18- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, October 21 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" B Township of Scugog Don't forget: clocks li ffe= 1997 Municipal go back one hour LEST lo Election NOTICE OF VOTE TAKE NOTICE that a vote will be held in the Township of Scugog on Monday, November 10, 1997 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. to elect individuals to this Saturday night It's that time of year again, change your clocks Saturday night. (Fall Back). Utica & Church and Sunday Epsom School this week, : 5 October 26th, will be by held in Utica at 9:30 a.m. The service will be has been the following positions.: MAYOR REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WARD COUNCILLORS - WARDS 1,2,3,4&5 PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE - English PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE - French and Wednesday,November 5, 1997 between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. REVISIONS TO VOTER'S LIST: Revisions to the voter's list will be received at the Clerk's Department, 208 North St., Port Perry during normal office hours - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday or until the close of voting on voting day - November 10, added by revision to the list may vote by proxy. fxg ? Toy > 3 2 NARS SET Tere secs BES thet TERR ARES LL TPN rete $ ok s £ TP h JEFF MITCHELL/PORT PERRY STAR conducted by members of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. They hope to know by then the time of har- tact Ross Evans at 852- 5411. Thanks to the many helpers, last Friday's Beef Supper, which was sponsored by the United Church, was a big suc- Have you noticed the of dropping by and have a close look, there's no SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE Vesting of ihe 34 pares a close laf of corn. They need vol- cost and I'm sure you fo VOTING: dat the Muricinal OF ~unteer combines, corn enjoy their perfor- wo Advance Votes wi eld at the Municip ce, buggies, trucks etc. If mance. [81 Perry St., Port Perry on Saturday, November 1, 1997 .you can help, please con- Please - no more phone calls, the piano has found a good home and will soon be taking up residence in Epsom A meeting has been arranged for the candi- 1997. dates for the upcoming ] cess financially and I Municipal Election, PROXY APPLICATIONS, : : can attest that the food namely Ward 1 council- Any person whose name is either on the Voter's List or waz delicious. lors Regional Councilor, and Mayor The last day for making applications to the Clerk for a " " i : ) ] A goat walk at to come to Utica Hall on Coa cate to vote by proxy is Monday, November 10, SO HAPPY TOGETHER: A get-together of family ij1lowtree Farms Monday, November 3rd Neto - p ; f 1 ca] and friends was held Saturday afternoon at the pfarket? at 8:00 p.m. to acquaint i &: You can vote only once for each office in Legion in Port Perry to mark the 50th anniversary It's amazing how themselves with the 4 the Township of Scugog. : : ! of Robert and Margaret Craddock. Here, the happy those goats can climb community and answer i 1997 MUNICIPAL ELECTION couple engage in some snuggling for the camera. so high. Make a point q uestions we might ! POLL LOCATIONS i whodiom Interested Ward 1 5 Ward 1 SNES oF oh ERR Se SE SAERI AAAS Pe . FT SER A LO voters are invited to | Poll 1 Utica Hall, 13990 Marsh Hill Rd., Utica : : : ¢ attend this session. i Poll2 Utica Hall, 13990 Marsh Hill Rd., Utica . Jannett Asling visit- ] Poll3 Greenbank Hall, 19965 Highway 12, ; d h : Genbank more than ever before pl) | Poll4 Manchester Hall, 4 Rose St, Manchester gas on and Stella for a fow J Poll5 Greenbank Hall, 19965 Highway 12, ) days last week. 4 Greenbank SRE SL egy nniversary greetings : Poll6 Seagrave United Church, 15 Coryell St., . ¥ = - to the Aslings. (59). Poll 7 Pring Alert Hal, 19 Jeffry St, Prince Albe = i ame 0 nce » 19 Jeffery St., Prince Albert LB : : , : ji | Poll9 Seagrave United Church, 15 Coryell St., ed - Ei 2% in this ares is the az Seagrave B Wednesday, at the Neil cz IENCE! ¥ Be Ie Bacon auction barns, of ¢] Poll 1 ~~ Town Hall 1873, 302 Queen St., Port Perry i 4 Poll2 Masonic Hall, 320 Queen St, Port Perry rte the belongings of Mrs. Poll3 Town Hall 1873, 302 Queen St., Port Perry rosier. y Poll4 Masonic Hall, 320 Queen St, Port Perry I was surprised to Poll 5 Oddfellows Hall, 14460 Simcoe St., Port Perry read that she was a life- Poll6 Oddfellows Hall, 14460 Simcoe St., Port Perry on : time resident of this Ward 3 er area. She has lived in All Polls Baptist Church, 2210 Highway 7A ADF oo Utica a great number of He NOVEMBER i Poll | Blackstock Rec Centre, 3440 Church St. tel flood was born and raised in Blackstock ws SLE Scarborough. Also, the Poll2 Blackstock Rec Centre, 3440 Church St, | 10th : family lived in Kintore | Blackstock for some time. Poll3 Caesarea Hall, 3554 Regional Road 57, : i : Sorry to see that i Caesarea Ashley Slack is sporting i Poll4 Caesarea Hall, 3554 Regional Road 57, a pair of crutches as a 1 Poll5 Nestleton Rec Centre, 3971 Highway 7A, means of transporta- : Nestleton tion. Hope that sprained i Poll6 Nestleton Rec Centre, 3971 Highway 7A, 7] > 5 ankle is better soon. ¢ Nestleton YBa dean = x7 pe : Happy 14th birthday Ward § ii ; a ER Ti to Don Beelby whose big 4 Poll I Pentecostal Church, 1680 Reach St., Port Perry 5 23 EE RR day is this week. | Poll 2 Pentecostal Church, 1680 Reach St., Port Perry REET ee ag aR : ad We welcome Jim | Poll 3 foue Memorial Library, 231 Water St., Port 1 7 9 1 EE EE D 4 peelby back to this area, . Poll 4 Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club, 16077 Old : i ¢ J} | BL) homo t goged like 2 Simcoe Rd., Port - edi Hin Poll 5 Anglican Church, 266 North St. Port Perry 55 Sa Ee Manchester. : Poll6 Pentecostal Church, 1680 Reach St., Port Perry oyeral neighbors i Dated at the Township of Scugog this 21st day of gathered at the Pratt EMAW/OR Saturday | October, 1997 : : | £6 Load » evening to wish Maurice g 2 ie ; ERR an a happy 50th birthday. ; Administrator/Clerk ] pe ne Cp py 5 Tndip 4 Scugog, Clerk's Department . | Township of Scugog Epsom Ution Ohureh y PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL 1A7 | Board will meet on : 45.7393 Tuesday, October 28th (905) 985- at 7:00 p.m. in Goodwood Church.