"¥YTONE, "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" HOT DEALS AVAIL- ABLE 16' x 24' Kayak pool with decks and fence, $5,195, package includes liner, 2 ladders, sand filter pump and motor, etc. Call 1-800-668-7564, KENMORE WASHER & dryer $275 OBO. 985- 0033 after 4:30 p.m. KITCHEN/BATH CABI- NETS and counter tops. Factory made-to-order or custom to meet your needs and budget. 985- 3767, Green Apple Cabi- nets, 173 Queen St. LENNOX CENTRAL air conditioner, 1 1/2 ton coil & condenser $200; electric air cleaner $100; electric « fumace $50. 986-5726. NEW AND USED FIRE- PLACE - Deals - Deals - Deals. Full showroom, 180 Casimir St., Port Perry, 985-0715, Over- ridge' Fireplace Ware- house. WOOD CABINET Elec- trohome Hi Fi. Plays 45-78 records, two satellite speakers; $60 Call 985- 3628. USED HYDRO POLES great for pole bams, $1.50 ft., delivery available. 986- 5623. WE CARRY: Self Coun- sel books and forms - power of attorney kits, sills, leases, etc. Presen- tation boards - 48" x 36" for science fairs. Star Office Centre, 188 Mary or Port Perry - 985-7383. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS. New win- dows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Window Warehouse located in the Reach I's 1984 2 HONDA cic 4 cyl., 5 speed, in fair condi- tion, $500 obo. Phone 985-3833. 1987 PONTIAC FIRE- BIRD V6, 160,000 kms, as is, $1,500 obo. 655- 4110. 1989 PONTIAC TEM- PEST, 239,000 kms., "highway driven, great con- dition, new exhaust and brakes. $2,800 as is. 985- 9834. 1992 DODGE Grand Car- avan, 105K, air, tilt, cruise, built-in child seats, $8,750; truck cap, full size, $75. (705)-357-2615. CERERR (O1V/.N 4) AVA 0X @-Y 181 2Dr,, VB, 39,000 km Ruodoowio .............. $6,998. 91 DODGE MAXIVAN $5,495. '95 FORD TAURUS SE k 1986 DODGE PICK-UP 8 Industrial Park, Regional - Rd. 8, 985-3747. OLD RENFREW Acorn cook woodstove and two year old airtight. 905-655- QUALITY BRAND NAMES - brand new clothes, jeans, sweats, T- shirts and more. Great prices. Come visit our 'booth at the Port Perry Flea Market every Satur- "day and Sunday. REBUILT transmissions. Call for details 985-1178. SAND, GRAVEL, LIME- TOPSOIL. Crushed granite, crushed red brick, reclaimed asphalt. Pick-up at our yard or we deliver. Any: quantity. Shepstone Haulage, 1451 Reach St, Port Perry - 905-985- 7282. SPRUCE LUMBER - full thickness or scant, rough "Cut. Call Bob Kyte 986- 5200. SQUARE BALES for Salo. this years out. 905. 263-8640. SUNFLOWER SEED, wild bird seed mix, Jiger + seed, (bulk or p 1984 CAPRI 4 door, clean. 00 ae is of $1.50 500 certified. 986- i cylinder, standard, new engine, excellent condition $3,950; also cap to fit same vehicle $300. Peter 985-0869. 1986 E350. CUBE VAN 16', new tires, brakes, . trans. Asking $,4600 obo. 705-426-4462. 1991 EXPLORER SPORT excellent condi- tion, Hunter Green, $1,100 certified. 905-985-1462 evenings and weekends. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck os Sm. 14 ALUMINUM BOAT 15 h.p. Evinrude, trailer included, oars and lifejack- ets, $1,675. 705-357- 2783. 1986 JOHNSON outboard on 1974 Bowrider 15.5 ft., runs excellent, Boat motor, trailer cOmplete package $2,000 firm. Mike '986-1939 or 705-324- 2845. 1986 PETERBOROUGH bowrider, 21', 205 Cobra, new top, one owner, mint. $13,500 Call 985-1780. 1992 17 FT. KING Troller boat, 50 HP Evinrude, tilt & trim, drive on boat trail- er, live well, fish finder, oars, lifejackets $11,200 OBO. 985-0828. 1995 SEADOO XP, 85 h.p., trailer, cover, seldom used. $5,700 OBO. 985- 2291. PROPELLER/SKEG repair and new props. Large selection of fiber- glass supplies. Oshawa Products Ltd, 341 Durham Court, Oshawa. 905-579-1433. SAILBOAT -13', C & L. Boatworks, 1988 fibre- glass, Code 40 mainsail & jib, excellent condition. $2,900. Call 905-985- 7578. 1993 ER OWLER Sth wheel, 30' w/slide, fully loaded, excellent condi- tion. 705-454-8191. TS 3 Livestoe a RR 8 RR. 1 REGISTERED por Ram, 2 years old, $200. 986-5465. 3 YEAR OLD registered quarter horse mare, 14 HH. $1,350; 2 year old registered gelding $1,000. Call 986-4343. 4 YEAR OLD TB gelding. 16.2hh. Very kind, willing, extremely attractive. $4,500. Will consider pay- ments or trade for what have you. (705)357-1788. REGISTERED black Angus cows. Call after 6 p.m. 985-1771. RIDING LESSONS $15 hour, english or western. New driving harness fits 13-15 hands, $200. 905- 986-0340. THOROUGHBRED. COLT 18 months old, $1,500 obo. 985-2480. a SR -- ee CROSS puppies, ready to go, $25. Call 705-277- 2730. GERMAN SHEPHERD'S BREEDER Registered, CKC. X-raying breeding stock since 1968. Pup- pies, adults. Senior-homes for retiring females required. Certified no hip or elbow Dysplasia. 905- 655-3303. GERMAN SHEPHERDS, 4 months old, purebred, registered. Female $450, male $300. 705-357-1857. HIMALAYAN/SIAMESE cross kitten, adorable, blue eyed, male, 11 weeks old, $150. 905-263- 4149. MALE JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS ready to go, 11 weeks old. After 5:30 905-576-7333. PUREBRED TOY POO- DLES ready now, $300, first shots, dewormed. Phone 705-357-2634. - SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS Loves people, pets, sled- ding, breeding, registered, - JACKS AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. MANILLA . AUTO WRECKERS will pick up scrap cars, trucks, farm and construction machin- ery - 705-357-2644 PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, 'used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905- 986-4281. TRAVEL TRAILER 20-25 ft, excellent con- dition, in great shape, under $8, cinmecidle ah for household/cot- tage contents, old wooden tables, chairs, cupboards, kitchen glassware, china, paintings, iron beds, old rugs, oil lamps, decoys, antiques, collectables, etc. Sandy or John, 705-887- 3470. FULL TIME STUDENT from Port Perry needs a ride to and from Sir Sand- ford Fleming, Brealy Cam- pus in Peterborough. Will share gas money. Please reply to 985-1829. RIDE REQUIRED during school year, Hwy. 7 and Old Simcoe Road, to and from S.A. Cawker. Leave RESPONSIBLE fn requires 3 or. 4 bedroom house in Port Perry, refer- ences. Call Cindy or Gary 416-250-7760. NR x 1 & 2 BEDROOM CON- DOS, 5 able immediately. 1 - $825 - $875, 2 - $975, lakeview, plus hydro. Call Cheryl at 985-0718. OFFICE SPACE for tent downtown professional building, main floor, front, $350 month. Available August 1, 985-8416, 9 am.- -5p.m. ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, close to downtown ~$575 plus utilities, require first and last and refer- ences. Available August 1. Call 985-8629. ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, main floor, in newly renovated building in Little Britain. 985-3885. ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, private entrance, . appliances, cable, suitable for mature adult, Janetville, $535. 705-324- 2050. PORT PERRY - LARGE DELUXE 3 bedroom in a quiet well kept building, 2 bathrooms, walk-out patio doors. No pets, $855/month plus utilities. Call Dave - 985-2534. PORT PERRY charming one bedroom apartment, central location, main floor, own entrance, park- ing, 4 appliances. Suit quiet person or couple, no pets. Available August 15, $575 plus hydro. Leave message 416-444-7294, PORT PERRY One bed- - room apartment, main floor, $650 plus utilities. Call Grant 985-4427. SHOP RENTAL unit approximately 1,200 sq.ft. 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Washroom, office, and loft. Ideal for light industrial, trucking, or automotive repair. 985- 3198. SHOP RENTAL unit approximately 950 sq.ft. washroom and storage loft, 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Ideal for light Marnufaciurg or automo- 1 BEDROOM apartment Blackstock, pip i September 1. Clean and ule, suitable for single, - floor. First and last. 986-5197. appliances, avail-' 2 BEDROOM APART- MENT $825 month plus utilities, available immedi- ately. 985-1323. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Greenbank, $675, first and last. 985-0628. 3 BEDROOM FARM- HOUSE - Sonya, available September 1; $850 includ- ing heat and hydro, first and last. Call Keith Puck- rin 905-985-7351. 3 BEDROOM HOME -15 minutes to Port Perry, clean; in good condition. $775 month plus utilities. Available August 15 or earlier. Call 705-437-2579. BLACKSTOCK 3 bed- room apartment in house, very clean. References, no pets, non-smoker $700 plus hydro. First and last, available August 1. 986- 0792. CENTURY HOME in Blackstock, 3 bedrooms, non-smoker, references, first and last. Very com- fortable. Call 986-1881. COMMERCIAL - 900 sq. ft. retail space, at busy intersection in Port Perry. Rent negotiable, available immediately. Apply to Box 28, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ont, LOL 1B7. COMMERCIAL SPACE available - 1,500 or 3,000 sq. ft. available. 600 volt, 400 amp, 3 phase electri- . cal, 16' ceiling, solar gas heat, floor drain, built-in washroom, 12' x 14' over- office, many uses, paved parking lot, located on Vanedward Drive beside car wash, August 1, 1997. 905-985- 8786. - COMMERCIAL SPACE available on 7A, 2,000 sq. ft. or will divide into 1,000 sq. ft., plenty of parking, gas heat, 200 amp, avail- able September 1, 1997. Plenty of uses, great exposurs. 905-985-8786. COMMERCIAL SPACE available, Water Street in Old Mill now being occu- pied as Port Perry Auto Glass. 1,600 sq. ft., 700 sq. ft, basement space, 1 ceilings, gas heat. Will renovate face of building to suit, available Septem- ber 1, 1997. We are mov- ing beside Taylor Ford. Plenty of parking, prime location. 905-985-8786. FARMLAND, 188 acres, 150 workable, 30 pasture. Located in Argyle. Call 'Charles 519-661-2600. IN TOWN 3 bedroom sidesplit with reblace: and large yard, Available available . LITTLE BRITAIN - large 3 bedroom $650 plus utili- ties. Lindsay-two bed- room $650, all inclusive. Retail space and 1 bed- room; negiotable. 416- 208-7910 or 1-705-786- 9048. MASONIC HALL - avail- able for dances, recep- tions, parties and meet- ings. Kitchen & bar. Call 985-8912 or 985-8973 (leave message). NESTLETON, 2 bedroom house fully detached, very clean; own well, FAO, $850 month plus utilities. First and last month rent, references required, avail able August 1. Leave message for Dave 986- 5982. - NEWLY and fully renovat- ed, spacious and bright 2 bedroom apartment in downtown Port Perry. Second and Third floors of Century home above office. Rent $850 per month. Phone Amanda at 985-8467, ext. 22. KINSMEN HALL - able for dances, Avail- receptions. Kitchen & bar.' Plenty of parking. 985- 8211 or 985-1791. LITTLE BRITAIN 4 bed- room farmhouse and garage, $900 month plus utilities, first 'and last required. 705-786-2847. AL'S MAINTENANCE - 'Yard and garden clean ups, - eavestroughs, garbage removal, cut and trim, sodding, flower beds, chimney and roof repair and more - 985-4879. CLEANERS WITH PRIDE. Versatile and accommodating. Grand- ma's Cleaning Co. 725- 9177. CLEANING AVAILABLE - reasonable rates, dependable and experi- enced. Call 905-986-0497. HANDYMAN - with tools and truck for general car- pentry, electrical, and drywall. Free esti- mates, seniors discount. Bryan 905-985-1605. HAY BALING Net or twine, 4 x 4 - 5' - 6". Bob Kyte 986-5200. LAWN CUTTING and odd jobs by Mom and Son. Seniors rates, garbage removal, painting. If you need it done, we can do ith! Reliable 985-4885. : CUSTOM BALING ROUND/SQUARE Round 4',5', 6' bales Square (450ib,) Ideal for storage & winter handling $3.50 38 y year roid ele 2 aking for full or part-time employment. 17 years experience in all facets of the construction trade. Preferrably maintaining buildings and properties. 985-8616 Dan.. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking fall bookings. Ref- erences available. Phone 985-9649. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Snow- plowing, yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trim- ming, odd jobs. Dave Saline 985-2834. Ma RR Varted \ N a DENTAL TECHNICIAN (C & B) required for small high quality dental lab, approx. 30 minutes north- east of Markham. 905- 852-4894. EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST required, full or part-time. Call Chris 852- 3829. SCOTT PROPERTY SERVICES - Grass cut- ting, gardening, hedge and tree trimmings, yard clean-ups, snowplowing, blowing, sanding/salting - 985-2535, 435-3098. LIVE OUT NANNY posi- tion for two children, (north end Lake Scugog) starting September. ECE and ref- erences. Send resume to Box #26, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ont., LOL 187. resume in confidence to MILL/WAREHOUSE MANAGER Excellent Opportunity for a self-starter with aptitude for detail. Related experience helpful but we will train the right individual. Maintain inventory including receiving & shipping. Supervise others. Some production line duties. Assume additional responsibilities. as' you leam. Send a letter or BOX 25 c/o Port Perry Star Co. : 188 Mary St., Port Perry, Ont. LOL 187 paced en to you. THE LAND OF DAIRY QUEEN PORT PERRY IS NOW HIRING if like meeting people working in a fast Jou roamany ho we wad rea 1k total Full -time and cake decora Posiions ar avaiable for mate inking soos don To become a member of the D your application at The Deo ban 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ont. Perry Star HELP WANTED PART TIME PERSON to work in DARKROOM required by the Port Perry Star This job requires a person to work approximately 4-5 hours per day, two days a week shooting page negatives. Experience working in the newspaper publishing industry with darkroom equipment and a knowledge of computers would be a definite asset. Please send application stating experience to - @he Poul Poven Stay 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ont. Fax 905-985-3708 Attention: Don MacLeod