Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 3 Oct 1995, p. 20

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20- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 3, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" R D> PORT PERRY STAR URAL Roots KELLY LOWN/PORT PERRY STAR 50TH ANNIVERSARY Stewart and June Bray celebrated their 50th wedding anni- versary with family and friends at the Blackstock Recreation Centre on Saturday. The couple who were married on Sep- tember 29, 1945 renewed their vows in Utica on the week- end. Transition to fall complete [rm Nestleton September is now over - tran- sition month: it leads us away from summer into fall and be- fore we know it, the first frost has descended upon us. Oh! Give us sunshine and warm weather and everyone is on top of the world! A few dull, dreary days and spirits wilt and our en- thusiasm drags! The attitude we bring to the day is important so chin up folks! It looks as though October is shaping up to be a beautiful month with all the color in the trees, etc. And Monday, Oct. 9, a fine Thanksgiving celebration! There will be special church services on Sunday, Oct. 8 to provide us with an opportunity to express our thanks for the many blessings we have been endowed with. How fortunate we Canadians are in this won- derful country we live in. Burns' anniversary is Oct. 15 [-- Ashburn Florence Ashton Here we are now in the month of October and such beautiful weather we are enjoying. Next weekend we will be celebrating Thanksgiving - a special time to give thanks for our many bless- ings and a time to unite with family and friends as we gather around the festive Thanksgiv- Ing table. A tribute to autumn I would like to share with you. A tree in autumn is a lovely sight. One tree alone can con- centrate the beauty of a whole woodland, leaf by leaf and branch by branch, as one flower can give the essence of a whole garden. The beauty of the turn- ing woods is not alone in the scarlet of a maple grove or the sun-gold glow of a hillside stand of beeches. It is in the subtle change that creeps along the leaves themselves, from point to point and vein to vein. A wood- land in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least; but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart. Last Sunday, Holy Commun- AAA AAA AAA I A AIS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS oS SS SS oS SS aS SS a SS Sao SS SS AVIS ESSE SEEN SEES EEEEESNSENaENeeaaasa hb) Seagrave United Church Annual Hot Turkey Dinner (with Plum Pudding & Pie!) { Wednesday, November 1st Sittings: 4:45 pm, 6:00 pm, 7:15 pm ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY! .. Adults: $10.00 Children 12 & under: $5.00 3) Take outs Available U.C.W. Bazaar die Call 985-2627 or 985-7778 or 985-8350 ACTER LTL ALL ALML ALLL LL ALL ALLA LL AL LAL CR LAN RURAL LALLY LY ion was celebrated at Burns Church. On Sunday, Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. the 146th anniversary of Burns will be celebrated. Spe- cial music will be provided by "The Bethel" singers from Mis- sissauga. Refreshments to fol- low the service. A special wel- come to all who would like to join with us. The annual turkey dinner is being planned for Sunday, Oct. 22. Dinner being served at 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to be held at the church. If you wish tickets, they are available from Ash- burn store. Euchre results are as follows: eight tables were played at the last euchre. High ladies - Violet Cole, second - Doris Evans. Men's high - Lorne Crawford, second - Gord McDonald. Lone hands Elmo Gibson, Ruby Smith (Raglan). Door prize - El- len Gibson. Share the wealth - Pete Gall and Wilma Lynde. Next euchre is scheduled for Oct. 12. Doug and Florence Ashton en- joyed a trip to New Brunswick recently visiting with friends Cecil and Jean Vicars in the St. John area. Driving north through New Brunswick the tree foliage was at its peak color in many areas. A breathtaking sight. On Wednesday at 2 p.m. the Eleanor Knight Group of the W.M.S. will meet at the home of Florence Ashton. Happy Thanksgiving! Congratulations: 'l'o the Lind- say Daily Post on the occasion of their 100th anniversary. We sincerely thank the Lind- say Daily Post for the opportu- nity of viewing their work of a century. It was most interest- ing! Light refreshments were enjoyed as we moved along! Family Concerns Guests with Mabel Cawker at her home on Scugog Point Road during the week were son Ar- thur of Sudbury for a few days. Daughter Cheryl Clarke and baby Grahame called one morn- ing for a visit, which was most enjoyable. A handsome little son! Arthur and his mother Mabel made many calls during the week looking up relatives we hadn't seen recently. Included were Grace Hastings of Port Perry, Robert and Madeline Cawker of Scugog Island, Grant Cawker and Alan and Eleanor Cawker of Oshawa, and Cathe- rine and Steven Olesky of Oshawa, the newlyweds! Nestleton United Church Service at Nestleton United Church on Oct. 1 was very well attended - this being world wide communion. Greeters were Ar- nold and Jean Williams. Many children were in Sunday School. Rev. David Shearman spoke on "Guide the Chaos in our lives and around the world. What do we do to seek a normal life? We come together and worship and thank God: a fine message as usual! Jean Williams read the Scrip- ture from Jeremiah 32: 1- 3A, 6 - 15. During Holy Communion the minister was assisted by Arnold Williams and Lawrence Mal- colm. Karen Yellowlees was the organist. Offering received by Arnold and Jean. Note Arnold and Jean Williams are grandparents again. Alanna Janice Williams was born Sept. 25 to Anne Marie and Neil Wil- liams. Our warmest congratula- tions! Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a beautiful sunny morn- ing, the usual Church service was held at 11 a.m. in the Nes- tleton Presbyterian Church con- ducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley. Joyce Taylor was organist, and Dorothy Lee taught the Sunday School class. Responsive Psalm was #91, and the Scripture readings were from Jeremiah 32, and Luke 16. In the sermon Rev. Fairley spoke on the topic, "Noth- ing...can keep us from the love of God". Following the service, lunch and fellowship were enjoyed in the Sunday School Room. Thanksgiving Service will be held at 11 a.m. next Sunday. Seagrave Ann Sandiford Birthday greetings this week to Lee Beacock, Fred Puckrin, Alec Ingram and Glenna Hutcheon. Congratulations to Par- rish Fisher and Dianne Coates who were married this past Saturday. The Seagrave Men's Group will hold their month- ly meeting Saturday, Oct. 14 at the Seagrave Church. The meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. and finishes at 9:30 a.m. The Seagrave Annual Tur- key supper is being planned for Wednesday, Nov. 1 with sittings at 4:45 p.m.; 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. Watch the ads for further particulars. Seagrave Church News World Wide Communion was observed at the church service on Sunday morning. Margaret Ingram gave the Turkey supper Nov. 1 minute for missions. She also gave a report on last presby- tery meeting which was held at Bethel United Church. She gave the dates for anum- ber of programs for adults and Youth Groups coming up this fall. These dates will be posted on the bulletin board. Victor and Muriel Giles at- tended the church service and presented a painting which Victor has painted of the Last Supper. It was in memory of Muriel's late sis- ter Dorothy Massel who managed the Seagrave store and post office for a few years. Rev. David Shepherd chose for her sermon on Sun- day. "An un-Christmas car- ol," the choir sang accompa- nied by Muriel Jebson on the organ. Please note: Starting on Sunday, Oct. 22, 1996 the Seagrave Church Service will start at 10 a.m. Attention all Seagrave and area residents...please call us with community events and highlights so we can get in the news. That's it for this week, please call Diane Cooke at 985-3722 with news for next week.

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