Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 14 Jun 1994, p. 7

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"A Famlly Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 14,1994 - 7 The Port Perry Star PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 188 MARY STREET - PHONE (905) 985-7383 The Port Perry Star is authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, for cash payment of postage. Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rate: 6Months-$17.72 includes $1 .22GST 1Year-$32.10 includes $2.10 GST LoL 187 : LUE FAX 985-3708 Bry RIBBON AWARD 1993 Forelgn-$90.95 includes $5.95GST EDITORIAL Publisher - J. Peter Huidsten News Editor - Scott Anderson Sports Editor - Kelly Lown ADVERTISING Advertising Manager - AnnaJackman Advertising Sales - Jackie McDonell, Advertising Sales - Bill Eastwood Production - Pamela Hickey, Rhonda Stevens BUSINESS OFFICE Office Manager - Gayle Stapley Accounting - Judy Ashby, Louise Hope Retail Sales - Kathy Dudley, Retail Sales - Marlene Moore PRODUCTION Annabell Harrison, CCNA 4 Trudy Empringham, SS 7 Susan Milne, Robert Taylor, VERIFIED CIRCULATION {mn #CNA id Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Associaton Ontano Community Newspaper Association Published every Tuesday by the Port Perry Star Co. Lid. Port Perry, Ontario * GST included in price lI ETTERS Reader responds to advertisement From Page 6 Mr. Eastway an AK-47. Color of his choice. 3. "The truth is...legally owned guns play little or no part in crime in Canada." How much crime is "little?" Mr. Eastway seems to have no real facts to back up this state- ment. Might murder be includ- ed in that "little" amount of crime? (It is. People are shot by legally owned guns every day, whether by accident or on pur- pose. Fact). How many people, precisely, have to die from "le- gal" guns before Mr. Eastway will admit that regulation might be needed? Can he give me a number? One wife, mur- dered by a drunken husband? One child, killed by accident while playing in the basement? Does he need more? To my mind, one innocent's death is one too many. It is a shame Mr. Eastway doesn't seem to agree. 4. "...many a hunting rifle is semi-automatic, many a duck gun is semi-automatic. The dif- ferences are only skin deep." Everybody who has ever owned or fired a gun knows the difference between a semi-auto Protecting To the Editor: Re: Oak Ridges Moraine Pro- tection, Impacts Taxes Recently public meetings have been held regarding the "Oak Ridges Moraine Area Strategy Proposals for the Greater Toronto area." While it seems to cover the environmen- tal issues quite thoroughly, there is one aspect of the recom- mendations which did not get much attention but has a large impact on both private land owners taxes and on municipal revenues. I refer to the effects of rising land taxes on the ability and a non semi-auto gun is obvi- ous. One allows repeated firing without reloading or re-cocking. The other does not. No tricks. Simple, eh? 5. "little by little we (the So- cialist Darkside) will get all the guns...(large portion skipped)...then, and only then, will we (the non-Socialist light side') realize just how many young men and boys died in vain. His implication here is that the "Socialist Dark Side" (led, no doubt, by Darth Vader) is trying to get all our guns so they can take over. May I point some- thing out? If the "Socialist Dark Side" ever "takes over," they will control the military. They will control its troops armed with full-auto guns, tanks, mis- siles, planes, and helicopters. Mr. Eastway can stay here and fend them off with his duck gun. Me, I'll be moving to Switzer- land. Good luck to him. 6. "...We call upon the Liber- als to return to the middle ground. That great expanse of land where the majority of hon- est and decent Canadians ex- ist." Heck, I'd be returning there if I knew where it was! Burling- ton? Petawawa? White Horse? Give me a clue. Somewhere In the Prairies? Am I warm? I support his right to say what he believes. What I cannot condone is the appalling cowar- dice it must take to write some- thing, then not have the cou- rage to put your name to it. To not even have the strength to submit such a piece to the edi- tor, but rather to buy ad space torun it. I wish Mr. Eastway luck. I be- lieve he needs it. Mr. Eastway has not strengthened the posi- tion of his gun-owning peers, he has weakened it by identifying his paranoia with their cause. And Mr. Eastway has weak- ened his business tremendous- ly, for I can think of no one that would ever want to lease from somebody with his world view. Yours sincerely, Matthew Shepherd, Greenbank, Ont. P.S. What does condo manage- ment have to do with full-auto rifles anvway? Do I really want to know? Moraine affects taxes of private landowners to contin- ue maintaining moraine lands "largely in the undisturbed nat- ural state" (about 25 per cent of the moraineisin this category). Ihave a copy of a recent paper on this subject which sets out the developing problem over the last 42 years, where the taxes have risen from $.39 to $85 per acre, or 215 times their original amount! Assuming that forest management might be allowed to get some return, there is no way that the tax costs can ever be recovered. Our solution to the problem was to lease about 16 per cent of our property for aggregate ex- traction with theintention of re- planting the area in trees after the gravel company has reseed- edit. It occurred to us that this paper might be of general inter- est to a number of your readers, and especially to the municipal officials because of the potential impact on municipal tax reve- nues. Yours truly, Barbara and Derek Foulds 45 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 10, 1949 The Maybelle Rebekah Lodge celebrated its first birthday in the Port Perry High School. A farewell banquet was held for Miss L.M. Larmer, a teacher at Port Perry High School, who was retiring at the end of the school year. The Service Club held its last meeting at the home of Joan Godley. The Port Perry Scouts and Cubs Possession Ceremony meeting was held at their new site on Perry Street for the raising of the Union Jack. 30 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 13, 1964 Ivan Cochrane, of Nestleton, won the first prize when his race horse "Tony Worthy" crossed under the wire at the Brooklin Spring Fair. At the UCW meeting in Blackstock, Mrs. Betty Kennedy was the guest speaker and Mrs. Harold Kyte sang two solos. Congratulations to Miss Ina Kiezebrink who graduated from the nursing class at Oshawa General Hospital. The Girl Guides held a garden party at the Scout Hall and raised $50 for the children's ward at Community Memorial Hospital. At the last regular meeting of council it was decided to reduce the two-hour parking limit on Queen Street to one hour. Charles Nelson won a second place trophy at the intermediate (over 176 lbs.) category at the Hamilton Open Judo Championship, held at Stoney Creek District High School. Charles was a member of the Port Perry Maple Leafs Judo Club. Mr. C.T. Dyer, of Port Perry, entered nine of his New Zealand white rabbits at the Brooklin Fair. This was his first attempt and of the nine entries he received three firsts, three seconds and one third. 20 YEARS AGO Wednesday, June 12, 1974 . After 20 years of nursing service to this community, Mrs. E. Jea Gray, director of nursing retired. A dinner was held in her honor at Emiel's Place when 65 of her colleagues gathered for the occasion. Mrs. Gray joined the full-time staff on October 1, 1953 at the old hospital. NDP candidate for Ontario Riding, Bill Lishman was to be the honored guest at a picnic to be held at at Herongate Country Club on Sunday. Council decided to allow the Port Perry Yacht Club to stay at its present site on the waterfront for another year, on the condition it paid an annual rental of $1,250. 10 YEARS AGO Tuesday, June 12, 1984 Sunrise Beach residents said no %o a plan to place a road linking the beach with Aldred's Beach. Rompin' Ronnie Hawkins was announced as the guest entertainer for the 1984 Western Days. Lois Cochrane, who taught for 32 years, 14 at Prince Albert Public School retired from her profession. Fred Christie, on behalf of his brothers Don, John and Mac and their wives, accepted a street sign bearing the family name at a special dedication ceremony at the Utica Heights subdivision. Record crowds descended on the Brooklin Fair. MPP Mills clears air concerning gaming facility To the Editor: This letter will be in reply to two letters in last week's news- paper, from Joel Aldred and Robert De Florio, both in re- spect to the First Nations gam- ing facility qn their lands. First off,'let me tell you the true facts of the occurrence in the Ontario Legislature where- by I was expelled for calling Conservative MPP Ernie Eves a liar. He started off by saying that Scugog Township had not been aware of the proposed gaming facility on Scugog Is- land until last week. I immedi- ately interjected by saying that wasn't true. I continued to say it wasn't true as Mr. Eves read along from his prepared state- ment which included Scugog Council resolution 94-300. My persistence in saying what Mr. Eves said in his opening re- marks were not the truth, re- gulted in my expulsion. The nub of my expulsion was over his first opening words, which had nothing whatsoever to do with what followed in regard to the resolution from Scugog Town- ship Council. I can't believe that everyone on Scugog Council, and every- one living on Scugog Island, missed the article published in the Port Perry media on Sept. 21, 1993. This was the letter from Chief Edgar under the headline, "Will keep residents honestly informed". In his let- ter, Chief Edgar gave full de- tails about the proposed Chari- table Gaming Establishment (Bingo and Monte Carlo events) - no casino - where it was to be built and when (1994). How anyone could mix up this planned facility, with the new First Nations Community Cen- tre then under construction, is beyond me. All the more so, since the site announced for the new Gaming Facility in the Sept. 21, 1993 article was in a different place from where the community centre was being constructed. As 1 have said before, the Ministry of Consumer and Cor- porate Relations is only respon- gible for the issuing of the | cence for the Bingo and Monte Carlo operations at the new First Nations Gaming Facility. The minister has no authority at all in respect to any seen problems of excessive traffic, possible water/hydro shortages and sewage disposal for the fa- cility. Neither has Scugog Township Council any authori- ty in the matter of the above- mentioned perceived problem areas. I would tend to think that the First Nations are as vitally in- terested in all of the concerns mentioned as anyone else. I am also sure that the Engineering Company engaged in the build- ing of their new facility have ex- perience in all aspects of build- ing design and operation. Would the financial backers of their facility want to have hydro blackouts, sewage and water problems or anything else of a negative nature? I would think not. Gord Mills Won't take the money and run To the Editor: On June 20, 1994 separatist Bloc Quebecois leader Lucien Bouchard will qualify for a gold- plated MP pension worth an es- timated $850,000. That's right! After only six years in the House of Commons Bouchard will be eligible to re- ceive an inflation proof, lifetime pension immediately upon re- tirement, regardless of age. He says he's "earned" it. What arrogance! A man who wants to wreck Canada says he's earned benefits from the richest pension plan in Canadi- an public life - a pension plan, it should be noted, which is large- ly funded by Canadian taxpay- ers. What's worse, under the cur- rent rules Bouchard will contin- ue to receive pension benefits even if he becomes the first president of an independent Quebec republic! In short, Lucien Bouchard seems willing to separate him- self from everything Canadian except our tax dollars. Fortunately, a way exists to stop this outrage. All parlia- ment has to do is pass a law which would prevent Quebec MPs from collecting their fat pensions if their province separ- ates. The sooner parliament acts on this matter the better. Let's tell Bouchard and his separatist gang that if they leave Canada, they won't take our money with them. Yours truly, David Somerville, President, National Citizens' Coalition

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