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Port Perry Star, 5 Mar 1996, p. 14

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14- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 5, 1996 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" >» PORT PERRY STAR RURAL Roorts [F---- Blackstock Better health is wished for Mrs. Jean Trewin who con- tinues to be a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Pleased that she has been able to come home several times for short stays. Swift recovery is also wished to the many, especial- ly children, who are sick with a type of bug these days. Get better soon - after all March Break begins next week! Best wishes are extended to Lynn McLaughlin and Jim McPhail who were marred on Saturday afternoon in a very pretty wedding in St. John's Anglican Church. The recep- tion and dance followed at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. The bride and groom Farmers' night planned March 20 will be living in Lindsay. They plan a skiing trip to Whistler, B.C. during March break. The weatherman threat- ens a major winter storm for this week -1is this March com- ing in like a lion? Most folks are very ready for spring to arrive so let's hope that this is the last hurrah for winter this season. There were nine tables at the Tuesday evening weekly card party with the following winners: Carl Gimblett, Sa- rah Brunton, Thomas Manns, Pat Porrill, Vivian Kydd, Charles Campbell and Stuart Dorrell. Lucky draws were won by Ruby Smith, Vi Linton, Edna Manns, Char- lie Campbell, Vivian Kydd, and Norman Rohrer. The members of the Black- stock and District Lions Club are busy preparing for the annual Farmer's Night on March 20 when the guest speaker will be the Minister - of Agriculture for Ontario, the Honorable Noble Ville- neuve. Get your tickets soon. "Qliff and Evelyn 'Irapp have had an eventful past month or so. They have two new grandchildren and en- joyed a holiday in Cuba. Con- gratulations to Rhonda and Kevin Trapp on the arrival of a baby boy on March 1. Kevin and Rhonda live in View Lake. On Sunday afternoon a bridal shower attended by the Larmer family relatives was held in honor of Margo MacGregor at the United Church C.E. Room. Margo re- ceived many lovely gifts and a social time was enjoyed. Meanwhile the gentlemen of the family gathered at the home of Glenn,Marion and Craig Larmer for a visit and social time. Margo's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. MacGregor of Petro- lia, Ontario were present with mom attending the shower and dad the gather- ing at Lieu Villa. Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor were overnight guests of Margo at her home, the re- modelled post office Keeping an eye peeled for the first robin Today is a very blustery Sun- day with many of the rural church services being cancelled. . Some people have said to me "Do you think this winter will everend?" I saw a cheery note a couple of days back when eight mourning doves were here feeding off the green bank across the road and getting gravel or grit from my driveway. Remember that was one of those couple of days when we saw the sun and the green grass. Oh well. I expect to see a robin in a couple of weeks. Yes we have the back of this winter broken as the calendar tells us it's March. Sap is running and Prince Albert by | Grace Beacock and her friend Gertie Wanamaker spent a couple of days in Oshawa with Grace's sister Mary Devitt. The weekly euchre had ten tables on Thursday evening. Winners were Audrey Ma- haffy, Helen Wozney, Doro- thy McCaslin, Pat Norton, Caroline Haugh, Norma Geer. Lucky draws were won by Georgina Moore, Grace Bassant, Dorothy Butson. Lone hand series winners for the month was Mary Wil- liamson with 16. Better health is wished for a couple of the euchre players, George Harper and Ray Munro who UCW meeting is off are 1n hospital. Grace Beacock had her three grandsons Lee, Blair and Craig Beacock for Sun- day evening dinner. Congratulations to David Heayn and Carol Archer who were married on Saturday evening in the Prince Albert United Church. A reception followed at Port Perry Lodge Hall for family and friends. The happy couple will be liv- ingin Prince Albert. Ivan and Linda Pugh and daughter Cassandra spent the weekend with his par- ents Merv and Ilean Pugh. Visited with grandmother Gostick and attended the wedding of his friend David Heayn. There will not be a U.C.W. meeting in March due to so many going away for school break. The second Lenten was put out on Sunday. Beth Peremen sang a lovely solo. Rev. Dorinda Vollmer will be taking the service next Sun- day. Communion will be held on Palm Sunday, March 31. I (------------------ Caesarea | by i] oL:1g 1 its maple syrup time and also I saw Eileen looking at the flower seed catalogue today. The executives of the Lake Scugog Regatta Association had a meeting Wednesday and great plans were set for the com- ing year. Due to the ball diamond not being used by the minor ball league we are planning steps to remedy these problems. As usu- al this is going to take money. I imagine you think as I do that we need our share of the circuit of games in our village so our kids are playing some: of the games near home. Also, there are lots of seniors around who enjoy these games along with others. Our program for the first part of the year is as fol- lows. May 25 - yard sale; June 15 - ball game - Nestleton Park; June 30 - Caesarea Canada Day Fire Works and games. Note this year we in Canada are endeavoring to have an eight to 12 days of celebrations. A. Cree people celebrations and festival, latter part of June. B. The St. Jean Baptiste on June 24. C. A United Canada Day cel- ebration on July 1. The week- end of July 13 and 201s our can- vassing period to help finance the Regatta. July 27 is Regatta olf Day. Then comes our Re- gatta, Aug. 3, 4, and 5 March break arrives! [mm Scugog Island by The long-awaited March Break is just around the corner, but is Spring? Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday to trav- ellers getting away from Onta- rio for the winter break. Watch out for excited children getting off the buses on Friday. Scugog Island United Church The Coffee Hour following our regular worship service was enjoyed by all. Special thanks to the second Scugog Scouting Group Committee for providing the refreshments. With the stormy weather outside, it was great to prolong staying 1n where it was warm! The Lectionary Bible Study Group will meet on Tuesday, March 5 at 1:30 p.m. The High School Supper Club will meet on Tuesday, March 5 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Grace U.C.W. will meet on Wednesday, March 6 at 8 p.m. at the home of Florence Fralick. Junior Choir practice will be held on Friday, March 8 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the church. Children in grades one and up are welcome to join. We will be preparing music for Easter. The Youth Group will meet on Friday, March 8 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Don't forget to get your tick- ets for the St. Patrick's Ham and Scalloped Potato Supper and Talent Auction and Enter- tainment held on Saturday, March 16 at the Island Hall at 6 p.m. For tickets call Florence at 985-9346. You won't want to miss out on the fun entertain- ment planned. Wear something green for the St. Patrick's theme. This event is sponsored © by the Grace U.C.W. with pro- ceeds going to Scugog Island United Church. We are looking for donations of crafts or talents for the talent auction. If you can help us out, please sign up on the list on the bulletin board at the church or call Doris at 985- 2255. Elaine Barber will present her slides of the Holy Land on Sunday, March 17 at 2 p.m. at S.I1.U.C.Mark your calendars. Moms and Tots continue to meet on Mondays at the church at 9:30 a.m. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Nestleton Nestleton United Church On Sunday, March 3, the second Sunday of Lent - Rev. David Shearman conducted the Service, opening with Call to Worship and time of confession. Hymn - "Help us accept each other" sung and "Fairest Lord Jesus" fol- lowed with children's theme. Marley and Logan Mal- colm were greeters. A beauti- Walker and Shirley Jackson entitled "Reach Out to Jesus" with Karen Yellowlees at the piano. A fine message was pre- sented by Minister Rev. Da- vid Shearman entitled "Risky Believing". Very in- teresting! To close - offering received by Reg. Hughes and Art Weir. Attendance good con- sidering weather - very blus- ful duet was sung by Regenia Prayer Day celebrated tery. Service closed with prayers of the people of God. Lord's Prayer and Hymn, "I am the Light of the World" - Commission, Benediction. "Go Now in Peace" was sung. World Day of Prayer Ser- vice With Leader Janice MacK- enzie opening the event - the World Day of Prayer Service was held Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. with a good atten- dance - the Cartwright Churches represented at this splendid service. Guest speaker, Rev. David Shearman spoke on "God Called to Respond" dealing with Haiti and problems there. Greeting at the door were Neta Fish and Carol Hill, pi- anist Karen Yellowlees. The service is worldwide with 170 countries involved. A number of hymns were sung and a Blackstock- Nestleton Choir with Karen accompanying. A social hour was enjoyed after the service downstairs. Here we are into March and Spring is on the way folks! Weather forecast has a slightly warming trend!

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