14- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 24, 1995 "Scugog"s Community Newspaper of Choice" Time to reap the benefits of home composting Durham residents have had a perfect summer for composting, and now is the time to reap the benefits. Before the cooler temperatures arrive, residents should harvest their compost. Here's how: * Shovel finished compost material from the bot- tom of the composter. * Add the compost to gardens and lawns -- it it an excellent soil conditioner. Harvesting the compost now, will make plenty of * Broadloom - Durbar Stearn e Upholstery Cleaning eLoose Rugs room for the other organic material that can be di- verted this fall and through the winter. The process doesn't stop -- it just slows down. Once the spring ar- rives, the whole process will increase in speed once again. For further information on composter harvesting or composting in general, contact the Durham Region Works Department at either (905) 668-7721 or 1-800- 372-1103. N Theatre Durham Inc. Celebrates its 10th Anniversary with Arsenic & old Lace * 3M Scotchguard i By Joseph Kesselring. Directed by Larry O° Leary | Tickets: Adults $10.00 Students/Seniors $8.00 Call for dates. All shows at 8:00pm For Tickets Call 985-0611 Box Office (905) 427-5150 Dunbarton-Fairport United Church (One block north of Kingston Rd., between Whites & Dixie Rds.) Produced in cooperation with the Dramatist Play Services 985-8552 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES * ANNUAL RATES Dt > ol P= > Ge << Stonemoor Day Care has limited openings for children 5 YEAR............... I 7.125% : CASHABLE................5.25% De 15 months to yrs, Rates subject to change without notice Uxbridge 852-3510 SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES A DIVISION OF CRESSBROOK FINANCIAL PLANNING LTD. 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY "Serving Scugog for Over 15 Years" PHONE 985-3832 Stonelioor 0, , ? Gare genet? Non-profit organization _ -- NSS x L] . i's {Siden) 20 Litre - 5285 Latex ; Primer 46.99 20 litre- 5300 Latex Flat White 47 99 Exterior Spred House Gloss Latex aT 3 Lg el ee, ale 3 ad. eid > wa IR 4 litre Stain Solid or Semi 18.99 Sparks hold enrollment Congratulations to all the Seagrave Sparks who had their official enroll- ment ceremony this week. Robinglade Estates Womens Group had a good turnout for their last get together. Many thanks to hostess Tracy Evans. Win- ner of the 50/50 $ draw was Sandy MacIntosh. Do- nated prize was won by Doloras Currie and door prize was won by Isabelle Arculas. Congratulations to all the winners. Next meeting is at Isabelle's home November 8. Ladies are reminded to take a sheet of wrapping paper, scissors, tape, empty ce- real box, mug and $1. Also don't forget it is the eve- ning for the "goodie" ex- change. Great opportunity to taste and swap some recipes for Christmas bak- ing! Good heavens, did someone say Christmas?? Happy Birthday wishes to Lindsay Sheehan, Adam Johansen, Amanda Sadler, and anyone else out there having a birth- day we don't know about! Happy anniversary wishes to George and Irene Manitius. Church News There are only a few tickets left for the Sea- grave Turkey Dinner Nov. 1. Saturday, Oct. 28 there will be a work crew at 9 a.m. at the church for preparation set up. There was a baptism at Cetol 1 Seagrave the Seagrave Church on Sunday when Peter and Pam Verschuuren had their son, Scott Peter, bap- tised. Congratulations. David and Charlene Shepherd and Alec In- gram, a musical clarinet trio, played two numbers enjoyed by all. In the ab- sense of Muriel Jebson, Audrey Horner was the or- ganist for the service this past Sunday. A reminder to all that church service begins at the new time of 10 a.m. Margaret Ingram gave a report on the Presbytery meeting which was held Oct. 18 at Minden. The Sunday School is holding a movie night this Friday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. at the church. Please take your refreshments and a blanket to sit on. The mo- vie is called, "The Swan Princess". All parents and children are welcome. That's all for this week. Please call Ann Sandiford at 985-9440 with sports, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Thanks. INVENTORY CLEAROU LOGO SIKKENS STAIN 35.99 Cetol 23 37.99 Cetol Dek 38. 99 - i Re « . ot wi aac B . ah $e CTR al ROR «Abeta 1S 3900 line 28. 95 /litre Exterior Spred House Flat 3600 line 24. 99 [litre OFF in-stock 159% all toilets and vanities 11 Vanedward Drive ¢ Port Perry ¢ 985-7391 oJ a - . : \ fp GH H] ° A not exactly as shown