"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 26, 1995 - 11 or PORT PERRY STAR <] URAL RoorTs J. PETER HVIDSTEN / PORT PERRY STAR IS THIS THE RIGHT END? The Celebrity Cow Milking Contest was one of the highlights of the Pioneer Fall Fair held at the Scugog Shores Museum Sunday afternoon. Above, Scugog Chamber of Commerce president Brenda Casteels takes a peek to see if her bottle is filled. Winners for getting the most milk in a jar were, Heather McCrae for the women 'and Ralph Fairman for the men. Turkey shoot's on Saturday During the past year or so when driving past the fire hall here in town I have noticed Bert Werry and the McQuades and others toiling away to put a large farm back into cultivation. This farm had been used as pas- ture land for years and conse- quently became over run with boulders which had surfaced, the odd tree here and there along with undergrowth and etc. With the world food supply running low due to over popula- tionit was great to see the splen- did progress they made. This year was Bert's first crop and he decided to fence the property due to the old one falling down in places. This week a party cut the fence from top to bottom in seven different locations. A re- ward of $1,000 that's not $100 but $1,000 is being offered by Bert for information which will lead to a conviction in this mat- ter. I might add the Lake Scu- gog Regatta Association has a Caesarea Albert Putsey standing $200 reward for the conviction of the individual who drives motor vehicles around the park or does other damages to park equipment. Another farmer told me this week, it's an automatic $1,000 fine for tres- passing across farmer's proper- ty in this manner. I just received a bulletin about this coming Saturday. A turkey shoot 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be held at John Vanstrien next to the Caesarea Hall spon- sored by the 1st Cartwright Scout group. They also men- tioned their Car Wash Satur- day, Oct. 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Blackstock High School and also the Haunted House Oct. 30 at the Scout Hall in North Nes- tleton. They are endeavoring to get sufficient funds together to attend the North Bay Jambor- ee. Be sure to get out and sup- port this energetic group. Saying of the Week Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all; only our char- acters are steadfast, not our gold Euripides. Joke of the Week "So you want another day off" snorted the office manager to his clerk. "I'm anxious to hear what your excuse is this time. You've been off for your grandfa- ther's funeral four times al- ready." Replied the clerk: "To- day my grandmother is getting married again." Cadmus church celebrates 150th anniversary Well, summer is over and fall has arrived. We trust October will be beautiful with many col- orful trees, etc. to enjoy as we travel along towards the Thanksgiving Day, October 9. 150th Anniversary The Cadmus Nestleton Pres- byterian Church 1845 - 1995 was a very lovely celebration with a fantastic attendance! The minister who preached the fine sermon, "After All This Time" was Rev. Dr. Morley Mitchell. He ministered in the Church some years ago. Rev. Wm. Fairley, the regular minis- ter was also there and we cer- tainly enjoy his sermons, com- ments or whatever! Excellent music was supplied by the organist Joyce Taylor. The old time Hymn sing led by Robert Cawker playing his vio- lin brought back a host of mem- ories. Robert is very much at home with various instruments - a fine musician! The Senior Choir were at their best with pi- 'anist Eva Hunter and Leader Edna Beckett. The Children's 'choir was led by Cathie Joyce Huggett. After the Service those present enjoyed the delicious roast beef dinner at the Com- munity Centre catered to by the Court Lady Snowbirds. What a splendid day for our Presbyteri- an friends! We do commend those who planned the event! Nestleton United Church Not too many at the Service on Sunday, Sept. 24, 16th after Pentecost, with Ina Davis and Yvonne Priebe the greeters at the door. Kate Mairs played the Pre- lude and Carol Mairs was the pianist. Rev. David Shearman was in the pulpit and brought an excel- lent message as usual. The Christian framework of man- agement include love, justice, fairness, just to name a few thoughts from his sermon. We need consistency and to live up to what God has set out for us. Scripture was read by Carol Hill. Sunday School has resumed again for the year with Joanne alcolm, the Superintendent. The minister held a dedication ceremony for Sunday School teachers and leaders. Offering received oy Ina Da- vis and Yvonne Priebe. Very best wishes to Earl Bow- ers in Port Perry Hospital. Service closed with commis- sion, prayer, Benediction and, "Go Now in Peace". Sympathy Heartfelt sympathy goes out Nestleton (of=\"11 C1 ¢ to Mrs. Neta Fish of Edgerton Road who lost her grandson Ja- mie Leishman over the week- end, at Reaboro. Also, sympathy to Uncle Calvin and Aunt Yvon- na Holland as well, and their family. Also our deepest sympathy to his parents Jim and Audrey Leishman and his brothers Mi- chael and William. A very fine young chap - just 23 years old, in his prime, and beloved by so many. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him! The beautiful flowers in Nes- tleton Church on Sunday were from the funeral home in Lind- say, in remembrance of dear Ja- mie!! Alovely prayer There 1s a strength for every burden, There is courage for every day, There is hope for each tomor- row, There is help along the way. There is peace of mind tran- scending, All the sorrow round about. There is grace for every trial, There is faith for every doubt. There is comfort for just trust- ing each new moment to his care, And a real and blessed assu- rance, In the quietness of Prayer. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The regular service was con- ducted by Rev. W. Fairley at 11 a.m. in the Nestleton Presbyter- ian Church. Joyce Taylor was the organist. Responsive Psalm was No. 79, and the Scripture readings were from Jeremiah 8, and St. Luke 16. In the sermon Rev. Fairley spoke of "Predicaments" - some- thing we all experience. We must live by faith, for Jesus Christis theonly answer. The sacrament of Holy Com- munion was dispensed by Rev. Fairley, assisted by elders - Joyce Taylor and Dorothy Lee. Following the service, a time of fellowship was enjoyed in the Sunday School room. AA a nr min