10- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 4, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" ' The Questions... The Answers THE ~ Candidates for Mayor - Scugog Township ~ What's the most pressing issue facing Scugog in the next term? How do' you plan to address it? Should Scugog Township remain part of Durham Region, or pursue another option? Briefly explain why. Many feel that down- loading will lead to tax hikes. Should we hold the line on taxes and cut services, or allow a tax hike? How large a tax hike is acceptable? How do you feel about user fees for township- owned facilities such as arenas and ball parks? Who should pay, and how much? What qualities do you posses that will allow you to make an effective contribution during the challenging times ahead for the next council? HALL Our community is facing many pressures created by the uncertainty of the provin- cial government's downloading: the GTSB, reassessment, pooling and the effect that each of these could have on Scugog. Taxes must be kept at a reason- able level. We should not be paying for enhanced services enjoyed by the resi- dents of the new mega city nor should we be a part of the GTSB. However; gover- ment can force us fo adhere o ther rules. | believe we should remain part of Durham Region. Scugog could not sur- vive financially on its own, especially with all the downloading proposed by the pro- vince. The mayors, CEOs and treasurers of the 4 rural municipalities have held meetings to discuss amalgamation, shar- ing of services, etc. What about policing, fire and social services? We couldn't afford the services currently provided for the $4 million we remit to the region. it downloading by the province is not revenue neutral, we have 3 options; increase taxes, cut services or find other sources of revenue. | don't believe the first two are acceptable. We must inves- tigate other sources of revenue, be they additional user fees, increasing service costs (such as building pemits, licences and permits, etc.) An increase in taxes should only be reflected in the level of service our taxpayers deem acceptable. We currently have in place a system of user fees. We also subsidize our arenas, ball diamonds, soccer fields and our community halls in an effort to keep user fees at a reasonable level. User fees have always been a bone of contention for some people. In many cases user fees tend to hurt the very people we should be help- ing. In the challenging times ahead we need someone as mayor who has a proven past record of commitment to our com- munity. A very experienced person in municipal govemment, someone who listens and hears what the public is say- ing, and who recognizes the need for compromise on issues. | have these qualities and | know as your mayor | can make an effective contribution. by LEH) DOUG MOFFATT Remaining part of Durham Region is only one of the alternatives. This option may be chosen if the cost and benefits are clearly to our advan- tage. We have two tiers of local gov- ernment and the province has said that one tier is sufficient. If we stay in Durham and the goal of one tier is realized, Scugog will disappear. This is the Toronto model. | do not wish to be part of the City of Durham. The numbers are not yet announced $0 itis not clear how our taxes will be affected. In my view there are some programs which will not apply to Scugog (like assisted housing) and yet there are dollars allotted. The essential services we expect (roads, fire protection, police, etc.) must be provided with the best value for our tax dollar. | will do everything possi- ble to hold the line or lower taxes. Scugog already has some user fees in place. Arenas and playing fields are expected for young people. Those outside Scugog should pay for use of these facilities. Adult use will continue to carry a user fee. The pro- vision of new facilities must always include plans to pay operating costs without depending on a tax levy. Private construction and operation of these facilities must be considered. | have been involved in government at all levels. As a former MPP | under- stand how Queen's Park works. | have appeared before panels and commissions at both the provincial and federal levels. | have experience as a councillor and my business ~ experience has equipped me with modem management skills and abili- ties to build an effective team of slect- -edand staif personnel. JOHN WOLTERS KEN GADSDEN How to deal with municipal ser- vice levels in the face of disap- pearing provincial funding and service downloading while at the same time protecting the interests of the property taxpayer. | will work with local and regional coun- cil, staff and outside resources to strike a balance which is fair and equitable, and that municipal operations are run efficiently. No. If Durham Region as we know it is dissolved into the GTA, an other option must be pursued. Scugog's rural inter- ests will not be well served. The services now provided by Durham Region will most cer- tainly be affected, with us haying little input. . early to say "stay | believe we have a th tunity to restructure and advocate the nother municipalities jointly fund a study to examine-all options and produce the best overall solution. [6@ yBar oppor- @ on tax- 'waste to prevent service cuts increase at this time is not acceptable if government changes stay revenue neutral, and ywnship has continued in increased assess- We must make every effort to hold the line on tax increases, as we have done over the past six years. Services which contribute to quality of life must be maintained. It will require a balancing act to determine that services are legitimately re- quired and whether they should be funded from tax dollars, user fees or a combination. No tax increase is ideal, but it may be unavoidable. We should hold the line on es... f necessary we nead to minate and maintain taxes. A tax User fees are a must for the con- tinued operation and main- tenance of township facilities. Rates should be jointly set by the township and the various organi- zations who use these facilities. These fees should cover the cost of operation per time slot. All users should pay and the amount should be determined by previ- ous annual use and cost. sport and recreation programs deserve some level of support. 'My experience on council, and being chairman on many boards and com- - mittees gives me the knowledge and leadership techniques required to meet the upcoming challenges. My communication skills allow me to establish a good rapport among my peers. | am a strong negotiator with a ~ clear vision of the issues. | am honest "and forthright with a genuine commit- this & 4 whi _mentto ship Over the years | have demonstrated | can work well with council, boards, committees and the general public to produce desired results. | have the ability to get along with people and at the same time motivate them to posi- tive action. My experience in person- nel and labor relations has been well utilized in negotiating contracts and resolving conflict. | have the energy and desire to excel at whatever | do. 3 COLIN KEMP Job creation and development. | would address this by letting busi- ness know Scugog is open for business. | would encourage all development proposals, commer- cial, retail, industrial and housing by providing fast track solutions to bureaucratic obstacles. Develop- ment is the engine that creates both short term and more impor- tantly long-term employment. Scugog does not get in services what it pays in tax to the ragion. The Official Plan is evidence that the Region with urban gov- - ernment principles would not let Scugog plan for Scugog's rural needs and also favors job crea- tion in the south. Scugog should not be in the region. The province has said that tax changes will be revenue neutral, so there should be not tax increase or change in services. | have always aimed for zero tax increases and with changes now going on, my goal is for tax fairness hopefully leading to reductions in municipal tax. The municipality should, through taxes, lot levies and ~ private fund raising pay the capi- tal costs but only when the need is proven and the funds are available. The need will be pro- 'ven by the users of the facility and they should be prepared to pay the operating and main- tenance costs. My experience in operations management, . accounting and budgeting will contribute to the run- ning of the municipality. The town- ship is a business and must be run with fairness and integrity, sharing costs and finding more cost effec- tive service suppliers. However, it must temper business with its man- date to serve the community. It is important to stress youth employment. The future of Scugog will depend on a healthy economy and to ensure this suc- cess it will be necessary to pro- vide a healthy employment atmosphere. Youth should be encouraged to direct their tal- ents towards Scugog's future. This is a difficult question to answer. An intensive investigation - would be necessary in order to analyze all available options. Only then could an educated opinion be reached, entailing which course of action would be suitable for Scugog. Considering data gathered, a decision could be be reached. ltis difficult to speculate, Atax increase is not acceptable. Cutting services or employment is just as unacceptable. Currently, regional and provin- cial legislatures are stating that there will not be tax increases. The fees charged by local recreational facilities should be comparable to other neighbor- ing townships. The fees should be sufficient, in that it should not be necessary to charge addi- tional user fees, once the initial investment has been made. During my years of business in Scugog, | have had experience working with all levels of govern- ment. | am adept at problem solving and possess a calm, though deter- mined, attitude. Working with a team structure to accomplish any objec- tive has always been a rewarding experience. | am confident that my positive outlook will compliment any of the mayoral candidates. GLENN MALCOLM The most pressing issue is maintaining the quality of life that we enjoy in Scugog. This includes protecting citizens' interests with lower taxes and sensible local bylaws that bring peace of mind. Scugog should remain in Durham Region unless the pro- vince legislates a mandatory change. Taxes should and | believe can be reduced. User fees should be set at a lev- el to pay most of the cost of each facility to be fair and also so that people appreciate what they have to use. Qualities | can contribute to next council: 1. academic training in sociology and economics; 2. theological training; 3. a good lis- tener; 4. ability to instigate cor- rective action to people's con- cems,; 5. a track record of proven political experience; 6. an honest person who believes in public debate and decision making with no back room deals.