ms oo a te eae 4 "A Family Tradition for 131 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 - 21 R > "PORT PERRY STAR URAL RoorTs Special events mark approach of Christmas in Scugog Christmas is certainly fast approaching as evidenced by all the special events being held each week. On Wednesday evening a large crowd enjoyed the Christmas Concert presented by the local singing group "A Touch of Country" with their guests. John Wolters was the M.C. for the program which included songs by Dave Wotten, music by the Cartwright High School Junior Concert Band under the expert direction of Mr. John Beirness and out- standing Highland dancing by Meghan Foote and Rebecca Marnoch. In addition to the musical numbers there were two Christmas readings by Muriel Wotten and Carol Edgar. A love- ly evening. This week the annual Drama Evenings will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Rec. Centre when the Cartwright High School students present their Three One Act Plays. Judging of the plays and players will take place on Wednesday evening. On Tuesday evening the school concert featuring music by both the Cartwright Central Public School and the Cartwright High School will be held at CCPS. This promises to be another evening of outstand- ing Christmas music. On Sunday evening the Country Christmas Concert was held at the Blackstock United Church. Kelly Gatchell M.C.ed the excellent program which featured readings, danc- ing, children's numbers as well as duets and solos. Another delightful evening. The Senior's Citizens Club hosted the Christmas dinner on Thursday, Dec. 11 at the Blackstock Rec. Centre. President Betty Hockley wel- comed everyone before the deli- cious turkey dinner which was prepared and served by the Blackstock U.C.W. During the social time following dinner Christmas gifts were exchanged. Our community was shocked this week to learn of the passing of Jackie James. Jackie was the Tripp partner of the Tripp Toms catering team that was so well known in this area. Sincere sympathy is extended to Jesse and children Kim, Todd, Lisa and Tyler and their fami- lies as well as to her parents and brothers and sisters and her many many friends and relatives. Her largely attended funeral was held at Low and Low Funeral Chapel on Sunday afternoon. Local friends of Mrs. Ella Venning will be pleased to learn that she is now a resident of Marnwood Nursing Home in Bowmanville where she is enjoying all the activities and events. Ella will enjoy a visit or a note from her Blackstock friends. On Saturday evening Andrea Weir was surprised by a house- ful of guests when she returned home. Her family hosted a 65th birthday party in her home. Present in addition to her fam- ily of Jim, Janet and Russell and their families were Gwen and Ed Mulholland, Kay McBride all of Port Perry, Jack Lee and Harold and Lois Luke of this area. Many happy returns Andrea. At the regular morning wor- ship at Blackstock United Church Seth Daniel, son of Steven and Deanna Grove was received into the church through the sacrament of bap- tism conducted by Rev. David Shearman. During the service the Junior Choir sang a beauti- ful Christmas number. Following church, Deanna and Steve Grove, Darcee, Zachary, Lukas and Seth hosted a family gathering at their home in honor of Seth's bap- tism. Their guests were Larry and Anita Magnus of Elora, Linda and Grant Larmer, Danny and Dayna of Rice Lake, Debbie and Jay Cushing, Jeremy, Mathew, Jaymie and Marten of Stouffville, Marion and Murray Magnus of Port Perry and Marion and Murray Grove, Stouffville. There were 14 tables at the weekly card party on Tuesday evening with the following win- ners: Vivian Kidd, Fred Griffen, John Archer, Velma Johnston, Myrtle Gimblett, Pearl Moore and Adam Mathewson. Lucky draws were won by Ruth Taylor, Doreen McLean, Don Putsey, Les Johnston, Alma Manns and Muriel Selby. If you have a name that you haven't a gift for at this time perhaps I have a suggestion for you. I have copies of three books here, "Cartwright Revisited 1983," by Doreen Van Camp for $20. A copy - this is a factual hard covered book telling of the history of this area. Second book - a soft covered book, "History of Cartwright" by the Agricultural Society which gives all the interesting stories behind the history. This sells at $2.50 per copy. Third book of short stories selling at $3 per copy. It is "Oh Me, Oh My, Omemee-Scandals and Other stories" - a delightful little book. Just give me a call at 986-4257 to make arrangements to pick one up. Please phone your news items in to me for this column. The Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Jean Ferguson for the annual pot luck luncheon. Our leader Marion Larmer thanked Jean for her hospitality for providing such a colorful setting at this festive season. Several announcements took place. Cards were signed to send to shut-ins, also a list of people who would enjoy a visit, those in nursing homes, etc. Marion had the worship service and chose Matthew, chapter 2- 9-15 about people in the Bible who chose alternate routes. Should we choose alternate routes in our observance of Christmas? Our roll call was to give some toiletries for the folks in Denise House. A discussion re - giving a donation to a needy family was decided to leave it with Jean Adams to give out. Also two story books were approved as gifts. The program consisted of readings, a Christmas riddle, the story of the sand dollar and a reading of the month before Christmas. We sang many car- ols with Thelma Wright leading and Kathleen Watts playing the piano. This was a good meet- ing with the Christmas spirit coming through loud and clear. Marion closed with prayer. - Secretary, Dora Martyn St. John's News By Colin Beal Sunday, Dec. 14 was the Third Sunday of Advent. At St. John's it was also the day on which the children of the Church School took over the time normally allocated to the sermon as they presented their annual Christmas Pageant. The story of the Nativity was well told by the young actors in spectacle, words and music. Particularly impressive were Rachel Kubovic and Natalie Beechey, as narrators and Kelly King and Nicole Beechey in the roles of Mary and Joseph. Matt Campbell shone as the Archangel Gabriel. There was a delightful chorus of five little angels and two wonderful shep- herds. After the service, a good crowd stayed to enjoy a great pot luck lunch. Members of the choir joined in a musical recog- nition of Don Proutt's birthday. Over the past couple of weeks, several people have remarked on the new fragrance at St. John's these days. It is best described as "absence of oil fumes." For years worship- pers at St. John's have endured the unpleasant odor of oil fumes during the "heating season" - and especially on those days when north or north-west winds were blowing. After listening to the often conflicting advice of numerous consultants, the wardens concluded that the best course of action would be to vent the furnace units through a chimney to be installed in the area between the church and the parish hall. The new chimney is now in place and the air in the church 1s fresh. We all thank the war- dens for this very real enhance- ment to the worshipping envi- ronment. Christmas is nearly upon us and at St. John's, many people are busy preparing for the Christmas services. The Christmas Eucharist will be celebrated on Christmas Eve and will be preceded by carol singing and a social hour in the parish hall from 7 p.m. until 7:45 p.m. when everyone will go into the church to join in the magnificent choral service. On Sunday, Dec. 28 the Feast of the Holy Innocents, St. John's annual Service of Carols and Lessons will be presented. There will be regular and spe- cial services and other events during the Twelve Days of the Christmas Season. Come to Christmas Eve service Christmas dance enjoyed by all a: ! ! Many thanks to the Seagrave Park Board members who orga- nized yet another successful Christmas dance. All who attended had a wonderful time. Thanks very much. Happy birthday wishes go out to Jessica Bentley. Sympathy of the community is extended to Alex and Margaret Ingram in the passing of Margaret's father Francis Lorenzen in Pompano Beach, Got an event coming up? Call The Star first Seagrave by DIET: (0feYe) (= Florida on Monday, Dec. 8. Margaret has flown down to attend the funeral. Church News At the service on Sunday the Third Advent Candle of Joy was lit by George Hill and Brody Campbell. Anna Walker read the scrip- ture from Luke 1 versus 39-55 and Jessie Nobbs and Len Somerville sang a duet "There's A Song In The Air," accompanied by the organist Muriel Jebson. During the children's time Rev. Carson told them about a Christmas Sunday School play with a hitch in it. Joseph and Mary appeared at the Innkeepers door looking for a room for the night when Tommy, who represented the Innkeeper, saw them he told them there was no room at the Inn but they could have his room. Rev. Carson's sermon was "Altered Lifestyles." A coffee hour followed the service. The family night Christmas pot luck supper and program was well attended on Friday night at the church. We have a lot of good talent in our commu- nity as shown by the singing, instruments, readings and the Sunday School play. The Christmas Eve Service is at Seagrave on Dec. 24 at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. Please call Ann Sandiford at 985-9440 for next week's col- umn. White Gifts were present- ed at morning worship on Sunday. Gifts of money will be sent to Evangel Hall and canned food items will be delivered to the Oshawa Hostile. Being the Third Sunday of Advent, the Candle of Joy was lit on the Advent Wreath with Donna Deakin leading in the reading of the text printed on the bul- letin. Everyone is invited to Join with us at Burns Church for the Christmas Eve Service beginning at 7:30 p.m. Come with your family and friends to enjoy this inspiring service. Last Wednesday night the Ladies Bible Class mem- bers, spouses and friends enjoyed dinner at the Kanea Ashburn area news by Florence Ashton ---- | Restaurant, Oshawa. Afterwards everyone came back to Doug and Florence Ashton's and enjoyed a time of fellowship with short- bread and punch. On Thursday, some of us deliv- ered poinsettias and a visit . with our shut-in friends. Thursday night is euchre night again at the Community Centre at 8 p.m. I'm sure everyone will be in the Christmas spirit and enjoy a fun evening.