Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 9 Dec 1997, p. 28

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Rr a PPO pn... 28- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 9, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" STAR CLASSIFIEDS EUCHRE, 2 person team Sunday, December 14/97 Registration noon, $5.00 each starts at 1:00 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 419 484 Bay Street, Port Perry 985-8502 GET IN THE SPIRIT Of Christmas at M R Art, Bethany weekends Nov. - Dec. 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. Orig- inals by Paul Allen, Alber- ta, stepfather of Matt Stephenson, Caesarea. Unique decorations, sweaters, candles, jewell- ry, gifts and much more. Yo & Friends 3rd Annual OPEN HOUSE Sat. Dec. 13 9am - 4pm Affordable & Unique gift items, crafts, homemade baked goods, 66 types of preserves, gently used selection of kids toys, clothing etc. Something for everyone. 300 items to choose from in 2 separate homes. Lots of goodies to sample too. Come join us at 56 & 63 DRUAN DRIVE, SUN VALLEY (east of Seagrave), FOLLOW SIGNS. - 2 CRIBS baby table and high chair. 986-0374. ¥ 27" ZENITH stereo TV: $6.25/week. Fisher sur- round stereo package-520 watts, $12.50/week. 1- 800-267-9466. 30" WHITE Kenmore stove, $50. 985-0923. 305 CHEV MOTORS $250; 350 Chev motors $400; 4-3 Chev motors $550; 3800 Chev motor $550. Chev, Ford & Dodge transmissions $75 - $300. Days 905-986- 1867 from 9-5, evenings 905-986-0849. 40 BALES of alfalpha hay, 5x5, 985-3445, AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVE will take up to 27" log, $200. 905-668-2233. ANNOUNCING new lower prices on MINI DISH SATELLITE TV. Canadian and U.S. models $499. 1- 800-903-8777. BIRDSEED - "BIRD'S BUFFET", sunflower mix, Finch, $1 off with this ad. Phone ahead 986-0657. CABINETS from full cus- tom to assemble yourself and save. WOODTECH 985-0420 Reach Industrial Park. BOBCAT diesel, 743 model. Has bucket, bucket tooth bar, forks, and more. Loader has been kept inside since new, has only 845 hours on the machine. Great working loader. Sell for $15,000. Call Jim Scala, days 985- 9767, nights 985-4057. Must be sold. BRAND NAME uniforms for sale - Bowmanville Flea Market, A&P Mall, every Sunday. Avida, Lizzy, Maple Shields, scrubs, Durham College uniforms for sale. Rubi 905-430-2984. CANADIAN Mini Dish - digital sound and picture. Over 100 channels, $5.75/week. Free delivery. 1-800-267-9466. COMPUTER SPECIAL: Pentium 166 MMX- 16xCD, fax modem, 32mb ram, $15/week. 1-800- 267-9466. COMPUTER SPECIALS - Pentium Multimedia - complete system $888, DX486-$588, DX386- $348, color printer-$99. 1- 800-903-8777. FIREWOOD - all hard- wood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. FIREWOOD, hardwood, cut, split and well sea- soned. 905-986-0828. FIREWOOD SALE 8 cords to truckload, buy now and save for next year, also season cut and split. 905-852-7586. HAY AND STRAW round and square bales, no rain, pick up or delivery. 1-905- 797-2249. HAY & STRAW, small square bales, no rain. 986-4609. HIGH EFFICIENCY oil fur- naces/water heaters, chimney liners installed and serviced. Fisher Heat- ing Inc. 985-8077. MOVIES -used movie clearance from $6.99. Hundreds to choose from. Buy 2 save 10%, buy 4 save 20%, buy 6 or more save 30% at the Nestle- ton Country Store, Hwy. 7A in Nestieton. 5 a KILN DRIED LUMBER - pine, oak, cherry, maple, walnut, etc. Sawmilling, custom mouldings. 905- 985-1559 or 905-438- 2197. KITCHEN/BATH CABI- NETS and counter tops. Factory made-to-order or custom to meet your needs and budget. 985- 3767, Green Apple Cabi- nets, 173 Queen St. SUITS, SUITS, SUITS - Are you going to a christ- mas party but you don't have a suit? Why not look your best for a lot less by shopping at RUGGED REPLAYS where for around $100 you'll get a stylish suit, shirt, tie and a pair of shoes. Sound to good to be true? Come to Rugged Replays in Whitby and see for yourself. Since 1994 we've been offering only the best in new and next to new clothing for men, teens and boys at up to 75% below retail. Expe- rience consignment shop- ping for men like never before. From jeans to tuxedos - we've got it all! Take Thickson Road south to #2 Hwy., continue south 3 sets lights to Burns Street (turn left), we're in the first plaza on left. (The Burn's Street Plaza). Hours: Monday- Wednesday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Thursday, Friday 10 am.- 9 p.m., Saturday 10 am.-5 p.m, Sunday 12 - 5 p.m. Call 404-2063. You won't be disappointed! SUNFLOWER SEED, wild bird seed mix, Niger seed, (bulk or packaged). Kenroe Farms - 985-7582. TELEPHONE JACKS and cable TV outlets installed, reasonable rates. Call Dave for an estimate. 985-7558. WASHERS, dryers, fridges, stoves - from $25/month. O down, free delivery. 1-800-267-9466. WATER DISTILLERS - a convenient and sure way to have pure water right in your home. A great idea for Christmas gift. Call Rolly Coy 905-986-5185. WATER SOFTENER salt 80 Ib. Duracube $8.39 no limits. Fill your own 18 litre jug $3. Repossessed water treatment systems available. Free water anal- ysis. Call Young's Water Systems, Brooklin 905- 655-4544, 1-800-263- 1959. Easy access from Hwy. 12 & Thickson Rd. WE CARRY: Self Coun- sel books and forms - power of attorney kits, sills, leases, etc. Presen- tation boards - 48" x 36" for science fairs. Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St, Port Perry - 985-7383. EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (905) 985-7306 193 Queen, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B9 NEW AND USED FIRE- PLACE - Deals - Deals - Deals. Full showroom, 180 Casimir St., Port Perry, 985-0715, Over- ridge Fireplace Ware- house. NOTHING SHRINKS YOUR BUDGET LIKE GROWING CHILDREN. Great value for gently wom and loved childrens clothing, toys, acces- sories. THE SECOND HAND FOR KIDS and other treasures. Visit us at 1569 Casimir St., Port Perry, 985-7795. Tues- day - Saturday 10 am. - 5 p.m. Now accepting winter consignments. PIANO and BENCH, Henry Herbert, full key- board. 705-357-3111. SEASONED FIRE- WOOD, 12 inch $60 face cord, $10 extra for delivery 985-7745. SNOWBLOWERS brand new, M.T.D., 8 h.p., 8 speed, 26" cut, $13.50/week, free deliv- ery. 1-800-267-9466. 1988 MERCURY SABLE, 4 door, all power, new paint pro., outstanding condition. $3,500. 985- 1291. 1989 DODGE SHADOW, 2 door, very reliable $1,650. 985-1944. 1989 FORD TAURUS wagon, excellent condi- tion, air, great for families. Make an offer. 986-5976. 1990 TEMPO, $650 as is. Phone 985-0422, after 6 p-m. Bs: Ras: EE A TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. SIE 1986 CHEVETTE, new paint, some new parts $2,200 certified; 1980 Chev 1/2 ton $1,400. Days 9-5, 905-986-1867, evenings 905-986-0849. mn : SPEND WHAT YOU SAVE - for something they really want under the tree. Great selection of holiday fashions at the SECOND HAND FOR KIDS, 159 Casimir Street, Port Perry, 985-7795, Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Good supply of skates in stock. Christ- mas holidays: closed from December 24, reopening January 6. STEFS APPLIANCES - washers-extra capacity direct dry; dryers-extra capacity; fridges $150/up; stoves $150/up; freezers $300/up. 362 French St., Oshawa. 432-7167. STEREO, Samsung, AM/FM, 5 disc CD chang- er, dual cassettes, speak- ers, remote control. New $530, asking $300. 986- 5207. STRAW, small bales. 986- 0657. WEDDING DRESS, size 10-12. Paid $1,200, ask- ing $700. Just cleaned. A must see! 986-4065. WHEELCHAIR excellent condition, $400. 985-0274. WILLOWTREE ORCHARD 700 Reach Street, 985-9205 - Macin- tosh, Talman Sweet, Cort- land, Greening, Spy apples. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS. New win- dows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Window Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd. 8, 985-3747. WOODBURNING STOVES, Elmira with gold plated glass door $450; Sedore wood & com bum- ing stove $995. 985-0111. WOODSTOVE $50: Singer upright vacuum, as new, $85; beer fridge $50; large deep freezer $75; mobile sign $100. 986- 0274. AHA 340 Enticer, excellent condition $1,200. 985-4716. 3 OR 4 BEDROOM house in Port Perry school zone required by Jan. 31 for 6 months. Working couple with 3 children. Please call 905-852-0287, leave mes- sage. PRIVAT SALE - Durham Road 8 and 23 - Frontage on both roads, 2 bedroom bungalow built 1990, oak kitchen and vanity, drilled well, holding tank, maintenance free exterior, full basement, partially finished rec. room "and 3rd bedroom. Immedi- ate occupancy, $149,900. Call 852-7722. TAKE OVER 20 acres in prosperous West Texas, U.S.A.$9,995 / $150 per mth. Financing available by owner. Call 1-800-875- 6568. SE SE SEE ER 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown Port Perry. Available immediately $550/month + hydro. Ref- erences required. 905- 852-9700. 2 BEDROOM APT., avail- able January 1, Water Street, overlooking lake. Evening 985-8704, days, 985-3333. 2 BEDROOM CONDO $925 plus hydro, 5 appli- ances. Available immedi- ately. Call Cheryl at 985- 0718. 2 BEDROOM FUR- NISHED apt. Scugog Island. Available Jan. Heat, hydro & cable TV included. Outside parking, $900 per month. Reply to Box 39, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L IB7. 2 STOREY 2 room aparnt- ment next to bam, first and last, available immediate- ly. 985-3445, 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Blackstock area. 986- 0731 or 986-1986 (shift worker). 3,000 sq. ft. OFFICE SPACE available, will divide to suite, in new building on 7A. Available now. 985-8507 or after 5 p.m. 985-8786. COLUMBUS, clean 3 bedroom house, large yard $750 plus utilities. Available Feb. 1. Call 986- 1081. COMMERCIAL RETAIL, downtown Port Perry available for lease. Con- tact Guy Latrielle for more details 985-4427. SELF-CONTAINED 2 bedroom apartment, ground floor, Queen Street, Port Perry. Avail- able Jan. 1. $725 mo. Call 985-7651 after six. SHOP RENTAL unit approximately 1,200 sq.ft. 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Washroom, office, and loft. Ideal for light industrial, trucking, or automotive repair. 985- 3198. SHOP RENTAL unit approximately 950 sq.ft. washroom and storage loft, 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Ideal for light manufacturing or automo- tive. 985-3198. COMMERCIAL SPACE available on 7A, 2,000 sq. ft. or will divide into 1,000 sq. ft., plenty of parking, gas heat, 200 amp. Plenty of uses, great exposure. 905-985-8507 COMMERCIAL STORE SPACE for rent, Water Street. Days 985-3333, evenings 985-8704. FURNISHED ROOM plus living room, close to amenities, includes cable, microwave, fridge, use of kitchen & washing machine. Must like dogs. $90 per week. Terri 985- 0082. IN PORT PERRY, 3 bed- room large apartment, newly decorated, stove, fridge, washer and dryer hookup, parking. Not suit- able for children, no pets. Available now $895, 985- 7331. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8211 or 985-1791. 2 FEMALE SHIH-POOs' pups for sale, 7 weeks old. Call 986-0532. SMALL DOG suitable for an apartment, very love- able and good with chil- dren. 985-2077. BLACK & WHITE match- ing Pinto fillies off Pinto drop mares and thorough- bred stud. $2,500 or best offer. 705-742-1007. HORSES BOARDED, clean stalls, daily tumout. Kings Comer 986-0969. MATCHING TEAM of black ponies 47" plus baby colt, gelding 7, mare 5, broke, ride, drive, child & road safe $1,500. 705- 799-0533. px RE SE MEN'S SKI WEAR, jacket & pants needed, size 44 (large). 986-0196. LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown Port Perry $575 plus hydro. Available Jan. 1. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. LARGE 1 BEDROOM basement apt., partially furnished, for 1 person only, includes fridge, stove, heat & hydro. $650/month. Vacant. Call Mark 985-4300. LARGE BRIGHT 2 bed- room apartment down- town Port Perry, $650 month plus hydro, avail- able October 1. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. LINDSAY & LITTLE Britain - Large clean 1,2,3 & 4 bedroom, laundry facilities; also commercial space. Tony 1-416-208- 7910. NOW AVAILABLE -large bright one bedroom apt. No pets, $575 a month, first and last required. 905- 986-4822. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE = Approx. 650 sq.ft. of ground floor space in downtown Port Perry. Ideal for small office or retail operation. $800 month, includes heat, hydro. Call Peter at 985- 7383 or nights 985-3089. PORT PERRY - LARGE DELUXE 3 bedroom in a quiet well kept building, 2 bathrooms, walk-out patio doors. No pets, $855/month plus hydro. Call Dave - 985-2534. WANTED A 4'X8' slate pool table Brunswick or GOOD USED stand alone 6" jointer. Call 985-3480. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. MANILLA AUTO WRECKERS will pick up scrap cars, trucks, farm and construction machin- ery - 705-357-2644. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905- 986-4281. SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. $50 and up. Call Ray 985-8707. GRAN ING COMPANY offers pride in our work, versatili- ty with respect to tasks (we do it all!) and an enthusiastic approach to do our best. Bonded and insured. 725-9177. PROFESSIONAL wallpa- pering and painting. Rea- sonable rates, free esti- mates. Call Roy Povey 985-9419. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking winter bookings. References available. Phone 985-9649. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Snow- plowing, yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trim- ming, odd jobs. Dave FREE SE LICENSED PLUMBER or third year apprentice needed immediately for residential and commer- cial work. (905)852-7202 or fax resume (905)852- 4773. a, MATURE, RELIABLE, part-time help needed by local cleaning company, car essential. Apply with resume Box 9, Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario LIL 1B7. MATURE, RELIABLE, very flexible part-time retail sales help required for local music store. Musical background preferred. Hours not suitable for a student. Reply to P.O. Box 40, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1B7. PART TIME experienced bartender and short order cook. 985-3232. TELEMARKETERS - One of central Ontario's largest carpet cleaning companies is looking for part-time telemarketers in the Port Perry area to work in the comfort of their own home. Excellent per- formance based renumer- ation. Experience pre- ferred but not necessary. Call toll free 1-800-665- 1888. WANTED COOK, 3 days a week for private club. Good opportunity for someone who likes to work with public. Evenings 985-8040. WANTED - 58 people to lose weight and get paid at the same time. Call 728-3594. MALE BEAGLE, 3 years old, very cute and friendly - free. 985-4865. aa; AL's MAINTENANCE - Snow services, eave- strough cleaning, Christ- mas lights, tree deliver/pickup, garbage removal, basement seal- ing and more. 985-4879. MERRY CHRISTMAS. WANTED: Volunteers for the Manilla Community Hall Executive - President, Treasurer, Entertainment Representative, Secretary, Hall Rental Representa- tive. Contact Lorie 705- 357-3038. SE Til LL i er NNR A GGG MO HI J ae i" TU Mingling ui Ans tli eo

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