------ -- re -------------------- ---- -- .. - 24- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 2, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Rt >» PORT PERRY STAR < PERRY >» PORT PERRY STAR < URAL Roorts Scugog Island News What a perfect day for a Christmas parade We had a perfect day for the Santa Claus Parade, but did we really see Santa? Yes, that was Santa in the covered wagon at the end of the parade? It was nice seeing Canadian flags being handed out during the parade. Hope this will be an annual sur- prise! Don't forget the Hospital Auxiliary's Bake Sale on Friday, Dec. 5 at the hospital. If you haven't got your ticket yet for their Doll Draw, time 1s soon running out. The draw 1s Dec. 15. Bring the whole family to have breakfast with Santa Claus on Saturday, Dec. 6 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Manchester Lions Hall (cor- ner of Rose St. and 7A Hwy.). All proceeds to further Lions Club Community projects. The day the residents of the Community Nursing Home and Villa have been waiting for is nearly here. Their annual Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday, Dec. 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit the Head U.C.W.'s booth at the Villa. They will have a good supply of knitted afghans, sweaters and a vari- ety of craft articles available for sale. Scugog Island United Church A good crowd of people of all ages came out to the church on Saturday and dec- orated the inside and outside of the church for the Advent/Christmas season. After all their hard work everyone enjoyed pot luck finger food lunch before head- ing off to the parade. The Sunday worship ser- vice dealt with the Hanging of the Greens. The first candle of the Advent Wreath was lit by Andy, Lacey and Blossom Young. This candle of Hope . reminds us that Jesus Christ is the child of hope and the Redeemer of promise. Some of the symbols discussed were the holly, the wreath, the mistletoe and the Christmas tree. Special music was pro- vided by our orchestra and choir. The children stayed following the service and enjoyed their first rehearsal for the Christmas Pageant. The next weeks leading up to Christmas are busy and I will try to keep you informed. The Lectionary Bible Study will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 2 at 1:30 p.m. at S.1.U.C. The Moms & Tots & Friends will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at 9:30 a.m. at S.1.U.C. The Grace U.C.W. Christmas meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. at the home of Anne Chillingworth. Choir practice will be held on Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7 is the Second Sunday of Advent. Please bring a poinsettia plant to help decorate the sanctuary. The Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal will be held on Sunday, Dec. 7 following the worship service. A Partylite Candle Show and Fellowship is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at S.I.U.C. All ladies of congregations and friends welcome. Come and see a collection of top quality candles and acces- sories. Enjoy free dessert, coffee and fellowship among ladies during the Christmas season. Children welcome! For more information call Elaine at 985-1386. A dona- tion will be made to S.I.U.C. on behalf of the Moms & Tots Partylite show. Manchester United Church will be holding their Christmas at Home on Friday, Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Their special guest will be Dianne Chandler presenting 'The Christmas Miracle of Johnathan Toomey'. Special music by Scugog United Church Orchestra, Janice Groves and Emily Groves, soloist. Please join us for an evening of Christmas inspi- ration! Sunday, Dec. 14 will be our Third Sunday in Advent. It will be our White Gift Service and Christmas Pageant at our regular time of 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 21 will be our Fourth Sunday in Advent. This will be a service with Communion and the choir will present their Canata. Our Christmas Eve service will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at S.1.U.C. With the preparation of Christmas plans for our annu- al meetings are put in place. Please note the following: Written Annual Reports are due Sunday, Jan. 4; Financial Reports are due Sunday, Jan 18. Please submit them to Karen Davis. The Congregational Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 9 and the Pastoral Charge Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, Feb. 16 at S.I1.U.C. Please mark your calendars now. For pastoral care call Elaine Barber at 985-4094. Call 985-8871 with your news for next week's column. Nestleton News Nestleton's annual Variety Night this Friday Nestleton United Church Sunday, Nov. 30, the first Sunday of Advent and Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed at the morning service. The greeters were Arnold and Jean Williams and Jean Williams was the scripture reader. Rev. Shearman's sermon was "Zechariah's Hope'. Regina Walker, Shirley Jackson and Bernice Mairs sang 'She Walked in the Summer", accompanied by Karen Yellowlas on the piano. Dennis and Christine CR fh lit the Advent Candle of Hope Aanual Variety Night at Nestleton United Church will be held on Friday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. There will be entertainment, crafts, bake table, auction items and door prizes. Refreshments will be served by the Nestleton 4H Group. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy the evening. While Gift Sunday is Sunday, Dec. 14, non-perishable goods for the Food Bank are also needed for Operation Scugog. Sunday, Dec. 21, there will be an all ages Christmas Pageant at Nestleton United Church at 7:00 p.m. Family News The Cartwri ht High School Senior Band Craft Sale 4 held on Sunday, Nov. 30 with a large crowd in attendance. : : Saturday, Nov. 29, the Santa Claus Parade was held in Port Perry. The had a float in the parade. The Sunderland division of Stock Buslines held their annual Christmas party for all their drivers in Scugog and Brock Township. Linda Arbuckle and Neil McLaughlin received a ring as an award for driv- ing for 10 years. Congratulations to both of you! Nestleton Presbyterian - Church With the lighting of the first Candle of Advent by Graham Ham, the service in the Nestleton Presbyterian Church commenced with Rev. W. Fairley in the pulpit. Ushers were Graham Ham and Oliver Rohrer and Joyce Taylor was the organist. Sunday School was taught by Shirley Mills. Responsive Psalm was #96 and Scripture readings were from I Isaiah 1 and St. Matthew. In the talk with the Sunday School, the name for this Sunday was Isaiah, the prophet. Danielle sang 'Christmas is a Feeling' as a beginning to Christmas songs. "White Gifts" will be gathered for the Sundays in December. Next Sunday, the Sunday School is prepar- ing Christmas numbers. In the sermon, Rev. Fairlay spoke of the fortelling of the Christmas celebrations and the date being set in the 700s A.D. Communion will be dispensed on Sunday, Dec. 14 at the regular service at 11 a.m. Lunch and a social time was enjoyed in the Sunday School room. Cartwright High School students Best wishes to Blackstock's newest newlyweds Best wishes are extended to Donna McIntyre and Chris Carr who were married last Saturday in a very pretty wed- ding at the Blackstock United Church with the reception following at the Blackstock Recreation Complex. Donna and Chris will be making their home in Blackstock on Sunrise Drive. A former resident of Blackstock, Elizabeth Skelding, celebrated her nine- ty-first birthday on the week- ond with a family gathering. Mrs. Skelding lives in the Newcastle Seniors Home. Heartiest congratulations, Elizabeth! As you know, there are groups which organize 'special wishes' for children who suffer either terminal or life altering diseases. One group is the 'Starlight Foundation'. This group has a youth from Sioux Lookout in Northern Ontario whose wish is to provide all the children of his town, which has a population of over 3,000, with skates. Needless to say this is indeed a large project which perhaps you can assist in some way. If you have chil- dren's skates which you wish to donate to this very special project, please call me at 986- 42517. There was large crowd at the Christmas in the Country Craft Sale held on a very drea- ry day on Sunday at the rec centre. This annual event was pr-------- Blackstock sponsored by the senior bands of the Cartwright High School. Congratulations to the organizers of the annual Santa Claus Parade at Port Perry which took place on a absolutely beautiful Saturday afternoon. A great parade! It was good to see several local entries in the parade. The Blackstock Nursery School is holding its annual Breakfast with Santa at the Blackstock Recreation Centre next Sunday morning. An added feature this year will be sleigh rides on the grounds (weather permitting). There were fifteen tables at the Tuesday evening weekly card party with the following winners: Doris Hill, Audrey Mahaffy, Charles Sta leton, William Dunn, Jim artin, Mary Cannon and Daryl Dean. Draws were won by Gary Nottenboom, Marie Gibson, William Dunn, Richard Potter, Reid Harness and Jim Martin. The local choral group, 'A Touch of Country' will be hold- ing its Christmas program at the rec centre on Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. Special guests of this program will be Dave Wotten, the Cartwright High School Band and the Pigeon Creek Trio. This will be an event you won't want to miss if you enjoy the songs of the season. Jill VanCamp will be spend- ing the month of December in the area with her parents, Richard and Ruby VanCamp, and many other relatives and friends. She has left Saskatoon where she has been working since graduation and will start a new position in Bermuda in the New Year.