrs. Muriel Gibson, Kathy and Fred Taylor and family had a special get-together on Satur- day evening with Jim and Judy Gibson. Anyone wishing to place an Easter Lily in the church in memory of someone, please phone Barb Ward at 985-3903 before March 27. Evenings only, please. If you are interested in donat- ing to the Talent Auction, please call 985-3427 or 985- 8559. Deadline for donations March 27. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Rushtord back after spending the winter in Florida. What are you giving up for Lent? On March 26 and 27, the Greenbank Youth Group will be participating in a 30-hour fast to raise money for world vision. This means giving up food for 30 hours. If you would like to help these kids to help other kids by giving a pledge, please contact any member or call 985- 3420. Mr. and Mrs. Van De Walker have returned home after an enjoyable two weeks in Florida. The next euchre party in Greenbank will be Friday, April 1. The Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt is set for Saturday. April 2 from noon to 2 p.m. at Green- bank Hall. The kids receive lunch, movies, treats and an egg hunt for a reasonable price. This program is designed by the Lions to provide a fun day for the youngsters in the communi- ty (10 years and under). Pre- registration is $2 at the hall on March 26 from 10 a.m. to noon. For information, phone 985- 8965. Each child receives a sol- id chocolate Lions Club rabbit. If you haven't signed up for minor softball in Greenbank and would like to, contact Barb Ward at 985-3903, evenings only, please. This week, the Greenbank Hall committee was busy hav-. ing the hall basement insulated in their continued effort to im- prove the hall. The Greenbank Lions Club donated more paint and free labor to help spruce up this 127-year-old historic build- ing. The Greenbank Hall is pro- viding a multitude of uses for the community. The Folk Music Society had another sellout crowd on March 19 and they completely enjoyed the lively tunes of "Washboard Hank and the Honkers". The next Folk Music Night presents Colleen Peterson and Donna Dunlop. This performance on April 16 is almost sold out already. The Folk Music Society should be congratulated for the high cali- bre of entertainment they are providing in Greenbank. They are improving the hall and do- nating equipment to make this hall a musical showpiece. The Greenbank Hall Com- mittee and the Greenbank Li- ons Club are actively working to improve the quality of the buildings, parks and activities for our community. We are con- stantly looking for new mem- bers with fresh ideas and a helping hand. Phone 985-3723 for further information. The Scout, Beaver and Brownie dance is March 26 at the Greenbank Hall. Come out and support this worthwhile cause. Phone 985-9021 for tick- ets. Baseball, hockey, football, whatever your favorite sport, it's time to promote your team at the Lions Club Sports Dance on April 30 at the Greenbank Hall. For $20 a couple, you can mingle with the Gilmours, Jor- dans and the Alomars. Phone 985-3723 for tickets and start fasting now for the fabulous buffet. For news next week, phone Shirley at 985-8926. Easter services coming soon Sympathy is again extended to two families in the communi- ty to Brian Bray and daughters Janet and Michelle in the sud- den death of Dorothy Bray, a dear mother and grandmother. To Minnie and Jim Martin on the death of Agnes Bateman of Oshawa, dear mother of Min- nie. A number of people have been holidaying and now returning. Rev. Charlie and Lila Clarke, Ed and Cathy Daigle spent some time in Florida. Roy and Dorothy Hope, Terry and Eileen Hodgins spent three weeks travelling to New Or- leans, Nashville and other plac- es of interest. Pearl Gostick and Grace Cherrie both spent some time in Community Memorial Hospital but are now both at home. Mary Devitt of Oshawa spent last Sunday with her sister Grace and Les Beacock. Rev. John Brown has taken the church services the last two Sundays so Rev. Le Page could holiday with his family on Win- ter Break. The weekly euchre had 10 ta- bles on Thursday evening. The lucky winners were Marie Geer, Alice Woodcock, Isabel McCul- ly, Jim Redman, Doug Stan- field, Ed Clark. Draws: Richard Manns, Myrtle Gimblett, Gus Plitz. Lone hand series was Mary Williamson with 12 lone hands. Chuck and Beth Willes spent the Winter Break in Florida with family and reported good weather. As the Easter season arrives ~there will be special services at the Prince Albert Church, March 27 Palm Sunday with Holy Communion, Friday, April 1 at Port Perry United Good F'ri- day Service at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 3 Easter Sunrise Service at 7:30 a.m. at McCrae's farm, 985 Scugog Line 4. Continental breakfast follows at Prince Al- bert Church with morning wor- ship at 11:30 a.m. Everyone welcome at all services. by Peggy Bredin What beautiful bright weath- er we have been having! Get out and enjoy it. Welcome back to all those lucky families that are return- ing from Florida. We hope you had warm weather. Chris Jamieson has decided to stay at home for a while now. First he went skiing out west with his dad for five days and then he went to Florida with his mom. He managed to get in two rounds of golf. It was good to see Roy and Dorothy Hope and Eileen and Terry Hodgson back from their trip down south. Dorothy, I hope the flood wasn't too dam- aging. If you ever need a wet- vac, call us. I'll send John right over. I travelled to Ottawa to see my elderly aunt and she is hap- pily settled into a beautiful, cheerful nursing home. She looks very happy and healthy. Then the family went to Niaga- ra Falls and froze looking at the amazing ice sculpture made by the water rushing over the falls. It was great. Do you have your talent auc- tion item ready yet? April 15 will be coming up soon. W.1. to hold March Social Jean Jeffrey Marilyn Munro's sister Don- .~na Jones of Oshawa and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Graham visited Marilyn and Ross recently. Ross and Marilyn visited the International Centre, Toronto to attend the Home and Garden Show. Rebecca and Stephen Delore had son John and Wendy and their daughters Heather and Caroline of London to visit re- cently, also daughter Margaret and Shawn Sevier and daugh- ters Margaret and Joanne of Newmarket for a short visit. Dinner guests with Fiona and Robt. McClure on Sunday were Paul Kerry, Peter Breznikar and Brad Wilcox. Doug Wilson and Beth were dinner guests with Gerald and Nancy Hill on Sunday. We are sorry to hear that the Hill fami- ly will be moving from the Ep- som area in about a month's time. Our sympathy to the family and friends of Helen McKean of of Nestleton visited during Greenbank. This busy friendly spring break with their grand- lady will be missed by so many parents Dorothy and Ray Mun- jp the church and community ro. Archie and Jennie Watson visited son Fred and his wife in Scarborough one day last week to see their newest grandson James Watson. There was a good crowd at church on Sunday. Rev. Morton Patterson of Uxbridge present- ed the sermon and a special treat was enjoyed when Rebec- ca Sobil played the baby grand piano. On Sunday afternoon Shirley and Paul Baster visited long time friend Barry and Niki O at their new home at Chflk Lake. Robin Benns is in Singapore for three months in conjunction, with her computer work and is enjoying the change. On Sunday, Eleanor and Ar- thur Powell, Jim and Debbie at- tended the christening of Nicho- las Johnston, son of Nevin and Kathleen Johnson at Harmony Rd., United Church, Oshawa. Grace and Floyd Evans were supper guests on Saturday with Marie and Earl Wilson of Ux- bridge. Earl and Elizabeth Taylor where she did so much to help by Clara Dowson, P.R.O. On the evening of March 16, the Scugog Island W.I. met at the Island Community Hall with nine members attending. "The President Jan Gerrow welcomed everyone and opened singing the Opening Ode, and repeating the Mary Stew- art Collect. Betty Reader read the minutes of previous meet- ing and read all correspon- dence. Betty Ann gave the fi- nancial statement. Roll call was: a garden hint. Motto: gardens are like friends, the more you cultivate them, the better they grow. The W.I. quilt is finished (al- most) and tickets are all ready and given out to members. The District Annual Meeting is May 25. The dues for members came under discussion and it was de- all she could. Our Women's Institute have been busy. They instigated hav- ing a sign placed opposite where the old church and school stood on the 9th Line of Reach, now Scugog. Last week they thanked all friends who donat- ed to this fund by giving alunch- eon in the Tokai Room in the li- brary with about 40 in attendance. After the lunch they sat and reminised about days gone by. "Skating on Brown's Road, chicken suppers and pie socials. When Brown's real name came up it was Lucian Glover. Remember the regular Wom- en's Institute meeting this Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. at Pau- line Snoddon's home. The W.1. March Social will be pot luck supper and games at the home of Nolan and Stella Roberts. Island Women's Institute cided each member pay $7.50 and the remainder be taken care of from W.I. funds. Clara Dowson introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Petrie from Analda Gardens, Blackstock, who showed pictures of beauti- ful gardens and we learned the names and the layout for plant- ing, etc. Most interesting. She was presented with a gift of ap- preciation. Don't forget next month is our Annual Meetings, dues and an- nual reports, etc. The Nominat- ing Committee will be calling, so be prepared to say "yes". - Everyone enjoyed a social time over pumpkin, blueberry, bran muffins, jam, cheese, etc. We'd really be pleased to have a lot of new members. My favorite saying: "No one becomes dizzy from doing good turns."

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