Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 20 Sep 1994, p. 30

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10a - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1994 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice 3 Rr PORT PERRY STAR <] URAL Roots Children at the Scugog Toy Lending Library got a chance to visit with the Fish (a.k.a. Scott Daniels) from the Kid's Store on September 15. Pictured with the fish are Mitchell Hall, Erik Paige, Cody Young, Dustin Curren and Matthew Young. Aerobics begin Sept. 19 The Thursday night weekly euchres have started with very good attendance. The winners for the past week: Ladies - Rita Prokopchuk, Sarah Brunton, Edna Meyers. Men - Gary Mun- ro, Irwin Kydd, Bill Prokop- chuk. Lone hand series: Nor- man Rohrer with 13. Lucky draws: Rita Prokopchuk, Carl Gimblett and Irene Fielding. On Wednesday evening the U.C.W. met in the church hall for the first meeting of the fall season. Roll call was answered by 15 ladies naming some spe- cial memory of the summer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and some correspon- dence. The treasurer gave a good report to start the season. It was moved to pay several commitments. Committee re- ports were given. Bev Stanley gave out the new Regal books and the ladies will be taking or- ders for Christmas. Hope every- one will support this project. The ladies will be serving lunch after the Anniversary Service Sunday morning. The annual beef supper will be held Sunday, Oct. 30 - watch for more information. If you have knitting for Jack Frost, stamps, Campbell Soup labels, eye glasses, please call -Ilean at 985-2146 or leave them at her house by the end of Sep- tember as they can be turned into the U.C.W. fall conference. The devotion was taken by Eva Hunter and Aileen Olsen. Hymn "Trust and Obey" was sung. Scripture Titus 3-2 - 1st Peter 8-3. Eva talked on "Atti- tudes." A poem "Thoughtfull- ness" was read. Hymn "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms." Ai- leen read a poem "Grandma" which fit the topic "Attitudes" very well. Meeting closed and a tasty lunch was served. Rev. Charlie Clarke is in hos- pital. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Lila and fami- ly and Charlie at this time. The United Church will be celebrating its 128th Anniver- sary on Sunday, Sept. 25 at 11:30 a.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. Bert Butstone. The choir will provide special music. Light lunch will be served after the service. To complete the days celebrations a musical en- tertainment will be presented. This evening hasbeen arranged by Darryl Linnington and will feature several professional performances for everyone's en- Joyment. Tickets are $8 for adults, with public and high school students free. Call Doug McMillan at 985-3143 for tick- ets. There will be no sales at the door. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. If you attended the Sunday night program for the 125th An- niversary and you enjoyed it, be sure and attend this year. Aerobics started on Monday, Sept. 19 at 9 a.m. and will be held on Fridays at 9 a.m. If you wish to join they are held at the Prince Albert Community Cen- tre. The TAI CHI Club will be starting up again after Thanks- giving on Monday evenings. Children's dance classes are on Tuesday evenings. Bridge is on Wednesday afternoons and evenings. Kuchres are on Thursday evenings. Recent visitors with Pearl Go- stick were Bob and Muriel Tor- rence of Lakefield, Doris Norton and Jean Drake of Claremont. Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend and all the activities in our com- munity. I know it is a busy time of the year, but don't forget to notice the fall color we have on our Island. The Terry Fox Run was blessed with a beautiful morn- ing on Sunday. It was great to see so many people of all ages participate. Congratulations to the organizing committee and all the volunteers for a job well done. Special thanks to all spon- sors and the motorists who slowed down for the partici- pants. Happy to report that David Redman is back in Toronto for two weeks. Cliff and Helen Red- man enjoyed Saturday evening Ins with David and his friend, King- sley Croft. : Stacey Tower and Ron Albert were united in marriage on Sat- urday, Sept. 10. This beautiful garden wedding took place at Wildwood on Scugog Island with minister Elaine Barber of- ficiating. Stacey was escorted to Wildwood by her father in an antique car driven by Bob Park- er. Stacey is the daughter of Jim and Norma Tower. Congratula- tions and best wishes from your Island friends and neighbors. It was a beautiful afternoon and my daughters and I had the pleasure of seeing Stacey on her lawn before the ceremony. I just hope my pictures turn out. You were a beautiful bride, Stacey! Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Have a good week! Scugog Island Women's Institute The Scugog Island Women's Institute will meet on Wednes- day, Sept. 21 at the Scugog Is- land Community Centre at 8 p.m. Scugog Shores Museum Village During the weekend, the Scu- gog Shores Museum Village presented their Fall Harvest titute will meet Sept. 21 with many activities and dem- onstrations of pioneer crafts and skills. It was great to see so many people out enjoying our museum. On Sunday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. there will be another Sun- day Evening Musicale at the Head Church Museum Grounds. Scugog Island United Church Members of congregations joined Manchester United Church for their special anni- versary service. Regular service and Sunday school will be held on Sunday, Sept. 25 at 9:45 a.m. The Lectionary Bible Study Group will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 1:30 p.m. at S.I1.U.C. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 20 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at S.I.U.C. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. The Youth Group will meet on Friday, Sept. 23 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at S.I.U.C. The Head UCW Turkey Sup- per will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 28. For tickets, call Bon- nie at 985-7426. For pastoral care, call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Epsom Church starting at 11 a.m. Senior choir will practice at 9:30 a.m. prior to church and the junior choir will practice following ser- vice. John and Heather Burton invite everyone who is a part of the Goodwood/Epsom- Utica community to visit the manse on Sunday, Sept. 15 between 2 and 4 p.m. to say hello and get re-acquainted after a summer away. A prayer service will be held the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. The second Wednes- day at Goodwood and the fourth at Utica. The first ser- vice at Utica will be Sept. 28. Bethesda-Reach Women's Institute will meet Sept. 28 at 7:45 p.m. All are welcome. Please call 852-7843 or 852- 3915 for place and program. Epsom pre-school YMCA program will be starting on Wednesday mornings from 9 28. There will be arts, crafts. Pre-Scho songs, gym and lots of fun. Call YMCA to register, 985- 2824 or 852-4899. This is for children three to five years and will run for 10 weeks. This Friday is euchre night in Utica Hall starting at 8 p.m. All are welcome. Utica Hall Board isin need of a caretaker and anyone in- terested can get in touch a.m. to noon, beginning Sept. with me at 985-7564 for de- tails. ; Uxbridge 4-H Club held a very successful achievement day at Uxbridge Fair. Club members from our area who need our congratulations are Danny and Andrea Suther- land, Rob Ashton, Teena Evans, Michael Wilson, Mark Irwin, Anna, Graig and Carl Evans and Tanya Wilson who was Grand Champion showman. Thank you club leaders, Mark Irwin and Rob Ashton. Lorne and Eileen Slute were Sunday supper guests with son Bill and' family at Robinglade Estat.:s to cele- brate Corey's nintli birthday. Jean Butler and I attended the 50th wedding anniver- sary celebrations on Satur- day of Hank and Dolly Orm- son (former Scarborough neighbors) which was held at the Legion hall in Stouffville. Congratulations to Jennie and. Archie Watson on the birth of their first great- grandson Elliott Neil, son of their granddaughter Mi- chelle Bradshaw of Missis- sauga. Better health is wished for ol YMCA to begin Faye Ashton and her grand- daughter Vicki who have bad colds. Vicki had to miss school because she developed pneumonia last week. Sympathy is extended to Don and Stella Asling whose nephew Clifford Simpkins of Brighton, passed away last Tuesday. Clifford was a dis- patch rider in France in the Second World War. The Aslings paid their respects on Thursday. Don and Stella attended a first birthday party for their great-granddaughter Sarah Clarke at the home of Ivan and Lisa Clarke in Sandford. Bob Snoddon of Valentia vis- ited with the Aslings on Tuesday. Ruth Ashton attended the christening of her great- granddaughter Elsa Ruth Ludyka in Lindsay on Sun- day. Sympathy to the family of June and the late Bruce Tay- lor whose son John Taylor passed away on Saturday. The Taylors are former Ep- som neighbors. Jean Scott of London visit- ed with her mother Mrs. Cro- sier for a few days last week. Barbara Evans and Faye Ashton have agreed to help gather news in the Epsom area, so anyone can contact them prior to Sunday eve- ning so that they can relay it on to me, or anyone can con- tact me directly. And of course, I'm still wanting Uti- ca neighbors to contact me with their events at 985- 7564 by Sunday evening. Cartwright High School news Some dates to remember were sent home in the Sept. 9 newsletter. For anyone who may need a reminder, the dates are as follows: Sept. 21 - Outer's Club Trip - Bike Hike Sept. 22 - School Picture Day Oct. b - Progress Reports sent home Oct. 10 - Thanksgiving Holiday Oct. 12 - Semester One Parents Night Oct. 13-16 - Outer's Club Trip - Algonquin Camp Oct. 28 - Halloween Dance Nov. 10-11 - Semester One Mid- term Exams Nov. 12 - Commencement Nov. 18 - Semester One Mid-, term Report Cards sent home Nov. 23-24 - One Act Plays Dec. 9 Christmas Semi- Formal Dance Dec. 23 - Jan. 6 - Christmas Break Jan. 24-31 - Semester One Final Exams Feb. 1 - Semester Two Begins Feb. 10 - Semester One Final Report Cards sent home a ------ pi -------- a -- -------- Te UR ------

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