B4 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 27, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PPHS h Letters and bars handed out KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Senior PPHS students receiving math awards were (front I-r) Michael Par- kin, Mary Fowler, Paul Fitchett, Teresa Hancock, (back) Adrienne Fowler, Tif- fany Reed, Lisa Eddy, Robin Adderley and Karen Bronzina. Ld 2 i KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Pictured are the senior students at Port Perry High School who received leen Dekoning, Jamie Campbell, KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Several junior students were presented with Math awards at the PPHS awards assembly last week. Pictured are (front row I-r) Lee Watson, Col- Rachel Keeler, (back) Rod Greenough, Adam Beale, Michael Do- ble "By their senior letters during an awards assembly at the school last week. SESS oma olds awards assembly KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Pictured are the Grade 10 students who received their bars at the PPHS awards assembly last week. KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Port Perry High School held its awards assembly last week. Plenired are the students who received their Grade 9 pins. Jason Litner and Heather Vale were presented with special awards during the Port Perry High KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY SAR School assembly last week. W.l. theme is 'learning, not yearning' Wednesday evening June 21 the Women's In- stitute met at the Commu- nity Hall with 11 members and 1 visitor. Jan Gerrow welcomed every one and opened with the Ode and Mary Stew-) ard Collect Roll Call was answered by, "What ; your favorite wine.' Motto - "Spend yop time learning instead /o yearning". Minutes of the last meeting - Correspondence read by Betty Ann. Treas- urers report by Betty Ann. Helen Redman gave a good report from the Dis- trict Annual. Also the members that attended the W.I. quilt show at Mil- here over 3000 peo- e ware fed had a very en- a e day - did you see it SundayonT.V.? Don't forget the Ux- bridge Garden Party July 11 and the food, we are to supply. oan Morris introduced the guest speaker Irwin Smith, who spoke on their new venture, the winery - 'it 1s a most interesting venture and we wish them well. Don't forget the Bake Sale Friday, June 30 on Redman's lawn - bring ar- ticles by. or before 3 p.m. Meeting closed and every- one- enjoyed cake and strawberries with whipped cream. Have a happy and safe holiday. See you in Sep- tember. Thought for the day, "More people get run down by gossip than by cars." KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR Mandy Smart, Aleshia Brownell and Chris Faulk- ner were presented with their Junior letters at the PPHS awards assembly last week. KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR PPHS held its senior awards assembly last week. Pictured are the special award winners. From left are: Alex Knight, ambassador, Amy Grills, yearbook and ambassador and Nicole Pren- tice, cosmotology.