ER a a a tt ee ------ eh "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" 24- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 4, 1997 R > PORT PERRY STAR < URAL Roots New board executive elected at annual dinner Over 60 members attended the annual meeting of the Blackstock Agricultural Society on Wednesday evening. Lawrence Van Camp, president, welcomed everyone after which Craig Larmer said Grace. Following the delicious (as always) pot luck dinner, the head table was introduced. The guest speaker Vance Dick gave a narration "Rural Roots" which was well received. Joan Payne, OAAS District 4 Homecraft Rep and Joyce Kelly, OAAS secretary each brought greetings from the Provincial association. The trophies were presented as follows: The Hall Trophy for highest in Field Crops to David Frew of Don Frew and Sons; the Junior Dairy Champion and Junior Dairy Herd Trophies were both won by Keith Van Camp and accepted by son Barry, and the Top Showman Trophy won by Kathryn Barkey. The financial report by Janice Beechey as well as the other reports given indicated another successful year. President Lawrence Van Camp in his remarks thanked everyone for the great coopera- tion during his term and wished the new executive well. Merrill Van Camp presided for the election of officers. The new slate of officers is as follows: Past President - Lawrence Van Camp; President - Mark Graham; 1st Vice-President - Craig Larmer; 2nd Vice- President - Barry Van Camp; Homecraft President - Ruth Marconi; Homecraft - Vice- President - Jean Van Camp. Gary and Janice Beechey were appointed as secretary- treasurer for the coming year. The dates for the OAAS annual convention in Toronto are Feb. 18, 19 and 20. Anyone who wishes to attend, call Janice Beechey as soon as pos- sible. Lawrence transferred the office to the new President, Mark Graham who briefly out- lined his hopes for the coming year. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 15 - mark your cal- endars accordingly. The very pleasant evening concluded with a showing of slides of the 1996 Blackstock Fair by Joan Graham. Get your tickets soon for the Valentine's Day Dance on Feb. 15 sponsored by the Nursery School at the Rec. Centre. Music will be provided by the Burnt River Band. Tickets are avail- able from either Lorrie Grove (Mrs. Doug Grove) or from the Nursery School. Avoid disap- pointment - get them soon. Blackstock| by Richard and Ruby Van Camp are looking very happy these days with the recent arrival of a new grandson. Matthew Brian was born to Brian and Maggie Van Camp in Saskatoon. Congratulations.Harvey and Joan Graham, Gerald and Joyce Kelly attended the funeral of their cousin. Louis Graham of Dalrymple in Orillia on Sunday afternoon. The 18th annual Fletcher Bonspiel on Saturday at the local arena was a great success with excellent curling, and fine fellowship. The Silent Auction, which was on going throughout the day created much interest as well. Diana thanked the club for continuing this bonspiel in her dad's memory and knew that he would have enjoyed all the fun of the day. Yuk Yuk Night coming up at Hall on Saturday night Correction The church parade for all Scouts and Girl Guides of our district is Feb.23 at St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock not as noted last week. Yuk Yuk Night Don't forget this Saturday is Yuk Yuk Night of Nestleton Hall sponsored by our Scugog Firefighter's Association. For an evening of laughs, dancing and friendship, get your tickets at Sunnyside Market, Caesarea. Sorry to hear that Reg. Renouf, the elder, is not too well. Reg. and family have been a corner stone in Caesarea for a number of years, first with the dance hall, marina and the Regatta at that time. Later as a senior citizen financially backing baseball and hockey teams of our area and has been a great contributor yearly to our Regatta. Thanks Reg. and we wish you the best. Accident Last Monday after news deadline I received a call about an accident that happened on the previous Friday on Caesarea Highway 57. Two people well known to us in Caesarea Kelly Clancy and Steven Brouwer were heroes rescuing the driver whom was trapped in the burn- ing truck. According to police officers on the scene it was fire- fighters training here in Scugog that prevented the injured man from receiving more injuries. Wiarton Willy During the weekend wethave heard a lot about Wiarton Willy which has made Wiarton famous. We have a muskrat in our creek. They are vegetarians and bother no one except eating parts of Eileen's vegetable gar- den which they like. I'm won- a dering what specific reference we could get him pegged to to make Caesarea famous. Although they are water bound maybe we could call it Oliver and if it rains on Oliver on Whitson Sunday its going to be wet for the next 40 days. Joke of the Week: An accoun- tants job was checking pay- ments re invoices to see the proper amount was received. . He called an accountant at the government offices and wanted to know why they always knocked the cents off their pay- ment. The government official replied, "We here are like the rest of the government: we don't make cents either." Did you Know: How that guy in the cannon gets shot out without being blown to pieces. He is ejected by a com- pressed air piston that travels very fast but doesn't exit past the mouth of the barrel. As this takes place a large noisy fire cracker goes off at the base of the barrel, making you think it's gun powder which drives him through the air. Second place winners were Jim and Liz Weir, Craig and Margo Larmer while third place went to Tim Dakin, Tena and Don Jenkins an Paul Vaneyk. Fourth pl4ce was won by Peter and Elizabeth Peeters, Kate Mairs and Paul MacIntyre. The Button Draw was won by Tim Dakin. The Curling Club will be making plans for the Golden Slider - an annual event when curlers from the Men's Leagues of Port Perry and Blackstock vie for the trophy. This will be held on the evening of Monday, Feb. 24. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy the compe- tition between the two clubs. There will be a pancake sup- per at the United Church on Tuesday, Feb. 11 beginning at 5 p-m. The Parish of Cartwright annual Vestry meeting will be held at St. John's Parish Hall immediately following the Sunday morning Eucharist on Feb. 9. Vestry is the occasion when parishioners receive reports on all aspects of the operations of the church during the previous 12 months activi- ties. It is also the time at which the election of officers for 1997 will take place. This year's meeting promises to be very interesting since it will report on Father Hugh's very eventful first year as Parish Priest. All church members are urged to attend and participate in this important event. And we know that most will be eager to par- ticipate in the traditional pot luck lunch which will follow the meeting. Next week, Shrove Tuesday (Feb. 11 and perhaps better known as Pancake Day) marks the end of the Season of Epiphany and the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 12). The annual Pancake Supper will start at 5 p.m. on Tuesday with "Executive Pancake Chef" George Kubovic supervising operations. It has been announced that the kitchen will operate until everyone is full -- it certainly looks as though the term Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday as the French call the day) will be appropriate this year. : The mid-week Eucharist will not be celebrated on the evening of Shrove Tuesday and the Bible Study group will not meet. On Ash Wednesday, Holy Eucharist, with Imposition of Ashes, will be celebrated at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to take part in this traditional and very moving start to the Lenten Season. By Linda and Colleen Arbuckle Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Feb. 11 at Blackstock United Church for their Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Cost is $5 per person or family of four is $15. For tickets call Kelly at 986-4917 | or Sheila at 986-4900. Registration for 4-H will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 12 at the Blackstock United Church from 7 to 8 p.m. Nestleton Group and one group from Blackstock are doing Wearable Art. The other Blackstock senior group will be doing sewing. 4-H age is 10 to 21, there is an annual membership fee of $10 and there will also be a club fee. Anyone interested - hope to see you there. Nestleton United Church Rob and Carol Mairs greet- ed those who attended Nestleton United Church on the fourth Sunday after Epiphany. The choir of Regenia Walker, Shirley Jackson, Bernice and Kate Mairs with the added voice of Rev. Shearman sang "Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song," Pancake supper accompanied on the piano by Karen Yellowlees. Rev. Shearman's message was entitled "Who is your teacher." Following the ser- vice, a pot luck meal was enjoyed by those able to attend the congregational meeting afterward. Rev. Shearman will be away for two Sundays, Feb. 16 and 23 as he will be trav- elling to the Holy Land. Rev. Wendell White from Camp Quin-Mo-Lac will be our guest minister on Feb. Several suggestions have been made for arrangement for Feb. 23. gements Nestleton Presbyterian Church With an average atten- dance, the morning service in Nestleton Presbyterian Church was in charge of Ronald Britain in Rev. Fairley's absence. Ushers were Oliver Rohrer and Harvey Mills, and Joyce Taylor was organist. SE