"A Family Tradition for 131 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 2, 1997 - 27 ESTATE ing Events HOSPITAL AUXILIARY bake sale, Friday, Decem- ber 5, 10:30 a.m. Hospital lobby. All donations wel- come. NESTLETON UNITED Church, 6th Annual Vari- ety Night, Friday, Decem- ber 5, 7:30 p.m., entertain- ment, auction, crafts, baked goods, door prize, refreshments. Lake Scugog Historical Society's Annual Christmas Carol Service Join us in singing the old carols and reading the tradition Christmas story. Head Church, Museum Grounds All are welcome, Victorian \period dress is encouraged but no Refreshments to follow Head Church, Museum Grounds, Scugog Island SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 7:30 PM Yo & Friends 3rd Annual OPEN HOUSE Sat. Dec. 13 9am - 4pm Affordable & Unique gift items, crafts, homemade baked goods, 66 types of preserves, gently used selection of kids toys, clothing etc. Something for everyone. 300 items to choose from in 2 separate homes. Lots of goodies to sample too. Come join us at 56 & 63 DRUAN DRIVE, SUN VALLEY (east of O.N.O. NEW YEAR'S Eve Dance, December 31, 1997, Blackstock Rec Centre, D.J. Jerry Manilla. Buffet lunch, $40 per cou- ple. Call 986-5574. R.H. CORNISH SCHOOL presents a movie "A Sim- ple Wish". Show times 4 p.m. & 7 p.m., Friday, December 5 in primary gym. Admission: Adults $4, children $2. CHRISTMAS OPEN House, Friday, December 5 & Saturday, December 6, Henshall's, 241 Queen Street, Port Perry. Cider, draws, treats - gifts, sur- prises. Join us for the fun. Best Wishes Dennis & Janice Arksey on your 25th Wedding Anniversary Dec. 2/97 Love from all the Arksey & McLaren Samilies 3 MONTH OLD chester- field & chair, Hunter Green & Cranberry. Paid $1,400, will sell for $800. 705-357- 2533. 7'X16' GARAGE door $200; 1/2 H.P. Sears opener $80; Chevy trans- mission $80; Ford step bumper $60; T-roofs with covers $100; right front fender for Olds Cutlass $45. Call after 6 p.m. 986- 1408. 8 H.P. DUAL STAGE snowblower with chains, excellent working condi- tion, $375. 985-9317 or 1- 705-786-1455. ADMIRAL WASHER and dryer, 10 years old; Hot- point fridge; Beaumark stove; $150 each or $500 complete. Good condition. 985-2761. BEDROOM SUITE, dou- ble bed with mattress, double dresser with mirror & night table $75. Call 985-7632. BIRDSEED - "BIRD'S BUFFET", sunflower mix, Finch, $1 off with this ad. Phone ahead 986-0657. BRAND NEW universal snowboard K2 Ju-Ju, 148 cm. with clicker bindings $300. 986-4522. Seagrave), FOLLOW SIGNS. TAKE OVER 20 acres in prosperous West Texas, U.S.A.$9,995 / $150 pet mth. Financing available by- owner. Call 1-800-875- 6568. Community Nursing Home and Port Perry Villa ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday, December 6/97 10 am - 4 pm 15941 Simcoe St. N,, Port Perry Free Admission, $1000 cash draw, over 50 vendors, baked goods, gifts, crafts. All proceeds to Residents Activity Fund CABINETS from full cus- tom to assemble yourself and save. WOODTECH 985-0420 Reach Industrial Park. DESK 42"X20' -$25; weight bench $15 (with stand); fireplace screen. 905-985-9132. CHARACTER CAKES - T-Rex, Dalmation, sports, Pooh Bear, etc. Special designs for every occa- sion. Call Kathy, 985- 3679. CHESTERFIELD SUITE $200 or best offer. 985- 8242. FARM TOYS for Christ- mas (new & discontinued models). Collectibles dis- play cases $14.95, Trewin Farm Equipment, Black- stock 986-4283. KIOTI COMPACT 4WD, 30 H.P. tractor & loader (new). One only at $21,700, . (negotiable!) for quick sale this week. Snowblowers etc. avail- able. Trewin Farm Equip- ment, Blackstock 986- 4283. KITCHEN/BATH CABI- NETS and counter tops. Factory made-to-order or custom to meet your needs and budget. 985- 3767, Green Apple Cabi- nets, 173 Queen St. FIREWOOD - all hard- wood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. FIREWOOD, hardwood, cut, split and well sea- soned. 905-986-0828. FIREWOOD SALE 8 cords to truckload, buy now and save for next year, also season cut and split. 905-852-7586. HAY AND STRAW round and square bales, no rain, pick up or delivery. 1-905- 797-2249. HAY -round bales, 4x4; mixed - good quality. 985- 2029. HIGH EFFICIENCY oil fur- naces/water heaters, chimney liners installed and serviced. Fisher Heat- ing Inc. 985-8077. WE CARRY: Self Coun- sel books and forms - power of attorney kits, sills, leases, etc. Presen- tation boards - 48" x 36" for science fairs. Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St., Port Perry - 985-7383. MIRRORS & GLASS - The perfect Christmas gift. There is still time to get your mirrors or glass table tops for Christmas. Cus- tom cut at no extra charge to you. We can install. Scugog Glass & Mirror, 69 Carnegie Street, Port Perry. Phone: 985-2844. OLD WORLD SANTAS & collectables for sale, excellent Christmas gifts. 705-357-2533. PIANO, upright, older, beautifully carved dark wood, good condition, $1,000 OBO. 985-1472, after 6 p.m. SAND, GRAVEL, LIME- STONE, TOPSOIL. Crushed granite, crushed red brick, reclaimed asphalt. Pick-up at our yard or we deliver. Any quantity. Shepstone Haulage, 1451 Reach St., Port Perry - 905-985- 7282. SEASONED FIRE- WOOD, 12 inch $60 face cord, $10 extra for delivery 985-7745. EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (905) 985-7306 193 Queen, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B9 KILN DRIED LUMBER - pine, oak, cherry, maple, walnut, etc. Sawmilling, custom mouldings. 905- 985-1559 or 905-438- 2197. SKI PACKAGE: Good condition Rossignol skis and bindings, 170, with poles, ski tote and ladies size 8, r/e Nordica ski boots $75; Men's Nordica ski boots, size 9, good condition $25; Good selection of good, used ski touques and gloves $5 each. Call 985-7632. SNOWBLOWERS & grader blades (new & used) for farm, compact & lawn tractors. Also walk- behind models. Trewin Farm Equipment, Black- stock, 986-4283. SPRUCE LUMBER - full thickness or scant, rough cut. Call Bob Kyte 986- 5200. NEW AND USED FIRE- PLACE - Deals - Deals - Deals. Full showroom, 180 Casimir St., Port Perry, 985-0715, Over- ridge Fireplace Ware- house. NOTHING SHRINKS YOUR BUDGET LIKE GROWING CHILDREN. Great value for gently worn and loved childrens clothing, toys, acces- sories. THE SECOND HAND FOR KIDS and other treasures. Visit us at 159 Casimir St., Port Perry, 985-7795. Tues- day - Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Now accepting winter consignments. WILLOWTREE ORCHARD 700 Reach Street, 985-9205 - Macin- tosh, Talman Sweet, Cort- land, Greening, Spy apples. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS. New win- dows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Window Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd. 8, 985-3747. WOOD SPLITTER, 3 point hitch; 19" jointer/planer with cast iron frame 986-4257. WOODEN STORAGE box, drop-leaf kitchen table, S10 truck cap, com- puter desk, Maple desk, 2 wing back chairs; 1986 Chevelle. 985-9639, please leave message. STEFS APPLIANCES - washers-extra capacity direct dry; dryers-extra capacity; fridges $150/up; stoves $150/up; freezers $300/up. 362 French St., Oshawa. 432-7167. STRAW, small bales. 986- 0657. SUITS, SUITS, SUITS - Are you going to a christ- mas party but you don't have a suit? Why not look your best for a lot less by shopping at RUGGED REPLAYS where for around $100 you'll get a stylish suit, shirt, tie and a pair of shoes. Sound to good to be true? Come to Rugged Replays in Whitby and see for yourself. Since 1994 we've been offering only the best in new and next to new clothing for men, teens and boys at up to 75% below retail. Expe- rience consignment shop- ping for men like never before. From jeans to tuxedos - we've got it all! Take Thickson Road south to #2 Hwy., continue south 3 sets lights to Burns Street (turn left), we're in the first plaza on left. (The Burn's Street Plaza). Hours: Monday- Wednesday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Thursday, Friday {0 a.m.- 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 12 - 5 p.m. Call 404-2063. You won't be disappointed! SUNFLOWER SEED, wild bird seed mix, Niger seed, (bulk or packaged). Kenroe Farms - 985-7582. TRACTOR SNOW- BLOWER, 6' Meteor, sin- gle auger, 2 stage, hydraulics or manual, 3 pt, excellent condition $900., OBO. 655-8779. CAROLYN HALL* ELLEN HALL* TRACY ROBINSON" JOEL GENTLE" LESLIE* uttout DEBRA-ANN TAYLOR** I CEI CARE IES FE CY Mg [1 (lo An Independent Member Broker 126 Water St., Port Peny n baseball diamond) PRR A ok Tells! (905) 985-4300 Tor. Line (905) 683-4039 TRACTOR TIRE chains 12"x28" $100, OBO. 985- 1823. WATER DISTILLERS - a convenient and sure way to have pure water nght in your home. A great idea for Christmas gift. Call Rolly Coy 905-986-5185. 1983 BUICK REGAL, new exhaust, brake lines, shoes and pads, backing plates and wheel cyl's. $550 A.S. Call after 6 p.m. or weekends, ask for Glenn 905-728-8277. 1985 OLDS CALAIS, 4 door, 3 litre V6, automatic, air, new brakes, new bat- tery. $1,750 certified. 985- 1991. 1986 GRAND AM lots of new parts, 14" tires, $350, 905-985-4279. 1989 FORD TAURUS wagon, excellent condi- tion, air, great for families. Make an offer. 986-5976. 1989 RED CHRYSLER Daytona, PB, PS, one driver, 230 km., as is, $900 firm. 985-4989. 1995 EXCORT off lease December, 57,000k, CD, asking $10,750. 985-5204 or 905-642-6186. 1984 CHEV S10, 2WD long box. Good winter beater or parts $600, OBO. 986-4065. 1989 TOYOTA cargo van, excellent running condi- tion. $1,350. 985-2328. 1994 PLYMOUTH Voy- ager LE, cert, very clean, exc. condition, 7 pass., 4 captain seats & 1 bench seat, fully loaded, power everything, new tires & new brakes, 90,000 km. Teal & grey ext. Asking $14,700. Call after 6 p.m. 905-985-0177. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. Durham Real Estate Board Members with Full Access to Toronto Real Estate Board wa MARK SMITH*** ADULTS -- $1000 per month for One Year ($12,000) towards your rent/mortgage! RAY ANTHONY" ERNIE DUNCAN* KIDS -- 1 of 5 STEP 2 PLAYHOUSES! (a $600 value!) PENNY DUNCAN* DICKSON* MADONNA HOARE* COLEEN CHERYL HILL* Drop in to Sutton Group-Lifestyle, 126 Water Street, 2nd floor, Port Perry to pick up your ballot today! ADRIENNE HANSEN" BRIAN McKINLAY** ---- GROUP ", abo» TE A IR "El a & --- Rp 4 ; p> a) : : : aN = ER IRS TE hale MEF, Vind SiEY ay \