Card of Thanks Thank you to our friends of Seagrave and Ponty- pool United Churches, Pontypool/Bethany Choir, Junior Farmers (former members) and communi- ties for their BEST WISH- ES and parties held to honour us on our recent marriage. Much appredi- WHAT A PARTY! Family, Friends and Neighbours: Thank you so much for being part of that surprise 25th Celebra- tion. Trip/Toms Catering - thank you - great meal Bradburm/Gatchell/Kemp/ Morton impersonators - thank you. Special thanks to the organization board - Larry, Eve, Ted, Marg, Stacey and Scott Don and Louise Swain. Car Club would like to thank our car club and the Wednesday Night Cruise-ins over the past wo years Card of Thanks Many thanks to our family and friends for the won- derful surprise party for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Special thank you to our children, Lori and John, for organiz- ing it. Bill and Gwen. Announcement FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Gary and Donna Sweet- man are happy to announce the engage- ment of their son, Kent James to Catherine Gail, daughter of Sandra and John Norris. Marriage to take place Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 3 p.m. in Streetsville United Church. Notice APPLICATIONS ARE NOW being received at the Scugog Memorial Library for The Kent Fame dale Art Bursary. Open to any resident of Scugog Application forms avail- able at the brary. Closing date for applications - September 15, 1996 "PM YOURS!" One owner, 4 level, 3 bdrm. backsplit on manicured 1-1/4 acres (approx.). Lots of features: fir. to ceiling brick F.P. in F/R, w/o from F/R to party sized patio, spacious rooms, gar. entrance, plenty of kit. cupboards w/dbl. pantry - all tastefully decorated. This & more just 5 mins. from Port Perry. Price has been slashed to $159,900! Excellent value! Call Emie today! 986-0055 or 985-4300. Greetings IF YOU SEE IVAN MCLAUGHLIN, on the street some day, wish him a HAPPY 60TH BIRTH- DAY, (August 12, 1996). From his brother, Jim. Births RIDGE, Nolan is pleased to finally hold his cute baby brother, Carter William, who arrived July 24, 1996, weighing 7 Ibs. 3.5 oz. Proud parents of these boys are Brian and Sharon and grandparents are Bill and Jean Hodgins of Ashburn and Hazel Ridge of Ajax Coming Events GREENBANK UNITED CEMETERIES DECORA- TION SERVICE, August 18 at 2.30 p.m. Speaker -* Deborah Murray. JACK AND JILL for Tina Soomre and Ray Doyle, Saturday, August 17 at 8 p.m., Port Perry Kinsmen Hall. All frends welcome. Tickets - $5 at door. Sur- prise. OPEN HOUSE IN HONOR OF ELIZABETH ACTON On her 90th Birthday, Trin- ity United Church, Uxbridge, 2 - 4 p.m., August 17, 1996. Best wishes only. Coming Events PLEASANT POINT (MARIPOSA) Cemetery Decoration, August 18 at 2:30 p.m. BLACKSTOCK UNITED CHURCH Roast Beef Din- ner, Saturday, August 24, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $10, children $5. Enjoy dinner after the fair! FAMILY ENTERTAIN- MENT, live theatre at TOWN HALL 1873, Wednesday, August 14, 3 p.m. Puppets, music, drama, "The Really Little Theatre Co." Tickets at Scugog Library. FUN DAY AT Sunrise Beach, Saturday, August 17, noon. Kids games, horseshoes, food, prizes. Lots of fun for everyone. Island Rd. to Chandler Rd. and follow signs. Epsom-Utica Community Corn Roast & BBQ at Utica Hall Sat, Aug. 17 4:30-7:30 Adults $5.00 Children $2.50 Coming Events "AUGUST 18, Lake Scu- gog GM Tool and Die Fishing Club - Sth Annual Bass Buster event. Tick- ets available at JD Fishing and Archery. BINGO - NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE every Friday in July and August - 7 p.m. New pro- gram, new baseball game added, Nevada tickets, "Loonie Bin" loot, Queen/King receive free mug and cash. Proceeds to Nestleton Hardball League. Notice CRUSIN' CLASSICS CAR CLUB - We are moving to a bigger loca- tion. Come join us. Effec- tive August 14, 1996 our new Crusin' location will Manchester. DAILY TRIPS to Casino Rama in Oriliia from KAREN E. HUNT, CP.E. - Electrolysis. Permanent hair removal. Call now for your confidential compli- mentary consultation - (905)985-9085. Member of E.A.O. and C.F.E.C. Waxing also available. VALUE PLUS!!! "Port Perry 3 bedroom all brick bungalow with double attached garage, gas fireplace & heat, walkout from kitchen and full unspoiled basement! $169,900! To view please ol Robert &, Carolyn Hall 985-4300 office or 985-7718 res. Coming Events PEARCE AUCTION SERVICE - Insured for moving anywhere in the Province of Ontario. 22' van. Reasonable rates. Phone or fax 905-655- 8073. Clean, courteous service. PIANO LESSONS - Learning can be fun. All ages, all music! Exam prep. Jan Nicholls, A.R.C.T., Greenbank - 985-1567. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS For Heb Cal (rarmary Auberge) lor women & children Toll Free 1-800-263-3725 Confidentiality assured (905) 728-7311 EMMERSON EMM Lh. LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST. (905) 985-7306 126 Water St., Port Perry (905) 985-4300 SSIFIEDS PHONE (905) 985-7383 OR FAX (905) 985-3708 - DJ TAYLOR INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 168 North St. - Port Perry Ont, LOL 187 (905) 985-8416 SEE US FORALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS : ABORIGINAL CASINO TRAINING Individuals interested in pursing a career in gaming please contact: KATHERINE ROWE THE MISSISSAUGAS OF SCUGOG ISLAND FIRST NATION 905-985-8024 PORT PERRY - LOL 1B9