"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1994 - 9a CIBC provides investment planning CIBC can now provide clients with the services of Investment Specialist, Lisa Lake Langley. Lisa is a member of a newly created Investment Specialist program recently launched in Ontarioby CIBC. "We are really enjoying the opportunity toh lp our clients by working with them to develop an investment plan that suits their needs, in- vestment philosophy and risk tolerance." At CIBC an Investment Spe- cialist can work with you to de- termine the current structure of your portfolio, and show you how to alter the asset mix of your investments to reduce your overall risk and potential- ly increase your portfolio re- turn. The CIBC Investment Planning Program is being warmly received. As Lisa ex- plained, "I have found that cli- ents want to be educated. They want a solid understanding of their investments and what al- ternatives exist. Investing in what the next door neighbor does may be popular, but it doesn't do a lot for sleep at night." The Investment Planning ap- proach is not just making one investment, looking at one year's RRSP contribution, or se- lecting the best rate in town. In- vestment Planning means building an investment portfo- lio that will meet your needs over the long-term and having a plan to guide you with your fu- ture investments. Investment Planning is a long-term ap- proach. You should be willing to let the asset mix work for you over a period of time to prove the benefits of diversification. Long-term results are achieva- ble when you are not trying to profit from short-term market movements. By using software exclusively designed for CIBC, they can Planning L1N 41.8 C. FRED BALL, C.L.U. « Employee Benefits and Pensions 200 - 1032 Brock St. S. Whitby, Ont. 905-430-7444 Fax: 905-430-8164 work with each client to develop a unique plan that matches their investment philosophy. Ideally, an investment plan should be reviewed every 12 months to ensure it accurately reflects your needs and objec- tives. It is not an overnight pro- cess to build a portfolio towards a target asset mix. It takes care- ful consideration and time. According to Louis Bourassa, V.P. and National Sales Manag- er for the CIBC Investment Spe- cialist Program, "Clients are de- lighted that we can provide quality Investment Advice in the branches. Our clients face an investment challenge in to- day's complex financial services industry. Should they invest in- ternationally? Should they buy bonds or perhaps a bond fund? There are many choices, and each should be based on suita- bility. The risk/reward trade-off needs consideration. Our cli- ents should be able to take com- fort in knowing they are doing what is best for them. We be- GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES e ANNUAL RATES ° lieve that CIBC Investment Specialists can help our clients meet this challenge." Lisa Langley has an exten- sive background in both the U.S. and Canadian Financial Services Industry. For more in- formation regarding the Invest- ment Planning Services call CIBC. Courtesy of, Lisa Langley, CIBC, Port Perry Financial Planning with the experts! Rates subject to change without notice Ball, Callery & flssociates CHARTERED LIFE UNDERWRITERS & FINANCIAL PLANNERS W. BRIAN CALLERY, C.L.U, C.EP. STEVEN MOSOLENCZKI, B.A. * Personal Financial Planning * Executive Compensation * Estate Planning e Tax Deferral Planning * Business Insurance Savings Plans SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY "Serving Scugog for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 Plans * Disability Income Plans * Registered Retirement Annuities and Retirement Counselling 204 Casimir Street Port Perry, Ont. LIL 1B7 905-985-4028 FAX: 905-985-4598 Duplicate bridge results Sept. 21 - Afternoon 6 Table Howell -Avg.67-1/2 4 Table Howell - Avg. 24 First - Audrey and Peter First and Second - Delaine Francis 81. and Jerry Dyer tied with Bon- Second - Jerry Dutka and nie and Jack Davies 28-1/2 Third - Joyce Watson and Ed Harold Brown 80-1/2. Third - Miriam and Charles Clark 28. LLabanovich 78. Fourth - Doris Phinney and Fourth - Bonnie and Jack Da- Judy Atkinson 25. vies 71. Fifth - Joan and Bill Lock 70. oavivione TEE VINYL SIDING 00 per sq. (approx. 100 sq. ft.) Evenings D4.5 Cove (white) $ 5 ALSO ... 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