- "--_---- 8 - TUESDAY, July 11, 1995 ro FARM & COUNTRY LIFE THE PORT PERRY STAR - COMING SOON - TO ASSELSTINES - The Original Yamaha 4x4 Out-The-Door-Event and receive a 2000 Ib. Warn Winch or a $300." Yamabuck Certificate KODIAC - BIG'BEAR - WOLVERINE Buy any of these rugged Yamaha 4x4s Come Out & Test Drive One Today! CALL ASSELSTINE"S FOR DETAILS - SUBJECT TO MODEL AVAILABILITY AS NYY FIX DIVISION OF 669126 ONTARIO INC. 3580 BYERS RD., BLACKSTOCK, ONT. (905) 986-4437 USED FARM EQUIPMENT BD RGE (TH USED PLANTERS & DRILLS (L) 1H 674 w/cab (L) 1H 786 2WD (B) IH 674 (L) CIH 1494 2WD cab/air$18, 500 (L) IH 786 4WD, canopy, $ 7,500 (L) Leyland 272 4WD cab .$ 9,500 (L) 1H 724 wicab (L) IH 1086 cab, 2WD (L) Case 4490 4WD, 3 pi., PTO, 20.8x38 duals, F&R... ..$32,000 (L) Case 4890 4WD 3 pL.. PTO, 20.8x38 duals, F&R (B) IH 1086 w/duals (L) CIH 595 4WD, 125 hrs . $30,500 (L) Cage IH 1594 cab/air, AWD, 1900 lus USED COMBINES & HEADS (L) IH 715 combine, 13 It. head & new molor (B) Gleaner L2 1981 4WD chopper w/15 lL. grain head & 4RW corn head (L) 3 of 844 corn heads, slarting at (L) 15 ii. IH 820 flex head$ 3, 000 (L) MF 300 combine w/10' (L) IH 1440 reconditioned, lield ready (L) IH 1480 AWD, chopper, (B) CIH 1020 20' flex head $13,500 {L) Cockshult 525 combine (L)yIHB43 corn head ....... (L) IH 1440 combine $ 4,000 $24,000 (B) IH #10 16x7, combo, grass sead, single disc (L) IH 400 Cyclo air planter, 4RW, dry lert., monilor...............$ 1,000 (L) Case IH 5100 21x7 plain, GS, DD, liq. ferl., Unyerlerth culli-planter (L) JD 8300 SO, fert.,, G.S., (L)YIH510021x7 DD, FD, fort, GS. $ 5,500 (B) 3 1o choose from MF 33 drills (8) Brilllon seeder 10 fi. (like new) USED HAY EQUIP (L)NI29OMC. ............. $ 2,000 (B) NH 489 (L) hyd. drive Allied slooker ..... (L) Cage 550 9° mower tonditioner ...7. (L) Hesslap 1010 nower . condilioner (L) Deutz-Fahr baler withr #460 (B) Dion lorage box (L) MF 124 w/ihrower (L) NM baler #275 (L) NI 5109 mower/cond. .$ 5, 500 PLOWS (B) Cockshutt SM 5/16"..$ 600 (B) Kverneland 4F 16" 3 pl.$§ 800 (B) Kverneland 4F 16" AR$ 3,000 (ND ROEDLRGEIR OLE (1) MF 308 Ids. (Industrial) $15,500 (L) IH 574 Idr (L) Case 1494 4WD, cab, 74L loader (L) Case IH 885 w/idr. 4WD, 1500 hrs $27,000 (L) Case IH 685 4WD, idr, 1040 hrs $27,500 (B) CIH 685 2WD loader. $17,500 (L) IH 16%". 4500 VS cull.$ 4,500 (L) White 253 14' landem (B) JD 210 16" tandem (L) IH 475 1911. disc, tandem is 19" discs, 60 blades (B) Cockshutt 252 disc, 56 blades, 17'5" w/mulcher... $ 4,500 (L) IH 645 vibra chisel, 23'$ 2,900 (B) Cockshutt 44 blade, 13'9" (L) White 263 cult. 20° (L) AC cult 24° (L) JD 610 15' chisel plow w/peg harrow $ USED SPREADERS (L) IH 580 tandem (L) Case IH 595 1andem, ub/eg (L) NI 364 tandem (B) NI 353 tandem (B) NH 679 tandem (B) - BROOKLIN 905-655-8401 Winchester & Thickson Rd. After Hours: Bud Ennis 905-985-3418 (L) - LINDSAY 705-324-6136 1-800-267-8665 Hwy 7, 1/4 mile east Hwy. 35 After Hours: Hugh Snoddon 705-324-8404 HUB INTERNATIONAL Anniversary Edition Big Bear which already comes stock with a winch and still receive a $300. Yamabuck Certificate YAMAH The Power To Satisfy. SNOWMOBILES ATV's MOTORCYCLES Case International MAXXUM® sets new standards for mid-sized tractors. With the introduction of the 5200 Series, those standards have been raised even higher. You wanted more visibility; we added exclusive all-glass doors. You asked for easier implement attachment; we responded with ground-level hitch control. You wanted more muscle; we we increased horsepower and durability. Leadership never stands still, and the MAXXUM 5200 Series is still the best in the business. © 1994 CASE CORPORATION Case IH is a reqistered trademark of Case Corporation. 5250 MAXXUM 112 PTO Horsepower Multi-disc Wet Clutch 16F/12R Powershift Transmission with Forward/Reverse Shuttle Shift 7,700 Pound Hitch Capacity 8F/8R Creeper Option CASE Ii