At the fair board meetin on Wednesday : items were discussed under the direction of President Lawrence Van Camp. Much of the meet- ing's business dealt with final plans for the fourth annual out- door event, this year featuring the music of the very well known group Montana Sky. This evening will be held at the We had a great weekend selling our Regatta's lucky draw tickets in Lindsay this past weekend. Thanks to Mr. Fox of Canadian Tire Corp. Glad to see so many come up and pass a good word to us. At one point I thought we were an information booth with four couples coming. forth at different times from trailer parks and talking to us of the new municipal traii- er levy against their trailer. The owner of the trailer park pays taxes on the lands and buildings of the park which is assessed as a trailer park. The residents pay rent and now the new wrinkle is not a tax but a levy against each trailer which to me is the same thing. These people are weekend- ers or retirees getting away for the summer from the hot city. Will this go a step fur- ther to apartment buildings and etc.? They maintain the local government does noth- ing for them. I asked what about garbage? They don't even collect, that was the re- Ply. 2 It's time the provincial government faced reality and took over the full cost of education throughout the province and gave local gov- ernments the right to their existence without transfer payments. Another item brought to my attention was our new twonee coin. Two dollars coin with the silver center. The Italians have a 500 Lira legal coin exactly the same with different pictures and en- avings of course. if is worth $2 and their's is worth 15 cents here in Canada. Watch for them and I've been told the banks won't take them. You have to go to the money exchange house to get your 15 cents for evening many fairgrounds on July 27. Get your advance tickets from Jan Van Camp, Jodi Duff or the lo-. cal stores. At this family event the public school students will be admitted free if they come with their parents. If you see what appears to be amotel being builtin Peter Hoo- geveen's hay field, don't become alarmed. Blackstock is not go- what you thought was your $2 coin. Six people over the weekend told us they saw themin the Lindsay area. We attended the funeral of Fred Summers this past week. He was the little man with thes stubly beard which walked around town with the small dog. He's been around town for a number of years and at one point his house burnt down. He went off the road at Vine's corner due to medical reasons and conse- quently didn't recover in hos- pital. Ron Briton did an ex- cellent job officiating at the funeral. Our sincere condo- lences to the family and friends. Another sad event was the passing of Cecil Stephen Greenfield who was a sum- mer cottager on Angle Street for many years here in Cae- sarea. He was 83. Our most sincere condolences to the family. A Karaoke evening is re- turning Saturday, July 20 to the Caesarea Hall. Here in our adjoining vil- lages I would say we need some program planning. Yes we want to aid each others causes in money raising events which is spent on making that part of our com- munity better. But lets look at July 29. 1. The Blackstock Bash. 2. The LSRA Regatta Golf Tournament. 3. The Wil- liam's Point 75th anniver- sary of the area. Did you know why crois- sants are crescent shaped. In 1683 Austrains repelled the Ottoman Turks' attempt to occupy Vienna. To commemo- rate the victory. Viennese bakers created the Croissan shaped like the cresant in the Turkish pan. Joke of the-week: The law- yer was cross examining a witness. "Ain't it true" he ac- cused "that you were given five hundred dollars to throw this case." The witness said nothing and looked out the window, the lawyer repeated himself with no response. Fi- nally the judge spoke to the witness, "Please answer the question," Oh said the star- tled witness "I thought he was talking to you." ing commercial. A film crew will be working at this location the next two weeks filming seg- ments of the film "The Fairy Godmother" which is supposed- ly set in mid-western USA on the prairies. I¢n't it amazing what illusions can be used in the film industry? Last Monday a group of ladies gathered at Cullen Gardens to help Alma Duff celebrate her birthday. Ill never tell how many candles were on her birth- day cake. Nancy and Bob Bryans and Leanna travelled to Val Carron outside Sudbury to visit Lil and Ray Desjardin, neighbors in their Silk Oak Lodge Park in Clearwater, Florida. You are invited to the farm home of Frank and Donna Bar- key of R.R. 2, Blackstock, 4405 Townline Rd. North (east of Raglan) to enjoy their Rose and Clematis Show on Sunday, July 21 from 11 a.m. until dusk. If » you enjoy flowers this is the place for you. } Ifyou are an exhibitor at fairs. and are interested in learning how items are judged you may obtain Judging Standards book for all homecraft classes - bak- . ing, sewing, crafts, etc. from Joyce Kelly at 986-4257 in Blackstock at a cost of $5. If you are closer to the Lindsay area Mrs. Betty Lester also has a supply of these books. For the horticultural classes a similar book is available at a cost of $3 and is available from Kathleen Petrie of Analda Nurseries at 986-4771. I am sure that you would find these books very helpful as you prepare your ex- hibits or just for your general in- formation. I missed an interesting item in June when Merrill and Jean Van Camp flew to Vancouver for a surprise birthday party in cel- ebration of Marie (Van Camp). Atfield's 40th birthday, hosted by her husband Bob and her three sons. Happy birthday greetings from your many Blackstock friends, Marie. Many from this area joined . Carol and Brian Gray at their Open House held at Yelverton United Church Sunday after- noon to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Congrat- ulations Brian and Carol. Janette Smith and Marion MacPherson .of Strathaven, Scotland visited Gerald and Joyce Kelly for a couple of days last week. They are touring Canada for a three week vaca- tion. David Petrie of Las Vegas, Blackstock is ex were here the seeing and enj erings. ' ner on Sunday evening ° Betty and Bill Oxley anc and Ronald Bra bur visit wi Mary and A A warm welco, y he thoughts of the c ty is extended to several 'our midst in hospital - Jean win and John Carnaghan Port Perry Hospital an Byers in Rehab Hospita ronto. ; There were 'It was nice to see such love- ly weather this weekend . fo ti a rainy spell. ope that everyone enjoy the wonderful sunshine. Church News sérvice was given by David Shearman and The talented Kate Mairs was the pianist for this Sunday. The sermon "The Promise of. God" provided an interesting parody on agriculture. Greet- ers this week were Art and Barb Weir, scripture reader was Art Weir. i Just a reminder Nestleton United Church summer ser- vices are at 9 a.m. except on Sunday Aug. 18, which is Nestleton Decoration Ser- vice. The decoration service will be held at 2:30 p.m. Nestleton Presbyterian Church Nestleton held during the.months of July and August. Church service will resume in Sep- tember. ; A Memorial Service was held on Sunday, July 7 for Rita Fairley: To the glory of God, and to celebrate the life of Rita Fairley, beloved wife of William Fairley. Rev. Fair- ley conducted the service in Knox Presbyterian Church at Glen Arm, which was one of the pulpits he had minis- tered in while he was active- ~ Nestleton United LE Sunday, July 1 = delights 4 stu-_ "dent intern Ron Brittain. Presbyterian buckl registratio