Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 27 Feb 1996, p. 19

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"A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 27, 1996 - 19 Rt | S(O) 0H MS DI PIES IVY Ld URAL RoorTs Just two more days in the short month of February. Then we'll be into a March morning. Spring feeling newness - flow- ers pushing up last autumn leaves; I find again that life has given us another chance with spring! Sympathy We were deeply saddened by the passing of a good friend and a great medical doctor, Matthew Dymond of Port Perry. He will be sadly missed by so many, and our sympathy goes out to wife Jean and the family. Matt Dymond was a fine friend to the S. A. Cawker family when they lived on Cochrane Street in Port Perry. We cherish his memory! Wild Geese Yours truly saw a very interesting sight when ten geese landed below the house in the pasture field - just a step from the pond. They stayed eating grass for some time before leaving for parts unknown. This surprise really made my day! " The old sandskrit verse which expresses a beautiful thought in just a few simple lines. Look well to this day - yes- terday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happi- ness - and every tomorrow a vision of hope, look well there- fore to this day! An Enjoyable Visit Marg Baumchen of McKee Road, spent a happy afternoon and evening with neighbour Neta Fish of Edgerton Road, an enjoyable time visiting, having dinner and so forth! The Cawker twins will be celebrating their birthdays on March 6 - Arthur of Sudbury and Alan of Oshawa. Trust they will have a great cele- bration as they were a fine pair of youngsters! Nestleton U.C.W. Nestleton U.C.W. met on Feb. 14 at the home of Jean Nestleton Williams with seven members in attendance. Regenia Walker, co-presi- dent opened the meeting with a Valentine Game. Chapter 13 - based on love, followed with a Valentine verse. Roll call - sing! say! Read a love song! Poem was answered well! A devotional by Joanna Malcolm. Corinthians 1 - Chapter 13 - based on love, followed with a Valentine verse. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Sec'y Joanne Malcolm. Treasurers report followed and business discussed. Jean Williams showed a Dreary old February is yielding to spring time video on the life of Dr. McClure, followed by a deli- cious lunch and social time. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediciton. Please note: World Day of Prayer, March 1 at Nestleton United Church at 7:30 p.m. with a social time to follow. Nestleton United Church On Sunday, Feb. 25, First Sunday of Lent with a fair attendance. Greeting at the door were Chuck and Carol Hill. Reader Carol Hill. Shirley and Regenia sang, "Bring back the springtime" with Karen at the piano. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed with Robert Mairs and Arnold Williams assisting the minis- ter, Rev. David Shearman. Offering gathered by church and Carol Hill. Service closed with prayer. Benediction, and singing, "Go Now in Peace". Minister Rev. Davis Shearman presented an excellent mes- sage. Nestleton Presbyterian Church On a beautiful sunny morn- ing, the service in Nestleton Presbyterian Church was con- ducted by Rev. Wm. Fairley. The organist was Joyce Taylor and ushers were Graham Ham and Oliver Rohrer. Dorothy Lee taught the Sunday School class. Responsive Psalm was #32 and Scripture readings were from Genesis 3 and St. Matthew 21. Rev. Fairley based the ser- mon on the first Sunday in Lent and delivered his usual thought-provoking sermon, although suffering from laryn- gitis. Lunch was enjoyed in the Sunday School room following the service. Note: World Day of Prayer service at North Nestleton United Church, on Friday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Our community lost another long time resident with the passing of Dorothy Edwards last week. Sympathy is extend- ed to her daughter Karen and her family as well as to other relatives and friends. Sorry to hear of the passing of long-time physician of this area Dr. Matthew Dymond after a lengthy illness. Sympathy is ex- tended to his wife Jeanne and their family. Dr. Dymond had a very busy practice in Port Perry for many, many years as well as serving as Member of Parla- ment. A large number attended the bridal shower in honor of Margo MacGregor held on Friday eve- ning at the Blackstock United Church C.E. Room. After Margo had opened her many lovely gifts she replied fittingly. A tas- ty lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Margo is the bride-to- be of Craig Larmer. Congratulations to the mem- bers of the Cartwright High School Senior Band and their director Mr. John Berness who won Gold level standing at the Music Festival held at Sunder- land. Congratulations also to the many other competitors who placed during the many classes at this annual festival. The Music Group and their parents will be holding their an- nual fundraiser on March 30 in the form of a roast beef dinner and silent auction. Plan now to attend this event. Members of the Board of the Agricultural Society are ad- vised of a meeting this Wednes- day, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. As there are many important decisions to be made, Community mourns Blackstock a good crowd is hoped for. A good number of the fair board attended the annual Con- vention of Ontario association of Agricultural Societies held in the Royal York last week. Con- gratulations to Barry Van Camp who produced an excel- lent Children's Showcase on Wednesday afternoon. Many others from this area attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Cattleman's Associ- ation also held in Toronto this past week. This was the last event during the term of office as president of this organiza- tion for Harvey Graham. A group from here returned last week from an enjoyable va- cation in Florida. They reported excellent weather which truly adds to a vacation in Florida this time of year. 4-H projects begin this week as follows: Tuesday at 7 p.m. - Chicken and Egg Project at Nes- tleton United Church. Wednes- day - 7 p.m. - Blackstock U.C. - Chicken and Egg and Quilting and on Thursday evening at 7 p.m. at Blackstock United Church the Chicken and Egg Project. For further information on any of these call Marilyn Green, Barbara Byers or Gail Johns. Hope everyone enjoyed a good weekend with the nice mild weather. Wow, Sunday felt like a nice spring day. Last Sunday the kids were tobog- ganing on our hill all bundled up in winter gear. Today they were skateboarding on our driveway - coats only!! Let's hope it is a sign of the weather to come. The Seagrave "Sparks" are in need of new leaders for next year. Sparksis a group for 5-6 year old girls and for the first time this year had a group in Seagrave. Unfortunately two of the three leaders cannot re- turn, and with this age group it is very important to have a full complement of leaders. Sparks is on Monday night from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. If you can assist please call San- dra Wickens at 985-0455. Robinglade Estates has a new teenager this week. Con- gratulations to Dana Jewell who just turned 13. Happy birthday Dana. I also hear that a long time Sparks seeking new ediors Seagrave Sandiford Seagrave resident is celebrat- ing his 16th birthday. Happy birthday to Bill Barr who cele- brates his birthday on Feb. 29. Not to worry Bill, we'll let eve- ryone multiply that one!! Have agreat day! Hope all the university and college kids who were home for the winter break this past week had a good time, either at home or south somewhere on holiday. Safe driving back to school! Again, I would like to ask the people of the community to help with the Block Parent program. At this point, we do not have a representative for the village of Seagrave. For the program to continue, we must have representatives from all areas. Please call me, Ann Sandiford at 985-9440. To be a local rep probably takes about one or two hours per year. The next Robinglade Ladies Group meeting is March 6 at the home of Elizabeth Graham at 8 p.m. Please bring your mug and loonie. The subject is nutrition and there will be a guest speaker. Hope to see lots of people out! Happy birthday this week to Allan Wray, Frank Branton and Sandie McCully. Seagrave Church News The first Sunday of Lent was observed last Sunday when Shannon Pickford extin- guished the first candle. Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper was also observed. The choir sang, "Sent forth by God's Blessings". Reverend Shep- herd's sermon was on, "Lead Us Not Into Temptation but Deliver Us From Evil." Here's the report from Epsom, Utica BY VERA BROWN Springlike weather was en- joyed by many in our area over the weekend as some got on their walking shoes while oth- ers dusted off their bikes. Un- fortunately it played havoc with the Sunday School's planned to- bogganing party which had to be postponed due to lack of snow. They're hoping to get it underway in two weeks. Church and Sunday School this week, March 3 will be held in Epsom at 9:30 a.m. This be- ing the first Sunday of the month, it will be time to bring donations to the local food banks. Utica Daycare Board invite those who have been part of founding or running of the cen- tre to join them for an informal "tea and cookies" hour on Mon- day, March 4 at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5 at 8 p.m. will be the time for the Utica Hall Board meeting at the hall. Utica Memory Hall has been undergoing a much needed face lifting this past week with the installation of tile on the lower floor. Saturday, March 2 there will be cards and crokinole at Ep- Turnto Page 27 "3

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