Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 4 Apr 1995, p. 26

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26- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 4, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ¢ Two Epsom Public School students were recognized for their achievements recently. Dawn McGuckin was honored by the Legion for her poem entry in the Remembrance Day contest and David Middleton was first at the Knights of Co-- lumbus free throw championships. IEOTEY AN RIDIFI ESM Y AV Ks J L RoorTs Wedding bells beginning to ring ------ Epso Upcoming dates to note: Friday, April 7 at 8 p.m. is eu- chre night in Utica Hall. April 9 is Palm Sunday call is "Savior". All ladies are welcome. Tuesday, April 11, tickets are still available for the Be- thesda-Reach W.I. Spring luncheon which will be held at Trinity United Church, Uxbridge at noon. Phone 852-7128 or 985-8039. Tuesday, April 11 at 8 p.m. there will be a community bridal shower for Leanne Munro and Raymond Baker in Epsom Church. Come to- gether and honor our newest bride-to-be. More wedding bells are ringing. Keep tuned in. Many of the community still write a note to council stating if they agree or op- pose this action. Just put your name, address and opinion on a piece of paper and see that it gets delivered. The Scugog Fire Depart- ment made a couple of visits to this area last week. The grass is very dry and fire can spread rapidly so let's be careful out there. Jack and Nancy Skelding attended the funeral of an uncle Everett Brown on Thursday in Peterborough. He was well known as a hol- stein classifier some years ago. He was formerly of Oro- Greenbank Monday morning, it was snowing. I hope that will be it for the year and we can enjoy- spring warmth and the flow- ers that are in bud and al- most ready to bloom. The Fidelis Unit UCW will hold their April meeting on Wednesday, April 5 at 1:30 p-m. in the church basement. Everyone welcome. Also, the Evening Unit meets on the same date at 8 p.m. in the church. The Evening Unit UCW have extended the date until April 18 for names to be in for the centennial quilt. So if you haven't been in touch yet, call 985-2006 or 985-7459. On April 6 at Greenbank Hall, there will be a public meeting to present the plans for the pavilion in Ianson Park. Interested members of the community are invited to attend at 7:30 p.m. The Greenbank Lions Club will be running its sec- ond annual Easter Party on Saturday, April 156 at the Greenbank Hall from 11 a.m. to2p.m. The cost is $2.50 per child and is for ages two to seven. Registration will be at the Hall on April 8 from 10 a.m. to noon. The children will re- ceive pop, pizza and an East- er gift. There will be games and entertainment. Register early as enrollment is limit- ed. The next Folk Music Socie- ty Night will be held at Green ank Hall on April 22 and it features Oliver Schroer. Tickets are availa- ble at the Chicken Coop or at 985-8361. It's Guide cookie time Please. Have your money ready on Saturday, April 8 because Guides, Pathfinders and Brownies will be around to your house to sell cookies. For only $3 a box, you can buy the traditional sandwich type chocolate or vanilla cookies. The money raised will help support guiding in your community. If you are not home or have any ques- tions or concerns, please call. Marie Powell (Pathfinders) 985-8965, Valerie Hunter (Brownies) 985-3586, or Charlene Shepard (Guides) 985-0731. Last Saturday evening a surprise retirement party was held for Don Real in Ty- rone Hall. Attending this evening of dinner, cards and visiting were Willie and Bet- ty Stone and family, Ross and Mary Real and family and Betty and Mel McGee. More returnees from Flori- da and the sun are Barry, Su- zanne, Bill and Julieanna Lee who were away for a month. Elmer and Joan Lee visit- ed with their niece in Atlan- ta, Georgia for a few days on their way to Florida. Mel and Betty enjoyed a family gathering on Sunday in Wilberforce to celebrate the fifth birthday of their granddaughter Miss Lana Cole. Ross and Mary Real have returned home after a month's holiday in Australia and New Zealand where they visited with Mary's pen pal Margaret and Ken Pike at Melbourne. Results from last Friday evening euchre are as fol- lows: Ladies: Marlene Blain, Marie Cookman and Shirley Leask; Men: Cliff Rodd, John Cook and Doris Hill. Draw prizes: Harry Hill, Larry Do- ble and June Bayley. Mark your calendar for April 28, the next card party. Food for thought: Strange what good cooks mothers are, but never mothers-in- law? Never! service at 11 a.m. in Epsom Church. This is an intergen- eration service with all ages taking part. Monday, April 10 the exec- utive of the Epsom-Utica Homecoming weekend will meet in the C.E. Room of the Epsom United Church at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is wel- come and needed. Tuesday, April 11 the UCW will meet at the home of Nancy Skelding at 1 p.m. for dessert and refreshments followed by worship, busi- ness, etc. The word for roll were saddened to hear of the passing of Mel Orr last week, a former resident of Epsom community. John and Florence Wier- sma of Blyth visited over the weekend with Ross and Bar- bara Evans. The meeting held on Thursday evening with members of council was well attended with many voicing their concerns about the pro- posal of township-wide gar- bage collection being imple- mented. If anyone was no The Skeldings attended the 25th wedding anniver- sary celebrations in Newcas- tle for niece Betty and Frank Stapleton. Beth Catherwood of Oshawa spent the weekend with her mother Ruth Ash- ton. We were saddened to hear | of the passing of Irene Osa- duke this past week. Servic- es were held on Thursday at | Low and Low Chapel. Our sincere sympathy to her hus- band John and their family. Hall baza Caesarea Albert Putsey Don't forget this Saturday is the Caesarea Hail Bazaar 9 am. to 4 p.m. You'll enjoy seeing the various products, hobby crafts and baked goods that are for sale. Come on out and support your Hall and meet your friends and neighbors. This Saturday is also the Pine Ridge Garden Club Smorgas- bord Dinner. One sitting at 5 p.m. and the second at 6:30 p.m. Nestleton Hall, price $10, chil- dren under 12 - $5. Ticket sales are going quite well. From all accounts, those who took the bus trip to the enlarged Flower Show at the Internation- al Centre came home well pleased with their trip. They went to the Swiss Chalet for din- ner and no doubt arrived home tired. Don't forget Tuesday, April 4 meeting Nestleton Hall and re- member to renew your member- ship for 95. 7) As you know our region and local government do not have funds for roadside grass cutting. I ask for 40 volunteers to spend * unable to attend, they can two hours once a month to help keep our community looking sharp. That means we divide ourselves into four groups of 10, each party taking a separate week. It really means you'll be donating about 12 hours a year to your community. To register, call 986-0181. Sunday the executive of the Lake Scugog Regatta Associa- tion held a meeting to lay the plans for the coming regatta plus the many other events which they will participate in. More news later. Did you know - Many of us have been flying around getting these personal Power of Attor- ney documents implemented in case we become infirm. This will give our chosen person the right to administer our affairs and prevent a government trustee being appointed during this pe- riod. Note this does not include Jour safety deposit box at your ank or trust company. You must take your appointed trus- tee into the bank and sign for: a) giving him the right of a trus- tee to your safety deposit box while you are alive. This right dies on your death. or b) he signs as a joint owner of our safety deposit box, thus al- owing him access now (if you give him the key) and after your death. The previous form you gave is this Saturday the bank does not include your safety deposit box. Also, remember your valu- ables in the box are not bank- insured. One trust company in southern Ontario many years ago was broken into and they gained access to the vault but couldn't open the money safe, so they stole many of the safety de- posit boxes. Rather remote to- day with better alarm systems, etc. Also, fireproof-wise the vault is much safer than at home. Smile of the Week A friend of mine told me the story of himself when driving, pulling up to a sudden stop be- cause the traffic light had changed to amber and wang bang, he was rear-ended. He got out and there was a big Mack truck. After all the legal rum- us, he got the car repaired. Row he loves to tell people of his "Big Mack Attack". Saying of the week Inertia - Begin to free yourself at once by doing all that is possi- ble with the means you have, and as you proceed in this spirit, the way opens for you to do more. Robert Collier P.S. This week I spoke to Al, Dave Dietlein's father, and he reports Dave is doing quite well and takes a walk each day of two or three miles. He reports to the hospital once a week for a check- up. I thought his many friends would like to know.

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