Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 7 Nov 1995, p. 30

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30- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 7, 1995 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" > PORT PERRY STAR & R URAL RoorTs Got your cookies? J -- Scugog Islan Well, we had a taste of winter over the weekend. Hope every- one managed the slippery roads. The Port Perry High School Athletic Association will be sponsoring a Christmas Craft" Show at the High School on Sat- urday, Nov. 11 and Sunday, Nov. 12 from 10 am. to 4:30 p.m. . This is a great opportunity to support our local youth. Girl Guide Cookies The Sparks, Brownies and Guides were out in full force with parent volunteers on Sat- urday morning and braved our first snow storm selling Girl Guide chocolate mint cookies. Special thanks to those who supported us. If you were missed and would like to buy Girl Guide Cookies, please call Pat at 985-9190 or Pam at 985- 0302. Scugog Island United Church A meaningful Remembrance Service was held on Sunday at our regular service at 9:45 a.m. Alan Carter and John Beckett lit our Remembrance Day can- dles before O Canada was sung by the whole congregation. Re- freshments were enjoyed fol- lowing the service. Special thanks to Marilyn and George. The Junior Youth Group en- joyed a picnic lunch and hike at the Area. The Lectionary Group will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 1:30 p.m.atS.I.U.C. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 7 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Men's Chorus will be singing next Sunday so they will be practicing on Thursday, Nov.9at 6:45 p.m. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, Nov.9 at 7 p.m. Junior Choir members are re- minded that our next practice will be on Nov. 17. The Youth Group will meet on Friday, Nov. 10 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at S.I.U.C. Moms and Tots continue to meet on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. at S.I.U.C. The Grace U.C.W. will be in charge of the service next Sun- day, Nov. 12 at 9:45 a.m. Special music will be provided by our Men's Chorus and refresh- ments will be served following the service. The Sunday School Teachers and Support Group will meet on Monday, Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the Nursery. There will be a Men's Roast Beef Supper at Poggy's on Mon- day, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. The guest speaker will be Irwin Smith. Tickets are limited so call Nel- son at 985-7616 or George at 985-7502. The Official Board will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 7:30 p.m. atS.I.U.C. Mark your calendars now with the date of the Hanging of the Greens Party - Saturday, Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the S.I.U.C. Watch for further details. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Nonquon Conservation Moms, tots group resumes Hope all enjoyed a safe and happy Halloween. For those who enjoy the fun; don't for- get the Sea- grave Y.M.CA. Morning Ad- venture get together for Seagrave Moms and Tots resumes Wednesday, Nov. 8 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Congratulations to Katherine Cooke who re- cently won the Halloween Coloring Contest from Dowson's Valu-Mart. The sponsor, Heinz Foods, provided as the prize a great sports bag and cap. A reminder to all Robinglade Estates Wom- en's group members that the next meeting is to- morrow night at Isabelle Arculas' home - 8 p.m. sharp. Members are reminded to take every- thing they were told to bring for the craft along with their own mug. $1 for the 50/50 draw and the goodies for the recipe exchange. The Seagrave Sparks, Brownies and Girl Guides braved the cold and snow this past Sat- urday for the Chocolate Mint Cookie Blitz. This is a very important fundraiser for the girls and they wish to thank those who purchased cook- ies. Some people were not at home and the lead- ers want you to know that cookies are still avail- able. Please call Tracy Evans 985-9083, Kate MacDonald 985-4577 or Sandra Wickins 985- 0455. Every box ($3) makes a difference. Unfor- tunately one of the Girl Guides who was al- lowed to "make change" by herself was short $15. So if this person in the 'Seagrave village happens to find an extra $15 it would be greatly appreciated if it was returned to any of the above leaders. The leaders wish to thank all the girls who did show up and to those who helped do posters etc. and especially to the parents who went the extra mile and stayed to the bitter end. Thank you. Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Ona Short and Parrish Fisher. Church News Once again the Turkey Supper was a decided success. The committee wishes to thank all those within the church and committee and all others who helped with food and/or help. This is a community effort which could not be carried out without you! The committee was sorry they could not ac- commodate all those who phoned for tickets for the dinner as they were sold out days before the supper. Please mark the date on your '96 calen- dar - it's always the first Wednesday of Novem- ber. The church is gradually getting many of the repairs and renovations to the church complet- ed. Many of the Seagrave Church attended the Anniversary Service at Greenbank on Sunday when the new organ and choir gowns were dedi- cated. All enjoyed the music with Linda Hunter at the organ and Betty Stone at the piano. The choir number "River in Judea" and the solo "Holy Art Tho" by Hugh Baird were all beauti- ful. The guest speaker Rev. Jack Griffen of Co- lumbus United Church gave a very inspiration- al sermon "For Gods Sake." Next Sunday Seagrave service is at the new time of 10 a.m. Please phone George Hill at 985- 8067 if your children require a ride to Sunday School. The men's breakfast will be held this Stur- day, Nov. 11 at 8:30 a.m. at the church. All in the committee are welcome to attend the break- fast and discussion time. Please call Ann Sandiford at 985-9440 with your news for next week. Epsom-Utica UCW meets Tuesday There were 12 tables of eu- chre played in Utica last Friday evening with the following peo- ple winners: Ladies' first - Doro- thy Catherwood, second - Violet Kingsway Quartet is here Sunday oct Florence Ashton Rev. John Bannerman from the Presbyterian Church office led in the worship at Burns Church on Sunday in the ab- gence of Rev. Sheina Smith. We extend our sincere sympa- thy from the congregation and community to Rev. Smith in the sudden passing of her brother in Florida, where she joined to- gether with her family. The Eleanor Knight Group of the Women's Missionary Socie- ty met at the home of Ruth Oli- ver last Wednesday. Ray Death was in charge of the devotions. Florence Ashton led in the Bible Study from John 17 - Interces- sory Prayer. The next meeting will be held in January. The Ladies' Bible Class will meet at the home of Lexie Pet- tus on Wednesday evening at 8 .m. Thursday night is euchre night again at the Ashburn Community Centre at 8 p.m. All card players welcome. Bernice Gardner spent a few days with Chris and Frank McKinnon of Burnt River. Visiting with Bernice and Jean recently were Mr. and Mrs. E. Westfall, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. David Manns and chil- dren of Oshawa, and Donna Bonnell. Mel and Mary Briscoe and Bernice enjoyed the turkey sup- per at Brooklin on Saturday evening. Theo and Joan Knight spent the weekend with their daugh- ter Elaine and Jim Ewing o Orangeville. : Next Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. we welcome the Kingsway Quartet from London, Ontario as well as soloist Debbie Batten of Ashburn. Free will offering and social hour following. If you enjoy gospel music, why not join us. Everyone is welcome. Saturday, Nov. 18 is another big day at Ashburn for the an- nual bazaar at Burns Church which will be declared open at 10 a.m. There will be many love- ly items to choose from which will help you in your Christmas shopping. Some of the tables will include a jewellery table, country kitchen (pickles, jam, apples, etc.), treasure table (cups and saucers, etc.), bake ta- ble, craft table, toys and chil- dren's books and last, but not least a white elephant??? Plan tobring a friend and drop by and see us. A lunch will be served. Cole, third - Leona Butson. Men's first - Don Geer, second - Bill Butters, third - Irwin Kydd. Art Parratt had the most lone hands (six). Freeze-out winners were Lena Ogden and Verna Smith with Ivy Hardy and Fred Taber coming second. Draws were won by Berniece Wells, Malcolm Allbright and Fred Ta- ber. Joe Ward won the 50/50 .draw. There will be another eu- chre in two weeks, Nov. 17. A few weeks ago I congratu- lated Debbie Powell on her re- cent marriage but, unfortunate- ly, I had her married to the wrong fellow. Debbie is very happily married to Jeff Fenton, not Jim Fulton (whoever he may be). Sorry for the mistake, it was indeed a whopper. Charch and Sunday School this week will be held in Epsom Church at 9:30 a.m. Upcoming meetings: Sunday School, Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. at Dale Slack's home. Ses- sion meet: Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Epsom. The U.C.W. Presbyterial meeting wi'l be held on Mon- day, Nov. 13 at Aurora United Church starting at 9:30. Ladies who would like to go are re- minded to take a sandwich, re- freshments are provided. Also if you have used eyeglasses, Cs stamps etc. take them, or bring to church on Sunday. Epsom-Utica U.C.W. meet- ing is on Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 1 p-m. in Epsom Church. Roll call word is "Remembrance", also be reminded to take your donation of candies to be made up for gifts to residents at Uxbridge Care Centre when we visit. Congraulations to Maurice and Elaine Pratt who were in- terviewed by CFTO about their raising of the hedgehogs. I was surprised when I saw Elaine and one of her little fellows on the screen on Saturday eve- ning. Sympathy to the Pratt family on the recent passing of Maurice's father in England. Doris and Allan Hockley of Unionville were Sunday supper guests with the Keith Ashton family. Beth Catherwood of Oshawa spent the weekend with her mother Ruth Ashton. Approximately 15 family members attended a dinner at the home of Ron and Sandy Wagner on Saturday in honor of Lucille Wagner's 80th birthday which will be in December. Sey. eral from the community at- tended a celebration which was held in her honor in the evenin atthe Uxbridge Baptist Church

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