v - ' "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" 14- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, July 29, 1997 Rain needed to help late crops along: OMAFRA rep By Chris Hall ~~ Port Perry Star Local farmers are faced with a lack of rain and the appearance of disease among their crops this" summer. Neil Moore, a crops spe- For Breakfast Lunch Or Dinner 7am To 9pm 1866 Scugog Street, Port Perry 985-0025 Since 1881 4 WAGON WHEEL _ (905)640-3250 - : Ng ' -- 3 ¢ | We Are Open 7 Days A Week Shop for - Mens & Womens : Fine Clothing in the'Q Victorian Atmosphere Service, Quality & Style cialist with the local Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) office, says that even though there has been plenty of warm weather of late, most area crops 2 {| Sat. 11am-11pm « Sun. Noon-10pm : i \\ * Explosive Cards & Comics Walk In or Call to Reserve ! 404-9737 Weekends Please Cal Ahead 44 Bond St. E., Infant to Size 16 BR@CK'S for Kids are roughly a week behind in growth because of the wet, dark spring. "Most are progressing very well right now but we are still about 100 heat units -- about one week -- behind. At the moment Festival of Herbs Scugog Shores Museum a paid adult admission & coupon B * Adults $4.25 * Seniors $4.00 the big thing we need is some rain," said Mr. Moore. "The crops here have utilized the rain they did get, and need more now. All in all, everything is pretty much excellent. The warm weather we had RANCH LTD. Sunadut 20 ma / age 8 and up CHII DREN' e TRAIL RIDES EA I =X ACTIVITY CENTRE e CORN ROASTS ) $5.00 Lunch Special OPEN YEAR ROUND MMER HOUR SERVED ALL Day Mussleman's Lake, SUMMER HOURS Istand Rd. 2kms East of Ty Mon.-Thurs. ipmto 11pm a ? ~ RR#2, Stouftville Fri. 1pm - michight a bok Perry off Hwy. 7A 168 Queen St., 174 Queen St, Port Perry Fort Perry 985-2521 oF 1. Ny 985-8797 4 : The on gr ig . ; n : } i 4 3 Send Us Your Drawings, Stories or Poems - every other week well prt | one of them & at the end of 3 months wel draw an entry for | 5 $26.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE to spend at. any of the sponsors on this pagel Send or drop off to % Hi | astronauts ran into. their 4 | mother jumped on a shooting star. The shooting star took KIDS KLUB clo The Port ery Star 188 Mary St, Port Fery LoL 187 THE BABY ALIEN J | One day a baby alien was born on a shooting star. The J | shooting star took him to Mars. His mother was with him. But his mother went to a different part of Mars. An 'astronaut came to Mars. The astronaut named the baby alien Vinny. Vinny always shoots the astronauts, The 1 spaceships. One day Vinny's his mother to Jupiter. Vinny was sad. But Vinny has an idea. He was going to jump on a shooting star too. So he waited for one to come. He saw one so he Jumped on it. It took him to Jupiter too. Vinny jumped and was very happy. Vinny ran 'and his mother was waiting for him. So they both lived happily ever after. The End. y i 5 y Port Saturday 12noon-2pm | \Scugog Line, Port Ferry / 2. 905-985-1751 Nate: Craig Silnieks, Age: 7 almost put the corn and soybeans back on sched- ule," he said. . While the crops are owing up quite well now, Mr. Moore does say that some are being hit with diseases. Perry ~ \ Golf FREE Mini Putt --- * Batting Cages Come Checkus Out! J ee Sa : . CEE PS Pin Bowling Snack Bar * Billiards FOR FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Bill & Donna Ingram 69 Brock St.W, Uxbridge, ON L9L IPS (905) 852-3141 4 AED oj~ BE A358 ' Early spring grains are doing well, but some of those planted around the third week of May have been hit with the Barley Yellow Dwarf, which 'affects oats and barley wheat. Another virus, known as Crown Rust, has also been spotted. But the lack of rain could also cause a prob- lem, said Mr. Moore. "Everything is pretty much on schedule except for the rain. The corn is in the testing stage so it's at a very fragile point; it's at a borderline. It could start curling because of the heat and a lack of moisture, and that could have a negative yield affect." Soybean crops have grown well in the past two weeks, and should be har- vested within two weeks. Winter cereal crops, such as wheat, should be har- vested in the next seven days. With summer halfway over though, the local crops specialist says that trouble could still lie ahead for area farmers. "Sure, we are more on schedule than wé were ~ but there could be some problems in the fall. If we're lucky we will have 'good weather in August and September,to make up for the slow start," he said. "With still being about a week behind schedule in terms of heat, we would appreciate more heat than we usually get this time of year or if the frost held off until about the 10th of October." Hospitals From Page 1 favors. "A Durham Region net- work service would meet the needs of the people. A system of services would help everyone; no one place can meet the needs of everyone but a network would." Guy Kirvan, CEO of North Durham Health Services, chose not to comment on the develop- ments of last week. In total 11 Toronto hos- pitals have been ordered 'to shut down, and three § are being converted for other purposes. 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