10- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 4, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice " DURING CLEANUP FROM THE FIRE VISIT OUR TEMPORARY LOCATION AT 68 WATER STREET (BESIDE SQUARE BOY PIZZA) 985-4459 Video SUPER Store DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION NOMINATION MEETING Saturday, February 15, 1997 1:00pm COURTICE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL No new memberships will be sold after Saturday, February 1st at midnight. Renewals of 1996 memberships will be accepted up to and including February 15th. A regular, valid membership, plus one piece of signed personal identification shall be required. For further information, please contact either Peter Zakarow, President at (905) 623-7538 or Eleanor Colwell, Membership Chair, at (905) 986-4034. Snowmobile thefts continue In Scugog Durham Regional Po- lice were busy over the past week as two snowma- chines were stolen and there was an attempt on another. Police report that a 1995 Polaris Indy was stolen from the Port Perry Arena during the evening of Jan. 29. The machine was parked outside the arena and when the owner came back she found it stolen. The machine is valued at $3,500. Police are also investi- gating the robbery of a black 1994 Polaris Indy. The machine was locat- Police report ed in the backyard of a Port View Rd. residence and was stolen sometime between Jan. 22-27. Durham Police are also looking into the attempted theft of a 1989 Yamaha Phazer from a Washago Bay Lane residence on Jan. 31. A man heard a voice by his neighbor's garage and went outside to take a look. When he got outside he saw two snowmachines on Lake Scugog, each with two riders. Two males got off the machines and walked to- wards the house. They then proceeded to cut a INSURANCE ASSIGNMENT ACCEPTED BB EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE {WE COLLECT FROM INSURANCE COMPANIES) IB DENTISTRY WHILE YOU SLEEP - = i . WPAYMENT PLANS ARRANGED a. Wsewon CHTTEENS DISCOUNT GENERAL ANESTHESIA AVAILABLE NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 2 0 os 5- Fo "1 5 9. & Lo PAXTON ST. (ACROSS FROM PORT PERRY HOSPITAL) pi - thieves had chain attached to the ma- chine and dragged it to the east side of the garage. After they made an un- successful attempt to start the machine, the gentle- man watching the thieves made some noises, scaring them off. Break and enter Police report that some- time between Jan. 30 - Feb. 2 an Ambleside Drive residence was broken into. While away in Florida, the owners had a person per- form routine checks on the house. On the afternoon of Feb. 2, the person checking the home discovered that the garage door had been slightly pried open and the entered through the inside door in the garage. The robbers opened doors and closets and the only thing known to be sto- Steam Cleaning 985-8552 DELI 852-6711 FLYER WE'VE GOT You COVERED! + ASHBURN * BLACKST OCK * BAOOKLIN + CAESAREA *» GREENBANK * LITTLE BRITAIN -* MANILLA ~~ «NESTLETON ; * OAKWOOD * PORT PERRY * PORT PERRY RR's * PRINCE ALBERT * SUNDERLAND = SEAGRAVE ~ * UXBRIDGE .- *UDORA ae YELVERTON *JANETVILLE _OVER 17,000 DISTRIBUTION len was a stereo. Police also report that there was also another break-in at Ambleside Drive during that same time frame. The owners, who were vacationing in Florida at the time, had their son pe- riodically check the house. Sometime between Jan. 29 and Feb. 1, the son was checking the property when he found a window at the rear of the home broken. After inspecting the in- side of the house it was discovered that the place was ransacked and that a police scanner and CD player were stolen. No value was estimated and police are investigat- ing this robbery and be- lieve that the two robber- ies are connected. e 3M Scotchguard e Broadloom e Upholstery ¢ | oose Rugs VERY We deliver to YOUR MAILBOX ...not to the end of YOUR DRIVEWAY our distribution No other local newspaper offers and reliable service. Go with the #1 newspapers in town ...go with Ar E30 Em 17,000 FREE Wo Pe CIRCULATION = 5,000 PAID 3 ole [JPR FET Star x 188 MARY ST. - PORT PERRY - 905-985-7383