Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 27 Jun 1995, p. 29

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"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" + IH ITH HI = PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, June 27, 1995 - B13 RURAL Roots re eam] Time to celebrate our 128 years of Confederation Nestleton Hello folks! Just three more days and then we'll be celebrating Canada Day. Canada - 128 years of Confederation. As we are about to cele- brate Canada's 128th birthday on Saturday, July 1, Canada Day as itis now officially known, will be celebrated by Canadi- ans from coast to coast with fireworks, special events, community activi- ties, music, singing, danc- ing, parades and so forth. The birthday of a nation is something very special - thereis a particular signif- icance. Too often we take our blessings for granted. July 1 gives all of us a chance to celebrate where we are - where we have come from - and where we are going. It should give us an opportunity to reflect on our good fortune and to tell anyone who is listen- ing that there is great pride in our country. To be a true Canadian - to be a citizen of this amazing country is really some- thing - something very well worth a great celebra- tion once a year! How about that? Hurrah for Outdoor service Greenbank "Something a little dif- ferent today" was the gpening hymn for the outh Group Church Ser- vice. After singing the first verse everyone was asked to greet their neighbor and family, which was a nice way to start the Outdoor Service held in the new Picnic Shelter. Following the Church Service, the Youth Group and leaders met at the home of Bob and Linda Hunter for a pool party. Those who attended this fun time would like to thank the Hunters for their hospitality. Next Sunday, July 2 Church Services are at the regular time - 11 o'clock. There won't be a coffee time before church, but this will resume in the fall. Last Wednesday eve- ning, the Greenbank Li- ons Club held their meet- ingin Greenbank Hall. Over the 19 months since this group was formed the Lion's Club saw a need for a recogni- tion of individuals in the community who, over the years have given much to the betterment of life in Greenbank. Rodd Foster spoke on the award to be given and why the Lloyd and Marion [Lee Community Award was so named. Rodd then spoke of the recipient of this new award and her many accomplishments since moving to the com- munity over 40 years ago. Mayor Howard Hall was then asked to present the first annual Lloyd and Marion Lee Community Volunteer Award to Jean Hunter. A standing ova- tion was given to Jean and Lloyd and Marion to show our thank you for their years of dedication to the community. A wine and cheese and social hour fol- lowed for family and friends of these three spe- cial people. The Y.M.C.A. summer camp is getting ready to start in July on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- days from 10-3 p.m. with a charge of $10 per day per child. The activities are many, including arts and crafts, games, hiking, trips, silly days and much more. The leaders will be students from the commu- nity and will be trained in C.P.R. and leadership. For further information call 985-2824 or to pre- register. The Park Pavillion Committee would like to say thank you to all who purchased a picnic table. All 26 tables have been paid for. Once again the community has made an- other project successful. Congratulations to Bill and Ellie Speck, who on Saturday celebrated their 40th wedding anniver- sary. They hosted 40 rela- tives and friends at their home, with guests from Belleville, St. Catharines, Oakville, Whitby and To- ronto, and a very special guest was Bill's sister Mrs. Reta Coe of Toronto. The monthly Euchre Party was held last Friday evening' at Greenbank Community Hall. Win- ners for the evening were - IS held Ladies: Jean Hunter, June Bayley and Norrine Cook. Mens: Neil Hunter, Doris Hill and Cliff Rodd with draws going to June Bayley, George Harper and Anna Beaton. Next card party will be July 21. This Thursday evening the Greenbank Gamblers play Bradford at Ianson Park with starting time 8 p-m. The next home game for the Gamblers will not be until July 20 against Markham. The Women's Institute held their June meeting last Wednesday, and it proved to be a very enjoya- ble day. We had a tour of Parkwood (Col. McLaugh- lin's home) in Oshawa. Because there was a movie being made there (star- ring Shirley McLaine) we missed some of the rooms but we were able to enjoy the beautiful grounds. Lunch followed at Bella- mys and then returned to the home of Jean Hunter for our meeting. Roll call was "Name a man who was famoug in agricul- ture." A business meeting followed and then Jean served a delicious dessert and a cup of tea. We are sorry to see than Stan and Ruth Foster have moved from their home on Ianson Drive to Port Perry. We wish them well in their new home. Thought for the week: Some people are always grumbling that roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses. We welcome your letters to the Editor! Take advantage of the fax: 985-3708 good old Canada! Nestleton United Church On a warm day, Sun- day, June 25, third Sun- day after Pentecost, greet- ers at the door were Arnold and Jean Williams with a fair attendance of worshippers. Rev. David Shearman in charge of the Worship Service spoke on "Scape- goats and Cozy People" - an interesting message. Scripture from 1 Kings 19: 1 - 15 and read by Jean Williams. Responsive reading - Psalm 42-43. Choir num- ber "Drew Me" was sung by Shirley Jackson and Regenia Walker with Car- ol Mairs at the piano. Service closed by Prayer, "The Lord's Prayer" sung, a hymn, and benediction and singing, "Until we meet again". Offering Arnold and Jean Williams. Notice On Sunday, July 2: 10:30 a.m. Combined out- door worship service at the home of Art and Barb Weir, 18600 Nesbitt Lane, Nestleton. Kelly Gatchell will have something for the children. Family Concerns A "plus" for yours truly this past week when son Arthur Cawker of Sudbu- ry spent a few days at the farm. While in the area Ar- thur and Mom Cawker vis- ited with Grant Cawker and had an excellent noon luncheon with him and a visit, later visiting with Alan and Eleanor Cawker in Oshawa and enjoyed a - tasty lunch before return- ing back to the farm. Ar- thur plans to return to the farm in two weeks time! So nice to see the family! We also dined during the week with David and Che- ryl Clarke and son Gra- hame Charles of Peterbo- rough (Art's daughter and family). Pleased to have good friend Neta Fish for lunch after church on Sunday. A delightful week all told! Joke When the little boy started school his mother told him to put on a fresh pair of socks every day. He did and at the end of the week his shoes would hardly fit! Nestleton Presbyterian Church Communion was dis- pensed on Sunday, June 25 at 11 a.m. by Rev. Wm. Fairley assisted by elders D. Lee, Joyce Taylor, D. McCabe, and W. Davison. Ushers were Barney McCabe and Graham Ham, and Peggy Jones taught the Sunday School Class. re, Responsive Psalm was #42 and Scripture read- ings were from I Kings - 19 and Luke 8: 26-32. In the sermon Rev. Fair- ley spoke of the mystery of the Bread, Wine and Holy Spirit. July and August are hol- iday months and services will commence September 10. Following the service, there was a church picnic at the home of Joyce Tay- lor where a presentation was made to Shirley and Allison Scott (moving to Fenelon Falls) and Barney and Dorothy McCabe - to Toronto home. ig Summer holidays begin Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend. Well, this is our final week of winding down be- fore the summer holidays. Public school children will be out on Thursday and thoughts go out to the teachers and the bus driv- ers who help make our children's education spe- cial. Hope everyone has a safe and happy summer vacation. Don't forget drivers to slow down and watch out for children playing near our road- ways. Congratulations to the many high school youth graduating and we wish you all well with your future endeavors! Enjoy these special years be- cause time sure flies! Don't forget to check out the Township's Recrea- tional Day Camps for your children. Hope everyone enjoys the Canada Day activities in town on Saturday. Watch for details in the paper. Scugog Island Women's Institute Don't forget the Wom- en's Institute's Bake Sale on Friday, June 30 from 4 p.m. on Redman's lawn on the Island Road. Scugog Island United Church Quite a few members of our congregation gathered at Palmer Park to enjoy the Olde Fashioned Scugog Island by , Church Picnic on Satur- day. The weather was per- fect and the activities, mu- sic, and fellowship was great! Congratulations to the Ministerial for plan- ning such a wonderful day. Everyone enjoyed our service on Sunday espe- cially the children and youth. It was an opportu- nity to celebrate our year together in all aspects of our Christian Education. Presentations were made by the Junior Choir, moms and tots, Sunday School, Youth Group and Senior Youth Group and congrat- ulations for such fine ef- forts. Children, teachers and leaders were recog- nized for their contribu- tions. Everyone enjoyed a time of refreshment and fellowship following the service. : There will be a Vacation Bible School meeting on Tuesday, June 27 at 10 a.m. at S..LU.C. Anyone who would like to help with VBS are invited to this planning meeting. If you wish to help and are unable to make the meet- ing, please leave a mes- sage at the church at 985- 4094. Next Sunday is our first Outdoor Service for the summer. Our Outdoor Services during the months of July and Au- gust will be at our regular time of 9:45 a.m. The Strawberry Supper is soon approaching - Sun- day, July 9. The supper in- cludes ham, potato, cab- bage and jellied salads and a variety of cakes and strawberries and whipped cream. Sittings are at 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. This supper is sponsored by the Stewards and is the re- sponsibility of the congre- gation. Please see the signup sheet at the back df the church or phone Bon- nie at 985-7426 if you can help or would like to book your ticket. a Don't forget to mark your calendars for Vaca- tion Bible School which will be held on Aug. 14, 15, 16 and 17 at Scugog Island United Church. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's col. umn. CREE EEE I EE I EE I I I I I)

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