2 -- "A Family Tradition for 128 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, March 12, 1996 - 19 > PORT PERRY STAR RURAL RooTs Holy Communion to be held on March 24 little gift that's brought - these tendance with Karen Yellow- God, and Lord's Prayer. Songs Responsive Psalm reading Nestleton Mabel (of: WV '(=1§ Brave March is such a show off month! A gusty, blowing, hopeful month. The north wind blows - the south wind blows. And yet I think March blows really shows, That he intends to clear the way - to make room for bright summer days! This is the month we hoe the weeds, And sow with trust the tiny seeds. March calls to each of us! "Pre- pare!" Rise up again and show you care! Don't just spring clean the house - but find - those cob- webs also in your mind. Thoughts In the lovely sunny days of March it has been most enjoya- ble! It has been infinitely peace- ful in Spring is not too far dis- tant! Soon we'll hear the robin's plaintive little song. Here's hop- ing all the excitement of spring will be arriving at our doorsteps '._ foralongstay soon. The Little Things It's the little things in life that count - the handclasps - touch or smile - the thoughtful things really make life worth- while! The pleasure of a tele- phone call - when you are sad or blue - or just to know that some- one cares - can mean so much to you! A friend may well be reck- oned the masterpiece of nature! Marg Baumchen of McKee Road and Neta Fish of Edgerton Road had a lovely visit recently, spending time together at Neta's home. Thoughts - Friends If there is one blessing we ap- preciate more than another - it's faithful friends. The understanding of those who have shared our dark as well as our bright days - is price- less. It's wonderful to have friends who know all about us - and love us just the same. Peo- ple who put up with us gracious- ly in spite of our faults and fail- ings. Friends who do not need to be prepared and assured of our concern - and love for them - but who take it for granted that whether we find time to call them or write them. We still love them and cher- ish them. Such good friends are as comfortable as old shoes! Nestleton United Church On a bright sunny morning Rev. David Shearman led the church service, third Sunday in Lent, March 10 with a fair at- Utica & Epso mittee is planning a soapbox derby to be held in June. They are in need of lots of helpers to. make this a great day of fun for young and old. The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 21 at 8 p.m. at Utica Farm Equip- ment. Whether you have soapbox derby experience or not, come and join them - there's lots to do. We'll all be winners when the kids get that checkered flag. If you want more information please call Darlene Christie at 985-8094. Church and Sunday School this Sunday, March 17 will be 'held in Epsom Church starting at 9:30 a.m. There were 11 tables of eu- chre played in Utica Hall on Wednesday night with the following being winners: La- dies first: Vi Linton, second: Epsom Indy in June The "Epsom Indy" Com- . Ruth Gimblett. Men's first - Don Linton, second - Laurie McCulloch who also had the most lone hands. Door prizes were won by Milton Ander- son, Karen and Bob Storey, Doris Evans and Kari Slater. Ruby Smith won the 50/50 draw. There will be another euchre in two weeks, March 20. Grace Kirk has returned home from a very relaxing visit to Imperial Lakes in Lakeland, Florida where she spent the past month along with her sister Irene Em- burgh and their brother Bruce and his wife Doris All- worth. Norm and Betty Tapscott had a very enjoyable visit re- cently when they flew down to Halifax, N.S. to visit with their son John and family. Sunday supper guests with Ruth Ashton were Ken and Beth Catherwood of Oshawa, her grandson Greg Ashton and daughter Kaitlin and friend Joanne Penny of Cameron. The Sunday School's sleigh riding party on Sun- day afternoon was well at- tended and they really en- joyed themselves on the hills and the refreshments which were served at the Epsom Church afterwards. lees the pianist. In the choir a splendid num- ber was sung, "Here I am, Lord" with quartet Shirley, Regenia, Katie and Rev. David Shear- man. Scripture read by Arlene Mal- colm from Exodus 17: 1-17. A fine message was presented by Minister Rev. David Shearman. Offering taken by Arlene Mal- colm and Heather and service closed with doxology, offertory prayer, prayers of the people of "Go Now in Peace" and "Three Fold Amen" were sung. Nestleton Presbyterian Church With a larger attendance on a beautiful sunny day, the regu- lar service at 11 a.m. met in Nes- tleton Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. Fairley was in the pul- pit, and Joyce Taylor played the organ. Ushers were Oliver Roh- rer, and Russell Brown and Dor- othy Lee taught the Sunday School. was #121 and Scripture was from Genesis 12 and Old Testa- ment John 3. Holy Communion will be dis- pensed on Sunday, March 24. Rev. Fairley spoke of the need of help spiritually which we have day by day in our lives. "The Lord shall preserve thee from all ill." Lunch was provided in the Sunday School room following the service. Choir practice March 14 Scugog Islan It's nice to see the sun at the beginning of our March Break. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. Our sympathy is extended to Camille Crozier and family in the sudden death of her hus- band, Doug. Our former correspondent, Reta Reader, will be celebrating her 90th birthday on March 16. Happy birthday Reta from your friends on Scugog Island. We are happy to report that Edna Beckett is home from the hospital and is doing well. All your Island friends wish you well Edna! Scugog Island Women's Institute The Scugog Island Women's Institute meet for an evening of fun and music on Wednesday, March 20 at 8 p.m. at the Scu- gog Island Hall. 2nd Scugog Scouts The 2nd Scugog Scout Parent Committee will be holding a "Spring Fling" Dance on Satur- day, March 30 at the Scugog Is- land Hall from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music will be by the Travelling Wilburs with proceeds going to the 2nd Scugog Scouts. For tick- ets call Laura at 985-2855. Scugog Island United Church The beautiful flowers that adorned the sanctuary on Sun- day morning were placed in lov- ing memory of Doug Crozier. His funeral took place on Satur- day. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Camille and her family at this time of bereavement. The Lectionary Bible Study Group will meet on Tuesday, March 12 at 1:30 p.m. The Moms and Tots will be meeting now on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. The Ministry and Personnel Committee will meet on Thurs- day, March 14 at 8 p.m. at S.I.U.C. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, March 14 at 7 p.m. The Junior Choir will prac- tice on Friday, March 15 from 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. Children in Grades 1 and up are invited to join. The Head U.C.W. is all set for the St. Patrick's Ham and Scal- loped Potato Supper on Satur- day, March 16 at 6 p.m. at the Island Hall. Everyone is looking forward to the entertainment since there are usually surpris- es! If you still wish to donate a talent or craft for the auction, please call Doris at 985-2255 so we can add it to the list before printing. We appreciate the sup- port shown thus far. The pro- ceeds from this event will be go- ing to Scugog Island United Church. Elaine Barber will be showing slides of the Holy Land on Sun- day, March 17 at 2 p.m. at S.I.U.C. Elaine would like to share with you the wonders of this ancient land and the uniqueness of the modern state of Israel. If the peace process continues Elaine hopes to lead a tour to the Holy Land next March. Come out and experi- ence a trip to the Holy Land! During Lent this year, Elaine has set aside Monday evenings for exploring our faith. These sessions will be called "Learn- ing About Faith" and will be held on Mondays at 8 p.m. at S.I.U.C. on March 11, 18, 25 and April 1. Come to one or all of these sessions to discover how faith can help us through wild- erness times. It's a time to ex- plore whether you might want to express your faith through Baptism, Confirmation or Re- affirmation of your faith. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Ashburn Florence i Ashton Rev. Sheina Smith re- turned to the pulpit on Sun- day, following her two weeks vacation in Florida. The choir sang one of the old fa- vorites, "I will Sing the Won- drous Story." It was nice to see Margaret Davis out to church following her conva- lescence at home. Something different is be- ing planned for Friday, March 29 in the form of a box social to be held at Burns Church. Bring a meal-in-a- container for one person. Prizes for best decorated, comical, beautiful and musi- cal. There will be a baby gal- -- Box Social lery and board games. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m. - box judging and 7 p.m. box auction. A fun time for all. Thursday night, March 14 1s euchre night again for all the euchre players at Ash- burn. Community Centre. Time -8 p.m. : A surprise birthday party was held at the Community Centre on Sunday, March 3 in honor of Bernice Gardner on the occasion of her 75th birthday. Guests and family members were present from St. Catherines, Guelph, Hamilton, Burnt River, Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin and Port Perry. On Wednesday, March 6 many friends gathered at Bernices' home to wish her well on her special birthday. Visiting - with Bernice Gardner and Jean on Thurs- day were Phyllis Cook, Myr- tle and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcock of Uxbridge. Have a good week! I I I I a I I a Ta ry TT Tm