Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 4 Jul 1995, p. 12

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"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ---- To URAL RIOT EY MN 81 DILI EIST VV ES Roorts KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR THE GRADE 3-4 class at Greenbank Public School were very artistic recently when they created papier-mache pigs during their art class. Plans underway for barbecue -- Greenbank Shirley Special thanks to Brian Nor- rish for his donations to the Li- ons Club Golf Tournament and to Jim Rushford for donating four trophies. Jim Green and the Greenbank Garden Centre and many more provided gifts. Thanks to all the golfers for their support. The Lions Club is selling tick- ets again for the Blue Jay Sky- Dome Package, which gives you dinner, $50 cash and accommo- dation at the SkyDome Hotel. The draw will be made at the an- nual Barbecue at the church on Aug. 4. Profits will go towards the Pavilion. The Pavilion is almost fin- ished and it was used last Satur- day for the "Fields of Dreams" tournament and will provide shelter for the children in the Y.M.C.A. program next 'week. Joint service is to be held on July 9 Utica & Epsom I trust everyone enjoyed their Canada Day Weekend, the weather man certainly cooper- ated. "A reminder to the United Church goers in this area that there will be a Prayer service on Thursday this week at Good- + wood Church starting at 7 p.m. There will be a joint church service this Sunday, July 9 starting at 10 a.m. in Utica Church. Congratulations to Lisa Tay- lor who graduated with honors from Port Perry High School. All the best to her as she pursues a career in the pharmaceutical field at the U. of T. in the fall. Alicia Boutilier and fiancee from near Prescott have been visiting with her mother Anna for the past week. +..Congratulations to Norm and Betty Tapscott on the arrival of Thanks for the tremendous sup- port for the donated tables. They are all in the shelter now. The Lions Club members are taking a well deserved summer time out, meetings will start in September with Ken Toms as the new president. Happy Canada Day! I hope everyone had a safe holiday. It was a hot and cool weekend, weatherwise, but judging by the traffic on Highway 12 from Thursday noon on I'm sure any- one who had a tent, cottage or friends with one were there. A tip of the hat to the Scugog Chamber of Commerce on the excellent Canada Day festivi- ties. A huge crowd enjoyed the evening program and fireworks. Congratulations to all the local talent who provided a great eve- ning of music. Canada Day was celebrated at Greenbank United Church on Sunday with Betty McGee pro- viding the music. Rev. Shep- - herd spoke on "Citizen" and how we are expected to be the best. Well it is that time of year when Greenbank Church and Community is getting ready for the Beef Barbecue. Date: Aug. 4, Time: 4:30 to 7 p.m. Cost: Ad- vance tickets: $10 - at the gate $11, children - $4 under 12 their grandson, Joshua REd- Years with under five free. Tick- ward, born to Ann and Ed Wat- son on June 14 at Markham- Stouffville Hospital. Sunday visitors with Lorne and Eileen Slute were son Brian, Liz and girls of Cook- stown. Sorry to hear that Irene Field- ing hasn't been feeling all that well. She spent a few days in the hospital on the weekend and hopefully will be back home by now. " Weekend visitors with Bill and Melba McKay were their daughter Elspeth Deir, Emily and Peter from Seeleys Bay in the Kingston area and also vigit- ing was son Bill McKay from Halifax and his son Ben from Durham, North Carolina. ets can be purchased from Rodd Foster, Raymond Kerry, Neil Raines, Keith Bacon or any oth- er member of the barbecue com- mittee. Ross and Marie Cookman en- tertained guests, Terry and Ar- thur Young of Cannonville, Queensland, Australia for a few days last week. While here they visited several points of interest which included Cullen Gardens. Congratulations to Bill and Kim Owen on the safe but fast arrival of their new daughter. Thought for the week: The in- ner side of every cloud is bright and shining; I therefore turn my clouds about, And always wear them inside out - To show the lining. Breakfast club to meet July 8 Congratulations to Kelly Sad- ler who won "Female Athlete of the Year" at S. A. Cawker. Kel- ly's name is on a school plaque on display and she also received acrest. Way to go Kelly!! Happy Birthday wishes to Corrine Watts, Bonnie Bran- ton, Wayne McCully, Craig Beacock and Paul Wanamaker. Special congratulations to Mrs. Lillian Horner who cele- brated her 96th birthday on Thursday of last week. She en- Jjoyed a family gathering at the Port Perry Nursing home where she resides. Congratulations to Joanne Desautels who graduated on June 28 from Orillia/Georgian College in the Nursing Course. She is registered at Ryerson Polytechnic University Toronto for further study in September. Hope everyone enjoyed a safe, happy Canada Day long week- end. Many Seagrave families enjoyed all the activities at Palmer Park in Port. Great en- tertainment - great weather - great fireworks!!! Seagrave Church News The church service on Sun- day morning was led by the Clerk of session Lawrence Ni- cholls, assisted by the members of the Board of Session. Don Beacock and Donna Kent read the scriptures. Donna also pre- sented a story to the children. Margaret Ingram read the Min- ute for Mission on "Training the Minister". She told of the expe- riences of student ministers at their summer church appoint- ments across Canada. Michael and Laura Reed of Guelph played violin numbers includ- ee Seagrave ing "Thine is the Glory" and "Ode to Joy" accompanied by Muriel Jebson on the organ. Mi- chael and Laura are grandchil- dren of Laurence and Eleanor Nicholls. Lawrence gave the sermon on "Run with Courage" followed by a meditation on cou- rage by Fred Puckrin. Rev. David Shepherd will conduct the service next Sun- day including the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The Seagrave Men's break- fast meeting will be held this Saturday morning July 8 from 8:30 to 9:30. The topicis fishing. All men are welcome. Margaret Ingramislay repre- sentative from Seagrave Church to'Lindsay Presbytery. She succeeds Laurence Nicholls who served very faithfully for six years. Please don't forget to call in your family news, sports re- sults, anything and every- thing!!! That's all for this week. Ex- cept to say Paul and I loved "bumping" into you George - see you soon. Please call Ann Sandiford at 9485-9440 for next week's col- umn Tickets available for Strawberry supper [TT Scugog Island by _ Don't forget the Sunday Con- certs at Palmer Park beginning at 7 p.m. The Golden Slippers started the schedule off on Sun- day, July 2. Scugog Island United Church The weather was too cool for our Outdoor Service, so every- et one gathered in the sanctuary for our worship. A few people came dressed for the weather! We were pleased to have John Blair as our guest soloist and were touchéd b his ministry of music. Carol Edgar on recorder, ~ Bob Cawker and Bruce Gerrow on saxophones, and Doug Bar- ber on bass led us in our hymns. Hopefully the weather will be more pleasing to everyone next Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Tickets are sold for our Straw- berry Supper on Sunday, July 9. Thank you for your support. If you haven't already signed up to help, please call Bonnie at 985- 7426. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Have a good week! 3 dy ~~ TO.

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