Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Sep 1995, p. 18

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18- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 12, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice A time to celebrate chiropractic In July 1938 the National Chiropractic Association of memory in front of a large crowd of association members fund, organizers commissioned Canadian sculptor U.S.A. and the Ontario Chiropractic Association held a and local residents who had gathered for the occasion. Emmanuel Hahn to make miniature replicas of the monu- joint convention in Toronto and journeyed to Port Perry, "Chiropractic history was made in 1938 at the Toronto ment he had sculpted of Daniel David Palmer. the birthplace of Daniel David Palmer. Convention," wrote Dr. J. S. Clubine. "Probably more so The objective was finally reached in 1945 and on August Palmer Memorial Park was named and dedicated in his than al a SHior gathering, the 14, 1946, he Snveining of the general public became cognizant monument highlighted the secon that our profession had a founder TRIBUTE 10 pb, PALMER dedication of the park. 5 and a tradition." y Lash Asher A third dedication of the par CONGRATULATIONS TO Upon dedicating the park in 1938, . took place on Saturday, April 25, 100 YEARS OF CHIROPRACTIC an aggressive fundraising drive Genius touched him with a rod 1992, as part of the Canada 125 AND THE was initiated by the chiropractors to And held her sector high celebrations. New signage and a raise money for improvements on That he may have the light of truth new garden were unveiled at the SOTH ANNIVERSARY OF the property, as well as completion To mortals such as I. cera ony X | , and final consecration. n September 18, 1945 (exactly CANADIAN MEMORIAL The target was set at $10,000, but He touched the sick and made them well 50 years after the first adjustment CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE the Second World War broke out in | The lame he made to walk on Harvey J. Lillard) the Canadian 1939 and incoming funds were | He took from Nature what she gave Memorial Chiropractic College, reduced to a trickle. And turned it into art. named in honor and memory of D. from Brooklin Chiropractic Centre, Still far short of the target in D. Palmer, opened its doors. Brooklin 655-4804 1942, National Chiropractic He made the world a finer place Even though many gains have - Association president, Dr. Harry K. This genius with a heart. been made in the almost 100 years Mcllroy, made an impassioned plea And now, we who take the torch since chiropractic was founded, to the readership, saying a $1 dona- To light the desert sand graduates of the course and medi- tion from every subscriber would Must not forget he led the way cal professionals continue to argue = } 15] complete the fund. To Healing with the Hand. over the validity of the science. On this, the occasion of BLE As another form of revenue for the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Remembering past helps chiropractors 50th Anniversary understand challenges of the future and Excerpts from a speech given by The campaign failed an in 1987 Chester Wilk and six . 1 00th Annivers ary of Herbert K. Lee, D.C., Prof. Emert. other chiropractors took the A. M.A. to court in an anti- George Santayan, noted historian is credited with say, trust suit and won. The result has been greater co- Chiropractic Health Care "Those who cannot remember the past are bound to operation between the medical doctor and our profession, repeat it." In other words, if you can not learn from politically, in practice, education and research. Today mistakes in the past you make them again. We should many hospitals in the U.S.A. have chiropractors on staff. we extend sincere congratulations kao Miers we came from in order to know where we are In he Just 50 years the profession has [made 3 eaded. : remarkable progress academically, in research an to all those who have and continue to The chiropractic profession has gradually matured acceptance by the public, the medical and other _ enrich the healthy lives of oier the past 70 years. The early pioneers, those who professions. He 0 | 4 Prof : graduated in the 1920s were enthusiastic, sincere an cently the Ontario government commissioned Prof. others through dedication to the devoted, but not well educated in the basic sciences. P. Manga and associates to investigate the effectiveness teaching and Chiropractic health Unfortunately they considered the medical profession as of chiropractic treatment. Their conclusion was, "that service professions. their enemy and made no attempt to co-operate. manipulation as applied by chiropractors was more There were opposed to taking drugs, vaccinations, and effective and cost less than alternative methods." inoculations. In their enthusiasm at times made When the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College a " [ £ PD mm exaggerated claims based only on anidotal evidence. By was instituted, a medical doctor was hired on the faculty. T. on gy LCs today's standard would be considered inappropriate and But before be started to teach he received a letter from BPE inaccurate. : the secretary of the Ontario Medical Assoc. advising him .PE., B.ED., D.C. In the mid-thirties, courses were extended to the to disassociate himself from those chiropractors, which standard four year professional length. The content as he did. 1821 Scugog St.. Port Perry far as basic science subjects was improved. What a difference today, in the 1995 Calendar of [Eg (905) 985-4414 hl About this time the American Medical Association set C.M.C.C. it shows 8 MDs on faculty, and another 16 MDs = up a $1 million fund to fight quackery. Their true aim was as guest lecturers. Acceptance has not been confined to to defeat and eliminate chiropractic. Canada, it is world wide. Brooklin Family zo s THE CANADIAN MEMORIAL Health Centr Congratulations CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE entre - Chiropractors for Our History fo On Monday, September 18, 1945, CMCC opened its doors for v be Robert D. Johnston B.A.. D.C., D. Hom. | % | 00 years of healing ne the first time, at 252 Bloor Street in Toronto. The first class was r. Katharine du Quesnay B.P.H.E., D.C. a Ted made up of 89 men and 7 women. The majority of the students hands that have touched oy were retuming veterans from World War Il, and many of them . BR l Ning wore their uniforms to class, with insignias and brass buttons 3 Please join us for our Se : natiy lives and for teaching LE removed. 1 GRAND PE a philosophy of healthy living! : For fifty years, CMCC has served as the educational arm for the | i : : chiropractic profession in Canada. From the beginning the OPENING ee 3 College has been a non-profit organization, owned by the { . SE ; chiropractic profession. It receives no govemment funding and on Saturday, : Congratulations Canadian | : relies on membership, tuition and donations for support. October 14th : Memorial Chiropractic CMCC Today > CMCC is considered to be one of the finest chiropractic colleges 19:30 t rom. : College for 5 0 successful : in the world. To be eligible for admission to the College, students : 0 4: p.m. at a : FALL : must have completed three years of university. The programme 4945 Baldwin St. S : years of graduating quality : itself is four years in length, including an intensive intemship at SM : | : CMCC's Herbert K. Lee Walk-in Clinic. (a.k.a. Hwy. 12) Chiropractors! eras Ea ecognizing Our Heri between Taunton Rd. gE On Monday, September 18, the Canadian Memonal Chiropractic and Hwv. 7. 0 Ontari hironracti College will be rededicated to the ideals of our founders, who g X wy 2 Ontario Chiropractic envisioned a united profession supported by a college that is omething for the Association Auxiliary dedicated to excellence and leadership. (905) 655-5767 entire family. : TE 1937-1995 . CMCC is located at 1900 Bayview Avenue in Toronto. © ) i } a For further information about our educational and clinical Rain Date: Sunday, October 15th : facilities please contact (416) 482-2340. oo xo

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