PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 30, 1994 - 21 "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" ---- ---- R > LORE PERRY STAIR URAL RooTs Dick Tapscott of Seagrave examines the monster gladiolus he's grown in his posie stood at a towering 71 tall. garden. As of Monday, the 1/4 inches -- aimost six feet O.N.O. Club runs a successful swim program for kids The O.N.O. Club ran a very successful swimming program the past two weeks. Thirty- eight school age children took the bus to Uxbridge each week- day morning to take swimming lessons at Uxpool. Again next week, watch for it the last two weeks of August. The annual Mountjoy Picnic was held at the Blackstock United Church Sunday school rooms on Sunday. Of course, the bountiful dinner was a high- light as was the visiting with relatives who had arrived from various Ontario points. There were 12 tables at the weekly card party with the fol- lowing ~~ winners: Richard Manns, Bernice Loudfoot, Elsie Pogue, Mary Poots, Betty Kuy- er, Eileen Warder and Harry Hill. Lucky draws were won by Faith Lawrence, Ada Richards, Thomas Manns, Richard Manns, Kathleen Watts and Norman Rohrer. Wanted: two 4-H leaders for the upcoming project "Home for the Holidays" which deals with seasonal crafts. Call Gail Johns as soon as possible at 986-4484. There will be a workshop train- ing on Sept. 12 so a decision needs to be made soon. Ken and Dolly Lee were hon- ored by their family with a sur- prise party on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniver- sary. Over 50 friends and rela- tives attended the gathering hosted by their daughter Wendy, her husband and family at their home in Port Perry. Best wishes, Ken and Dolly. This coming weekend, many of our residents will be attend- ing Port Perry Fair either as an exhibitor or visitor or in some other capacity. Best wishes for a successful fair. Fern and Clayton Pallett of Webster, New York are guests of Ruth and Bill Marconi. They enjoyed attending the Black- stock Fair and are visiting sev- eral others from this area. Regular services starting up again The United Church service this week will be held in Utica at the regular hour of 11 a.m. Rev. Burton will be back follow- inga short vacation. I understand that Sunday School will be starting on Sept. 11 and that plans for a rally are in the works. Both the Epsom and Utica churches have been fitted with new front doors which will be a welcome addition as the old ones were in pretty bad condi- tion. Looking ahead, be advised that the euchres in Utica Hall will be resuming starting on Friday, Sept. 9. Mark your cal- endars. The Aked family attended the annual picnic for the company where Alison is employed, Lots going on this week in Rev. Sheina Smith's sermon Sunday morning was titled "A Time of Joy", based on Psalm 84. As Christians, we can ask ourselves the question - how do we share our joy, and how do we. reach out to others in our faith? A lovely old favorite "There is Sunshine in My Soul" was sung by the choir. Beautiful gladioli and roses adorned the sanctu- ary. Euchre results are as follows: Ladies first prize went to Anne Claxton, second Ruby Smith (Raglan). Mens first Mary Bor- land, second Nelson Cole. The 50/60 draw was won by Martin Gall and Evellyn Dennis. Lone hands Verna Smith. Lucky door prize winners were Jean Hod- gins and Harold Fisher. Also arold won some flowers. Next euchre at the Community Cen- tre on Thursday, Sept. 29. Those who attended the Brooklin Horticultural Meeting Wednesday evening enjoyed a good evening. A beautiful array cf show entries were on the ta- bles, both in vegetables and flowers. There were a total of 124 entries in the show. Special awards went to Lois Daw for the best specimen flower (not gladi- olus). Love lies bleeding (ama- ranthus cadidus) was the name of the flower. Best specimen - gladiolus - was won by Florence Ashton for her pink and white bicolor. Sid Pugh had the best specimen vegetable (squash). Best decorative won by Mary Housego for her Flemish ar- rangement. It was good to see which was held on Friday at Simeon Park in Gormley. On Saturday, the Akeds host- ed many of the members and their families of three soccer teams as they finished up their season and they all enjoyed the food, swimming, games and a social time. Of interest, Cassan- dra's team came in second in the tournament. Congratulations to Steve and Cheryl Webb on the arrival of their daughter, born Friday at Community Memorial Hospi- 1 Don and Stella Asling enter- tained their granddaughter Jennifer Asling of Hanover and two of the girls that she had made friends with during her year of working as a nanny in France. It was of interest that, when they sat down to eat, they discovered that the French girls had never eaten corn on the cob or that they never used butter on their bread. Needless to say, they enjoyed the meal once they decided that they should at leastgiveitatry. = - Jean Jeffery has improved enough that she has been moved to the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital which makes it much easier for friends to visit. I understand that Don and Faye Simmonds and family have now moved into their new several exhibitors with their en- tries. The show judge was Kath- leen Petre, who is the O.H.A. di- rector of District 17. We were privileged to have as our guest speaker for the eve- ning, Andrea Clark from the Ministry of Agriculture, work- ing from the Port Perry office. She is a specialist in plant tax- onomy, having brought along an abundance of weeds, identi- fying them individually. When identifying weeds, first of all we should consider whether it is an annual weed or perennial. Many of the weeds are imported from Europe. It is interesting to note that many of our weeds are considered useful, being used for medicinal purposes, crafts (wild cucumber pods), wine and decor. Two or three of the members brought weeds to be identified. Our speaker readily identified each one. Jewel weed was used as an Indian remedy for poison ivy. Vervain was an attractive interesting perennial purple wildflower. The speaker said that if we want to keep the weeds down in our gardens, do lant things close together and fortilizo like crazy, using mulch- es, and you should have a lovely garden. At the regular meeting on Sept. 28, Mike Tillaart from Dutch Master Nurseries will be "CLIP THIS COUPON AN Commercial Residential * Industrial 25 a3 Free Estimates - Full Guarantee | Asphalt Paving, Concrete Work 286 KING ST. WE » Interlocking Paving Stone ST (905) 404-8223 home on the corner of Reach St. and Marsh Hill Rd. Visitors with Ruth Ashton this past week were Alan and" Joyce Ashton of Oakwood and granddaughters of Lindsay, Bob and Sandra Ludyka and baby Elsa, also of Lindsay, Mar- tha 'Schissler and children. Beth Catherwood of Oshawa spent a few days with her moth- er and on Sunday her husband Ken joined them for lunch. I'm Irene Jordan has returned to her home following her stay at Community Memorial Hospital and Bon Air Nursing Home in Cannington. I'd like to welcome Gord and Emme Burnett to the neighbor- hood. They have moved into the home formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Maloney just east of the village, the Maloneys have moved to Cannington. Carol Koch has just returned from an enjoyable six-day bus trip to Eureka Springs, Arkan- sas where they took in the "Pas- sion Play" and the Charley Pride concert in Branson, Mis- souri, just to name a few of the activities. Our prayers are with Grace Kirk and family as Gordon has leased to report that been hospitalized in Oshawa 3 General Hospital with a mas- sive heart attack. community discussing nursery trees from seedling to your garden. This promises to be another good meeting, with the annual bulb sale held before and after the meeting. Next week, fall meetings be- gin once again, with the Wom.- en's Missionary meeting to be held at the home of Bernice Gardner on Wednesday eve- ningat 8 p.m. Congratulations to Ron and Linda Death, and Lindsay and Roy, on the safe arrival of their granddaughter and "great granddaughter, last weekend. The proud and ha Py parents are Ed and Kerri Powell (nee Death). Llewellyn Richardson, a for- mer Ashburn resident, passed away recently. His funeral was conducted last Monday near Ot- tawa. We express our sympathy to his brother Art of Port Perry and twin sister Ruth of Toronto, Ernie Humphrey has made remarkable progress since his recent surgery in Toronto. He is now home and enjoying the great outdoors and the excite- ment around the four corners of Ashburn. Sheila Parrott will be keeping you posted for the next two weeks in this column. If you have any news of interest, she pong appreciate a call at 655- ylarnce Loe 2501 (905) 404-8223 Ete. | ND RECEIVE 10% OFF 1 NORTH ONTARIO I.