"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" 22 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, May 3,1994 ¥ a 3 KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR A meet the artist day was held at the Framer's Gallery on Sunday. The work of Alexander Krajewskl, right, was fea- tured. Also pictured are Framer's Gallery owners Warren and Tracey Strong and Mr. Krajewski's wife Anne. = ] I i i 1 I i I l I l I I ] 1 I a Toyota Long Life Bulbs OFFER ENDS TOYOTA MAY 31, 1994, LINDSAY'S OLDEST IMPORT DEALER Little Britain Rd, across from McLean's Auction Barn. (705) 324-6771 = J° | EN EE + ba [é like to mail you a copy of my "Straight Parrot Talk" because "straight" talk is so refreshing - so are the 41 parrot color photos that capture the heart. It's candid information will enlighten an abused public, phase i TR, son out bird mills and reverse their evil with delightful research and understanding of parrots and whether or not one would be right for you. «Read it, smile at the . photos -- then send me $15.12 (inc. PS.T) or return the booklet. Avian Ron & Jenny Ward R.R. 1, Janetville, Ontario LOB 1KO. (705) 277-2376 GARDEN CENTRE edw (PORT PERRY FEEDS) a0 vanedy vard Dr Perennials & Shrubs NOW AVAILABLE Pansies -- 89° 99 Rose Bushes -- 4 FERTILIZER Nutrite 21-7-7 18 kg. ................... 12.99 Wilsons 20-3-418kg....................... 15.99 Turfstarter 10-20-5 20 kg SOILS BULK LAWN | Potting Soll SEED 20L 1.99 All Purpose Triple Mix Top Soll Shade Mix 30L 2.49 Quick Grow Mabel (of: \"\'] 1} Every sweet bud unfold- ing...every green leaf un- furled...for the joy of man's be- holding...in God's wonderful world. Every small star brightly shining...every soft breeze astir...all nature's heart en- shrining...His beauty every- where. Every strong shoot up- surging...every drop of rain...blessing new life emerg- ing...as spring comes round again. by Aileen E. Passmore The Pine Ridge Garden Club International Smorgasbord, held at Nestleton Community Centre on Saturday evening, April 30, was quite a successful event with many folks in atten- dance. Lots of delicious food to be partaken of and it proved to be an enjoyable meal. The Nestleton Women's Insti- tute will meet on Tuesday, May 3, at 1:30 p.m. at the Nestleton Community Centre. A sale of plants, bulbs, baking, vegeta- bles, anything of interest, will be a feature after the meeting. Everyone welcome to attend. Motto - pray for a good harvest - but don't forget to hoe. Roll Call - A way to re-use throw away plastic containers. 90th Birthday Celebration A most delightful party was hosted by the relatives of Wil- son Heaslip of Victoria Manor, Lindsay, who celebrated his 90th birthday in style on Sun- day, May 1. The festivities were held in the activity room...a cas- ual, comfortable, bright room in the Manor. Many, many rela- tives and old friends were there in numbers to wish Wilson many more years of good health and happiness. He looks fit...perhaps more like a 65 year old, rather than a 90 year old! Prime Minister Jean Chreti- en sent him a Government Flaque and he received a host of cards and good wishes from friends and relatives. The room was beautifully dec- orated for the occasion and a tempting birthday cake was served along with excellent cof- fee and tea. Many pictures were taken with Wilson and friends...family pic- tures...groups were taken...a very friendly, informal birthday party which we all enjoyed to the utmost. It was evident that Wilson is a popular gentleman and has a wide circle of friends. Our very best to Wilson...a warm, friend- ly personality and his sense of humor keeps him on even keel. Loves hockey and watches the games on his splended T.V. Bul- ly for him! Now Live every moment as it comes, Take what it brings to you. Be happy with the things you have. Each day your whole life through! Take every step one at a time. And make the most of it. Then, looking back, don't wish that you. Could change it just a bit. Make every hour that you spend. Mean just a little more. So all the ones that lie ahead. Will be worth waiting for. And don't put off those "little things" - try to fit them in some- how. For the time when you'll enjoy them the most. Is not "some day" but now! A Book Lover Lost in my reading. I am com- pletely alone. There's only my book and me. What bliss! No x 'FAMILY IRESTAURANT wr + adm ARLE rh rR rs MOTHER'S DAY - 3 SPECIALS! o Free Carnations for Ladies * Treat your Mom fo a great 15300 Hwy. 12 -- 1/4 mile north of Manchester « 985-7593 GREAT Family Menu! home cooked meal POD IIODIIDIIIIIDIINIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIDIIPIIP INNING 985-7391 LHe VLARRR 8a (0]0]V 0g 5) GARDEN SHEDS Kit includes: * Trusses © Floor 10% 12 Shed rt 569.95 11 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry * QUALITY SERVICE OPEN SUNDAYS 11-4 * COMPETITIVE PRICING -- Sharing some poems one else can read these words, on this page, in my place, more- over, no one else knows what I'm reading. It's purely a selfish pleasure. I've long had a close relationship with the printed page. It speaks to me, brings me to life, and I respond. In a game of give - and - take with the au- thor, a game of comparing tastes and points of view, I sometimes make notes on the pages. Be The Best Of Whatever You Are If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill - Be a scrub in the valley - but be - The best little scrub by the side of the hill; Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a bush, be a bit of grass. And some highway happier make; If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass - But the liveliest bass in the lake! We can't all be captains - we've got to be crew, There's something for all of us here; There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do, And the task you must do is the near. If you can't be a highway, then just a trail, If you can't be the sun, be a star; It isn't by size that you win or fail - Be the best of whatever you are! Douglas Mallock Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a cool Sunday, Rev. Fair- ley ministered unto the regular congregation. Joyce Taylor played the organ with Peggy an David Jones in charge of the Sunday School. Responsive reading was the 121st Psalm with O.T reading from Chapter 12 of Numbers, and N.T. from 1 John 4:7-21. Ideally, this world would be a place of peace and joy but there are forces of evil with which to contend. For help, we must "lift up mine eyes unto the hills" ac- cording to the Psalmist and as John said to lift up ones eyes to the Cross on the hill of Calvary to find the love of God in Jesus Christ. Railway talk and display On Thursday, May 19, the Lake Scugog Historical Societ has a special meeting for all railway and history buffs. At its regular meeting, Barry Murphy of Lindsay will make a presen- tation on the railway which linked Port Perry with Whitby and later, Lindsay. This railway line was owned and operated by a number of groups. Starting out as the Port Whitby, Port Perry Railway, with the first train running in 1871 and the regular service be- ginning in June 1872. The rail- way was extended to Lindsay in 1876. The last train ran in 1939 taking many local school chil- dren to Toronto to be present at the visit of King George VI and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, the present "Queen Mother." The railway has a colorful and controversial history and will be brought alive through photographs, maps and exten- sive models and dioramas built by Mr. Murphy. The meeting is free and everyone is encouraged to attend. "All Aboard!" at 7:30 pa. in the Tea Room at the ead Memorial Church on the museum grounds on Thursday, May 19. ---- , TA YE A eee k