REO Ah " or Pl -- a at IP Grn ri ' : 3 i , : : t i 28- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 19, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" SATURDAY, AUG. 23 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Larkfield Farms Inc. Sold - Auction sale of farm machinery and household furniture. The property of KATY AND FRANK MAULSON, Part Lot 22, Concession 1, Cavan Township, 1 mile west of Bailieboro General Store, farm on south side. Inter- national 684 tractor with cab 18.4 x 15.3 duals, International 444 diesel tractor with 1850 loader, rebuilt engine 200 hrs., D Case gas tractor, John Deere 112 lawn mower 48" deck, new 1995, Polaris ATV, 2WD. with dump trailer, Meteor 2 stage 6' snowblower, 3 furrow drag plough 12",3PT, John Deere : 145A, 4-16's semi-mount plough, International 6' disc, 3 pt, John Deere 110 tandem disc, Intemational 12' vibra shank cultivator, M.F. 33-15 run seeddiill, New Holland 478 haybine, New Holland 268 baler, New Holland 310 baler with thrower, J.B.D. 100 gal. sprayer, New Idea 217-165 bus. manure spreader with tailgate, - Farm Hand 815 grinder- mixer, International 18'- 470 tandem disc with wings, 16' chain harrows, 165 bus. grain wagon, Bush Hog 5' rotary ~ mower, Fam King 10 ton 18' round bale wagon, Speed King 36' hay and . grain elevator, Case rake, M.F. 1143 comheader, 4 row, 30", Cockshutt 4 row cornplanter - assorted discs, cattle headgate and squeeze 3 round bale feeders, creep feeder, 1990 Ford 4WD crew cab truck 7.3 diesel, 4 dr-5th wheel, Triggs 18' livestock trailer, 18' gooseneck tan- dem axie, Win Power 25K 'portable generator on wheels, Lincoln welder 225, sheep.round bale feeders and waterers, scales, Husquvama chain- saw, radial arm saw, portable bench saw, grain dryer with motor, lumber, quantity of tools, electric fencing supplies, steel fence posts, cedar rails, many, many other items, quantity of square hay and straw bales. Lawn fumi- ture, 3 barbeques, Maytag washer and dryer, round table, T.V. unit, Jumbo City 6' hot tub-new, all white pine, includes 2 motors, pumps and ozina- tor, assorted chairs, 2 love seats, 2 end tables, trun- dle bed, 2 piece wall unit, red chesterfield, 2 red low- back chairs, end tables, . coffee tables, comer table, hall trée, Backgammon table, rocker, love seats, speakers, rug, 3 Woods deep freezers, king size pine bedroom suite - 5 many other items. Guns sold only to valid F.A.C. holders. Mossberg #35 -22 calibre LR single calibre LR with scope, azine, Vostok pellett rifle. Terms cash. No reserve. Fumiture sale at 11 a.m. followed by machinery at 12:30 p.m. For further information contact vendor or auctioneer. Sale man- aged and sold by CARL HICKSON AUCTIONS, Reaboro, Ontario 705- 324-9959, mobile 749- 7084. Vendor Larkfield Farms Inc. 1635 Carmel Line, R.R.2, Millbrook 705- 939-6153. LABOUR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. SPECTACULAR HOLIDAY AUCTION of Fine Antiques and Collectibles for HELEN STOUF- FER of Port Perry and inclusions from a Private Collector, to be held at Phoenix Sales Arena, Ux- bridge. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Berlin, Ont., oak Grandfather clock (brass .numbers, brass weights & flat chain, 6'6", leaded glass door, ex.), ant. 9 pc. walnut dining rm. ste. (table, glass front china, sideboard, 6 leather seat chairs, ex.), 9 pc. cherrywood dining room ste. (Queen Anne table, 6 chairs, china cab. & side- board), qty. old. antique wicker (tea trolley, Change table, settee, plant stand etc.), large qty. of antique tables (walnut Duncan Phyfe with clawfoot nesting tables, 2 tier piecrust table with brass claws, walnut spool table, mahogany par- lor table, walnut dropleaf table, walnut parlor twist table, Kroehler solid oak end tables, walnut end tables, pine corner table (shaker leg), ma- hogany cloverleaf table, 7' pine harvest table, dropleaf brass & claw foot walnut table, 1g. qty. antique chairs. (3 walnut church chairs with carved Gothic high backs, mahogany shield back chair, walnut. HIS & HER chairs with Empire front, barley twist chair, hoopback, pressback, - carved mahogany balloon back, carved mahoga- ny arm chair (needlepoint seat), ant. cane seat rocker, Eastlake style rocker, oak marble top bar- ley twist plant stand, ant. hand painted china plant stand, ant. footstools, burled walnut smok- ers stand, ant. oak hall mirror with coat hooks, colonial bench (saddle seat), caned piano bench- es, oak prayer bench, oak church alter railing, needlepoint walnut fireplace screen, ant. oak chest (lift top 16 drawers), sofa & chair (Queen Anne leg), modern green loveseat, ant. 3 pc. walnut bdrm. ste., brass bed, new pine bunk beds, ant. single beds, pine hutch (repro), pine ant. lift top desk, walnut vanity dresser (Queen ~ Anne legs), mahogany, oak & walnut dressers, barley twist washstand, blanket boxes, trunks, old quilts, linens, ant. picture frames, db. weight clock, walnut mantle clock & more. EARLY LIGHTING: Lg. qty. of antique & early lighting in- cluding HANDEL bronze base standing lamp (rare), ant. reverse painted lamp shade (country scene, orig. finish), ant. hanging Vaseline glass lamp, brass stained glass hanging lamp, qty. " standing lamps, old fancy bridge lamps, hanging lamps & lamp chimneys. COLLECTIBLES & ANTIQUE CHINA: 1927 slot machine (Lucky Lady, works) Ig. school bell, ant.'hanging scale, 2 leaded stained glass windows (shield emblem), qty. old & new fishing tackle & poles, ant. brass pasta server, 3 ceremonial swords (brass stop- per), Chinese carving, qty. wood carvings, ant. copper pots, 6 gal. Medalta crock, qty. needle- work, wicker bird cage, leather powder keg, com- ic books, qty. old books (children's also), Ger- man oil paintings, Spiegle signed print in-oak frame, qty. china horses, ant. cast dog bank, cast horse team, Ig. qty. ant. china, glass & crys- tal incl. black satin glass, Beswick horses, Wedgewood Osteria, Royal Copenhagen English china, fluted Vaseline glass vase, signed cocoa pot, Occupied Japan, Limoge, Royal Crown Blue tea set, Copeland "Rosebud Chinz," reverse painted dishes on glass, Wedgewood, cranberry, Royal Doulton set of china, Flo Blue, Royal Doul- ton "December" figurine, West Germany figurine, green glass cannister set, silver, Regency Plate "S" chest of silver & more. MISC.: Sony 21° TV (ex), Inglis washer, fridge, ceramic kiln, qty. wrought iron, qty. railing spindles, qty. pine, black oak, ash & cherry boards (13 yrs. dried), qty. hand, garden & power tools etc. NOTE: Mrs. - Stouffer has moved to a retirement home. Her and her late husband, the local piano tuner, ac- cumulated high quality home furnishings over the yedrs. One of the most unique & exceptional of- ferings of the year! Over 1,000 items with 2 auc- tioneers selling simultaneously TERMS: Cash, Interac, Visa & M/C. VIEWING: 7 a.m. Auction Day. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. REMINDER OF AUCTION OF ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES AND FARM MACHINERY AUCTION for IVAN & MABEL SHELDON, of Ma- nilla. Take Hwy. 12 north of Sunderland to Hwy. 7. Go east 4.5 kms. Watch for signs. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Ant. 7' lift seat pine gossip bench (ex.), Gingerbread, antique doors, garden gate, wooden spoke wheels, ant. kitchen water pump, old sleighs, milk glass lamp shade, blue enamelware wash basin plus more old & inter- esting collectibles. FARM MACHINERY: M.F. #165 diesel tractor, Int. #434 diesel tractor with Allied 390 quick attach loader, M.F. #35 p.t. com- bine, N.H. 451 mower, plows, cultivators, discs, bale stooker, Case Int. #3440 round baler (4x4, auto tie, 6 yrs. old), M.F. #10 sq. baler, rd. bale tarps, hay elevator, bale spear, flat rack wagons, post hole digger, Lucknow 3 pth. snowblower 7', cement mixer, qty. hardware, qty. cedar fence posts plus much more. See last week's issue for full list. NOTE: True old fashioned country auc- tion. Farm has been in family name since 1927 & never an auction! TERMS: Cash or good cheque. Viewing 8 a.m. auction day. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland: 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free: 1-800-654-4647 FRIDAY, AUG. 22 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, the property of MR. & MRS. WM. R. (DICK) COFFEY of Reaboro. Walnut table and 6 chairs, round pine kitchen table and 4 chairs, 2 washstands, oak rocking chairs, wicker table, blan- ket box, coffee and end tables, CNR Red Lanterns, antique chests of drawers, copper boiler, ice cream parlour table and 2 chairs, green Bee Hive sealer, crocks, bar stools, 4 piece walnut bed- room suite, coal oil lamps, cutter, horse drawn sleigh, single walking plough, 3pth utility blade, 4 HP Toro garden tiller, 8 HP Sears riding lawnmower, plus a quantity tools, china and glass. Also consigned Hoosier kitchen sectional chesterfield, 6 oak dining room chairs, large oak writing desk, almond side by side refrig- erator, almond dishwash- er, sofa, quantity china, glass, household and col- lectable items. Don and Greg Comeil Auctioneers, R.R.1, Little Britain 705- 786-2183. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Cars, cube van, pickup trucks, boats at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, Lindsay. Selling the BUD RICHMOND ESTATE and RICH- MOND MOTORS. 1988 Cadillac Brougham, 1988 Chrysler Daytona, 1988 Dodge Caravan, 1987 Ford cube van, 1986 Dodge 4x4 Power Ram pickup, 1984 F-150 Ford pickup, 1980 Mazda, 1978 Ford F-150 pickup, 1971 Olds Delta Royal con- vertable, 3165 Massey Ferguson with backhoe -and front lift, Citation camping trailer, 20' Larson I/O and trailer, 15' Mirro Craft with 50 h.p. Evinrude and trailer, 5 ton box trail- er, 4' x 8' utility trailer, Honda 3 wheeler, Elan snowmobile, MTD snow- blower, 33 amp generator, 20 h.p. gas compressor. No small items. Note time: 7 p.m. To consign estates on site or at our bam call "MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 Lindsay or - 1-800-461-6499 to list your auction. Orval and Barry McLean auction- eers. ~ THURSDAY, AUG.21 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. PHOENIX AUCTIONS, 100 head selling. Two fresh heifers from Wallace Metcalfe-A Kipper bom in May/95 with V.G. Dam- BCA 180-172-188, 2nd G.P. A Charles born in May/95 with G.P. and V.G. Dams A.V.G. Aerostar due September 16 to Comstar Leader, her 3 year old record BCA (234-226-218) with G.P. and V.G. Dams and a fresh Astre milking with a G.P., 3 V.G. and Ex. Dams from Bernard and Aaron Stoter, Peter- borough, Ontario - 25 cow herd of purebreds and grades in various stages of Lactation. Vacc. (B.V.D. and LB.R.). S.C.C. 120,000. Call for more information. Sale man- aged and sold by Jim Phoenix. PHOENIX AUC- TIONS, R.R.#2, Uxbridge, . Ontario LOP 1R2, 905- 852-6277, Home (905)- 852-6936, Fax 905-852- 0401. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland: 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free: 1-800-654-4647 EVERY WEDNESDAY START:6PM. VIEW: ALL DAY OF Soon acco, | SELLING X ¢ NS, mk 2699 Brock Road, Picker- YOUR +ing, 3 miles north of Hwy. : 401 (exit 399). Featuing | HOMIE? 8pprox. 350 ; lots of Why not try the antiques, fine furniture, a glass, china, collectibles, 1-2 Punch hana os, a lamps, of the and | Port Perry Star whi ua daily. & Weekend Star Terms: cash, cheques, © 905-7363 M/C, Visa, Intérac. Randy' Wii XS ory weet in Potter auctioneer. Estates | =o uo 26 600 homes. and Consignments our ' pind Port Perry 'WEEKEND STAR' CLASSFIED AD DEADLINE Wednesday 10 AM 60 Ibs. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 27 - SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of fumiture, antiques and collectables for a Mississauga home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., comer .of Hwy. 47 and 12. To include: chesterfield and loveseat, kitchen suite, bedroom suite, coffee and end tables, dressers, trunks, lamps, frames, glassware and collecta- bles plus many other inter- esting items. Sale man- aged and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Machine sale, at LIND- SAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN, R.R.2, Lindsay. Selling tractors, wagons, combines, cultivators, signments invited. Carl Hickson 705-324-9959, Sale 'Barn 705-324-2774, Amot R. Wotten 905-263- 2512. con & UCTIONS tog 47a 12 oe Box 220 Greenbank. pie oly Form Machinery SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Viewing: 9:00 a.m. Estate auction sale at MACGREGORS AUC- TION CENTRE, 182 Wellington Street, Bow- manville, household and garage contents. 401 to Waverly Road, north to #2 Hwy., east to Scugog Street-and north 1 km. Sundays auction features the contents from an Oshawa estate and Whit- by home. Kitchen sets, bedroom sets, china cabi- net, walnut server (c1850), misc. dressers, tables, chairs, couch, waterbeds, color TV's, glass and china, hand and garden tools, pots, pans, silver- ware, collectables, etc. Something for one and all, with articles from past to present. Call for all your auction needs. House- hold, estates, business liq- uidations. Your location or ours. MACGREGOR AUCTION and APPRAISAL SERVICES, Mike M.'acGregor 905-987- 5402, 905-623-7949. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 27 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Public auto auction at PETERBOROUGH AUC- TION CENTER - Peter- borough (2 miles east on Hwy. #7) repos, public consignments, approx. 40 cars, vans, pickups, 4x4's, RV's, riding lawnmowers, etc. 1994 Chev Cavalier 222, 1994 Lada Niva 4x4, 1993 Pontiac Grand Am, only 97,000 km; 1993 Ford Ranger pickup, 1992 Ford Crown Victoria, 1992 Buiek-Lesabre, loaded; 92 Ford Taurus, loaded; 1991 Chev Cavalier, 1990 Pon- tiac Sunbird, only 92,000 km; 1990 Chev Corsica, 1990 Chev Lumina, 1990 Buick Lesabre, 1990 Dodge Caravan van, 1989 Pontiac Sunbird, 2 door; 1989 Eagle Premier, 1988 Jeep Wagoneer Ltd 4x4, 1989 Chev Cavalier,. 1988 Dodge Colt, 1988 Chev Corsica, 1986 Buick Park Avenue, 1985 Ponti- ac 6000, 1985 Laser, 1980 Mercury Zepher, + 1979 Jimmy. Partial list, vehicles arriving daily. Subject to additions and deletions. Some units sell- ing with no reserve. All vehicles quaranteed clear titles. $200 draw. Consign now. Bring your vehicles Monday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., Tuesday. 10-5 or Wednes- day by noon. Terms $500 cash, Visa or Master Charge at sale, balance by cash or certified funds within 5 days. To consign call 705-745-5007 or 1- 800-461-6499. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS LTD. R.R.7, Peterbor- ough. BINDING - SPIRAL AND THERMAL, up to 120 pages. Star Office Centre, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry - 985-7383. BUSINESS CARDS - Staring at $25. Letterhead and envelopes printed. . Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St., Port Perry - 985- 7383, INVITATIONS - WED- DINGS AND ANNIVER- SARIES (a book may be borrowed overnight). Accessories: Napkins, cent off wedding orders and photo/write up in paper at NO'CHARGE. Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St., Port Perry - 985- 7383. THURSDAY, AUG.21 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. Appliances, fumiture, pick- © up truck at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, Lindsay. Selling several local estates. Excellent side-by-side refrigerator, self-clean range, 24" range, port. dishwasher, dryer, micrcwave, 'Coke machine, square oak din- ing table and chairs, wrought iron glass top table and 4 chairs, small mahogany china cabinet, buffet/hutch, 2 bed chesterfields, large poster rocker, Barbie doll collec- tion, Dinky toys, large qu. of old books, 2-door wardrobe, 3 students desks, showcase, antique dresser, high chair, mahogany record stand, glass top desk, oak mag. antique gramaphone, 45 records, stand, bunk heds, settee with carved feet, chrome table, log fumiture, dressers, satelitte dish, stereo cabinet, hundreds of household items,French ivory, old dishes, Depres- sion glass, Nippon, Cami- val, Betty Boop, 2 old Ger- man dolls, dolls heads, collectible dolls, tin toys, Charlie Weaver, etc., set of § Quinte spoons, Char- lie McCarthy spoons, fancy linens, Royal Doul- ton doll, Royal Doulton dinnerware, B&D electric lawnmower, gas mower, swim platform, farm wagon no platform, '86 GMC S15 pickup. Partial list. To consign estates on site or at our barn call MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 Lindsay or 1-800-461-6499 to list your auction. Orval and Barry McLean auction- eers. SATURDAY, AUG. 23 SALE TIME: 11 AM Auction sale of household furniture, the property of the estate of FRED SUMMERS, 27 Pleasant View Ave., Caesarea, 1- 1/2 miles north of Hwy. 7A on County Road 57N to Caesarea, turn right at store to second street or 9 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to Janetville, tum west to Caesarea to Pleasant View Avenue. Coldspot refrigerator, 30" Kenmore stove, Westinghouse refrigerator, Maytag washer, humidifier, dehumidifier, 2 metal beds, box spring and mattress, 3 chest of drawers, steamer trunk, 2 tables with 4 chairs each, 2 bedroom lamps, small bedroom chair, antique dresser with mirror, 2 end tables, coffee table, 2 sets lamps, '4 wooden chairs, magazine rack, TV stands, 2 foot stools, sets of shelves, record stand, cassette tapes and holders, stepstool, stereo system (new), radiotape players, outdoor park benches, swing set (bench style), umbrellas, wooden rocking chair, loveseat, baby swing, 4 lanterns, wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow cart, electric lawnmower, reel mower, leaf blower, ladders, Black and Decker weedeater, fertilizer spreader, garden tools, lawn roller, bird feeders, wooden folding chairs, aluminum doors, Toro electric snowshovel, Sunbeam electric snowblower, table saw, mitre - box, extension Cords. exercise bike, antique posthole auger, glass rolling pin, dish Oster blender, Bevin cooker, pots and pans. Sale time 11 am. T WOTTEN auctioneer, RR 1, hampton, 905-263- 2612. SATURDAY, AUG. 23 SALE TIME: 10 AM. Estate auction sale of antiques, fumituge and col- lectables and Bo items and riding mower, appliances, etc. The Estate ot COTE WYLIE and CLARA BARRY. On 'Hwy. 7, 1/4 mile east of Manilla, second farm on left. Note partial list only. 8 pcs. walnut dining room suite, wine rack Colonial pine rocker, antique sewing machine, side tables, antique captains chair, 3 maple bar stools, daybed. antique maple magazine rack, 3 pc. chesterfield suite (Tweed), 3 velvet swival rockers, coffee and lamp tables, matching swag lamps, antique kitchen pine drop leaf table, antique bakery table, Arrowback chair, Canadian chairs, Hump- back trunk, maple nursery rocker, antique fixtures, old shipping boxes, old crockery and sealers, pair oval antique mirrors, wick- er vanity and matching hamper, English style phone, 3 full bedroom suites including 4 pc. maple Hadden Hall, 3 pc. veneer and 3 pc. maple, loads of good linens, beds and night tables, lamps, doilies and bedding, many collectables, dishes, china, glass, . knick-knacks, ceramics, decoys, afghan, hooked rug, carved Cana- dian beaver, VCR, area rug, Jubilee rose plates, china, cups and saucers, home stereo and 8-track speakers, microwave stand, kitchen wares, pine writing board, old doll, Christmas decorations, coat rack, window fan, new Moffat heavy duty washer, (white), almond Hot Point dryer, chest freezer, 6 quart baskets, garden tools, lawn chairs, new garden patio set and umbrella, 11 h.p. Yardman 38" cut riding mower and much more. Don't miss it! Terms cash, no reserve. CALVIN MABEE AUC- - TIONS MOVING and STORAGE, 705-374-4800 or 705-454-2841. THURSDAY, AUG. 28 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. TWILIGHT MACHINERY SALE at CORNEILS AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Road 4. The prop- erty of GERALD LLOYD of Cannington. M.F. 65 High Arch diesel tractor (muiti power), M.F. 35 Industrial diesel tractor with NO100 loader, M.F. 110 manure spreader with single beater (like new), 3pth Dan Husen 12" post hole auger, 3pth wood RM59 finishing mower, 3pth 29 tooth 10' cultiva- tor, M.F. 5' rotary mower, 16'x7-1/2' s axle hay trailer, 6 ton hay wagon, 20' Allied bale elevator, 7° chain harrows, 3pth 6' 9 tooth cultivator, 2-wheel rake, cement mixer, 3pth George White fertilizer spreader, Homelite chain- saw, 3pth bale forks. Property of MIKE ROONEY of Little Britain- JD 2130 diesel tractor with 145 loader, JD 1000 3 fur- row adjustable 12", 14" and 16" bottom trip beam rough (new), Meteor 7' snowblower (1 year old), 3pth 6' utility blade, 3pth Allied wood splitter, 3pth 12' Allied cultivator, Martin cattle squeeze, Mortec bale feeder, round bale feeder. Note: sale time 5:30 p.m. Small wagon load of farm related items. - First-both gentlemen have sold their farms. Equip- ment in field ready condi- tion. DON and GREG CORNEIL auctioneers, RR 1, Little Britain, 705- 786-2183, TA BE MOI DINGS 0 KEV AA (J. ---- doy