Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 Dec 1997, p. 28

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Co Ce 28- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 16, 1997 fe CUTE, cCOzYy AND peaceful 2 bedroom farm house just 5 min. drive: north of Port Perry. $700 per month. First and last plus utilities. Available Jan. 1/98. Serious inquiries only! Call 985-7520 between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8211 or 985-1791. LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown Port Perry $575 plus hydro. Available Jan. 1. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. LARGE 1 BEDROOM basement apt., partially furnished, for 1 person only, includes fridge, stove, heat & hydro. $650/month. Vacant. Call +. Mark 985-4300. LARGE BRIGHT 2 bed- room apartment down- town Port Perry, $650 month plus hydro, avail- able October 1. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. MASONIC HALL - avail- able for dances, recep- tions, parties and meet- ings. Kitchen & bar. Call 985-8912 or 985-8973 (leave message). NOW AVAILABLE -large bright one bedroom apt. No pets, $575 a month, first and last required. 905- 986-4822. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE - Approx. 650 sq.ft. of ground floor space in downtown Port Perry. Ideal for small office or " retail operation. $800 month, includes heat, hydro. Call Peter at 985- 7383 or nights 985-3089. PORT PERRY - LARGE - DELUXE 3 bedroom in a quiet well kept building, 2 bathrooms, walk-out patio doors. No pets, $855/month plus hydro. Call Dave - 985-2534. PORT PERRY, 3 bed- room, newly decorated farm house, beautiful country property. $800/month + utilities, firstlast, references. 985- 9052, 985-9346. PORT PERRY -bright, clean, one bedroom apart- ment, no pets, avail. Feb. 1, $540 plus hydro, 905- 852-6250. PORT PERRY (Cae- ~ sarea) 2 bedrooms plus loft, just remodelled, lake view on quiet street. Avail- able immediately. $900 per month. 905-832-6650. RECENTLY RENOVAT- ED house for rent at Stephenson's Point area. Set among mature trees, with 3 bedrooms and view of lake. No smokers, no pets. Call 905-877-5436. SELF-CONTAINED 2 bedroom apartment, ground floor, Queen Street, Port Perry. Avail- able Jan. 1. $725 mo. Call 985-7651 after six. SHOP RENTAL unit ~ approximately 1,200 sq.ft. 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Washroom, office, and loft. Ideal for light industrial, trucking, or automotive repair. 985- 3198. approximately 950 sq.ft. washroom and storage loft, 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Ideal for light manufacturing or automo- tive. 985-3198. BEAUTIFUL, 12 week old male Border Collie, very loving & friendly $100., OBO. 985-3588, 985- 4889. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppy, female, 7 weeks, reg'd. Ch. bloodlines, 1st shots, vet inspected, dewormed, tattoo, sire & dam available for viewing. 985-2555. PUREBRED TOY Poo- dles, male & female, black or beige, 7 weeks old, vet checked, first shots. $350- $400. 986-0345. ROTWEILLER puppies, CKC Registered, bred for exceptional temperment, champion lines, ready Christmas Eve. $500. 705-932-5423. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking winter bookings. References available. Phone 985-9649. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Snow- plowing, yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trim- ming, odd jobs. Dave Ballingall 985-2834. NO PREVIOUS COM- Swim kidS asa 2 OF SCUGOG LIMITED Part-time mature (18 yr.+) SWIM INSTRUCTOR needed. Red Cross Instructors &/or Bronze preferred (will retrain if expired. Flexible hours, but at least one evening. Salary negotiable. Please apply in writing to: Box 14, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary St., Port Perry LOL 1B7 BS NRE HORSE FOR LEASE, 10 year old thoroughbred gelding, quiet & well trained, jumps too. 985- 0623 evenings. SE CAR POOL REQUIRED or available, from Port Perry to Whitby GO & return, Monday - Friday. Please call evenings 985- 5293, days 416-487-2883, ext. 4250. ) SET OF WEIGHTS & bench press and medicine ball; also oak dining room table & chairs. Pete 985- 9634. PUTER experience required. Exciting posi- tions now available in computer programming. We will prepare suitable applicants. CMS - 1-800- 477-9578. EIL N BA con® N\AVCTONS PO Box 220, Greenbank, Ontario, LOC 1B0 (905) 985-1068 Auctioneers WANTED - 58 people to lose weight and get paid at the same time. Call 728-3594. WANTED: Volunteers for the Manilla Community Hall Executive - President, Treasurer, Entertainment Representative, Secretary, Hall Rental Representa- tive. Contact Lorie 705- 357-3038. SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS Superb Country Shopping Requires Part-time Salesperson Experience in Furniture Sales an Asset Apply in writing to: Cathy Palladino c/o Settlement House 183 Queen Street Port Perry, Ont LOL 1B8 ...1f you would like to join our Customer Oriented Sales Team. Only those to be interviewed will be contacted. GAMES for a Sony Playstation. Will pay $25 per game if in good condi- tion. Phone Peter at 985- 7316 days. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. MANILLA AUTO WRECKERS will pick up scrap cars, trucks, farm and construction machin- ery - 705-357-2644. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905- 986-4281. SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. $50 and up. Call Ray 985-8707. AL's MAINTENANCE - snow services, eave- strough cleaning, Christ- mas lights, tree deliver/pickup, garbage removal, basement seal- ing and more. 985-4879. MERRY CHRISTMAS. GRANDMA'S CLEAN- ING COMPANY offers pride in our work, versatili- ty with respect to tasks (we do it alll) and an enthusiastic approach to do our best. Bonded and insured. 725-9177. PROFESSIONAL wallpa- pering and painting. Rea- sonable rates, free esti- mates. Call Roy Povey 985-9419. The Pol Pee Sta requires a part time TELEMARKETER Previous sales experience and a positive attitude an absolute must. Please send/fax resume to: The Port Perry Star 188 Mary St., Port Perry 191, 1B7 Fax: (905) 985-3708 Attn: Don Macleod PUBLISHER/AD MANAGER Small town newspaper located north of Toronto is seeking a hands on publisher/ad manager to manage the day to day running of the business. You would be responsible for setting and achieving budgets, managing special projects, composing, editorial, administration and the sales department. You will contribute to the management team while finding new revenue sources and ideas to build the paper. Solid sales background and some management experience a must. Experience in newspapers is an asset.. Please submit resume in confidence to: Charles Canning General Manager Publishing CCG Inc. Group 1183 Ringwell Drive Newmarket, Ont. L3Y 7V1 or fax to (905) 830-1991 a SE ad = NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of VIOLET ORALO DRYDEN. All per- sons having claims against the Estate of Violet Oralo Dryden, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 12th day of June, 1997, are hereby notified to send full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned executrix of her estate on or before the 5th day of January, 1998, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Betty Marshall, executrix by her solicitor Jerry Faivish 120 Carlton Street, Ste. 203, Toronto, Ontario MSA 4K2 FRIDAY, DEC. 26 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Viewing 8:30 a.m. Excep- tional Boxing Day auction, antiques, collectables, quality furniture & art, MacGREGOR'S AUC- TION CENTRE, 182 Wellington St., Bow- manville, take 401 to Waverly Rd. (Exit 431) north to #2 Hwy. east to Scugog St., north 1 km. Our special Boxing Day auction features an excel- lent offering of rare, unique, refinished, original & unusual articles from the past including chimney, hoosier & kitchen cup- boards, modern 9 pcs. Cherry dining room set, tables (kitchen, Oak, Pine, Harvest, Parlour etc.) Vic- torian couches, settee & chairs, gramophone, rare Gecophone crystal detec- tor, blanket boxes, brass beds, washstands, Oak sideboard, chairs & rock- ers, old money, rugs, qual- ity glass & china, old cloth- ing, doll house furniture (20's & 40's), old clothing, Royal Doultons & Hum- mels, diamond rings & pocket watches, Limited Edition prints & original art & much more. This is only a partial list, mark your cal- endars & plan on attend- ing our best sale of 1997. Watch next week's paper for detailed listing. Call for all your auction needs. MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICES, Mike Mac- Gregor 905-987-3664, 905-623-7949. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques and collectables for an Oakville home, sell- ing at NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD., corner of Hwy. 47 and 12. To include: chesterfield and chair, kitchen suite, chests, beds, coins, jewel- ry, prints, books, lamps, quantity of glassware and collectables, sports cards including Gretzky rookie, Gretzky 2nd year, Hodge, Bobby Clarke, Ron Ellis, Esposito, plus many other interesting items. Note: This is the last sale for '97. New Years exceptional quality antique sale is Sat- urday, January 3, 1998 at 10 a.m. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905- 985-1068. 'PORT PERRY STAR" | CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES MONDAY : 12 NOON "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" FRIDAY, DEC. 19 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. MINI STOCKER SALE at LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN, RR 2, Lind- say. Selling calves, year- lings and short keep stockers. Singles sell at the end of the sale. Stock- ers sell approx. 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS LAMB SALE - December 12 and 19. Lindsay Sale Bam will be open as usual Decem- ber 12, 19 and January 2 and closed December 26. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Carl Hickson 705-324- 2774, sale bam 705-324- 2774, Arnot Wotten 905- 263-2512. | Lf Re) Side "It Pays To Advertise... Advertise Where It Pays" PORT PERRY STAR & PORT PERRY WEEKEND STAR -- - The Dol Povey Sta Publishing Twice A Week Tuesday and Friday with a combined pressrun of more than 21,000 Copies Weekly For further information (905) 985-7383 Juveniles use a hew strategy to roll over Manvers 10-6 "Let's wait until they have three goals on us, and then we'll explode." That seemed to be the strategy that the Mike's Food Basics Juveniles had the other night when they visited Manvers. At the end of the first peri- od, it was 3-0 for Manvers and Port decided to turn up the heat as they scored three times and ended the second down 4-3. Joe Jackson got the wagon roll'ng with an assist by Jamie Levon, and then newcomer Carl Phoenix notched one assisted by Matt Phillips and Kevin Gray got the third, unassisted. Only 41 seconds into the third Kevin made a fine rush down ice and scored the tying goal with Joe and Gord Bentley helping. Following this, Kent Johnston and Carl Phoenix again scored with Joe and Adam Hunter assist- ing on both. Jamie Levon then chipped in an unassisted goal and Kevin Gray then got his hat trick with an assist by Joe again. Matt Phillips then came through unassisted also, and Ian Shrigley finished off the night with Adam Hunter assisting to give us a 10-6 win. These young men showed some good improvement, both on offence and defence. There were lots of good plays offering excellent scoring chances, and although our defence got caught up ice a few times in the first period, they soon corrected this and took out the Manvers for- wards most of the time after this. Wednesday night the Basic's Juveniles were home for their second encounter of the season with Oakwood. The last encounter erupted into a small war, however this game was a little better. More control early in the game by the referee would have certainly helped. Mike Phoenix received the first star of the game, allow- ing only one controversial goal, and leading Port to a 4- 1 win. Kevin Gray started the local squad off in the second when he intercepted an Oakwood clearing shot, made a few good moves on their defence and slipped it under the goalie, unassisted. Then Ian McCready received a pass from Kevin very late in the second, skat- ed across the front of the net and threw it up over a sprawl- ing goalie. We went to the dressing room up 2-0. Port returned in the third and it didn't take long for Kevin Hobbs to slap one in with assists going to Adam Hunter and Carl Phoenix, who also had chances around the front of the net. This gave Port a bit more breathing room and six min- utes later, Oakwood got their one and only goal. Two min- utes after that, Mike Lott whacked home the final goal with Kevin Hobbs and Joe Jackson getting credit for helping. A lot of credit goes to the defence as well, taking out Oakwood forwards who had several two-on-one break- aways. Next game is Wednesday at home, against Uxbridge, who Port still has not beat this year, and then Saturday up to Oakwood for a return match at 8:30 p.m. ---------- --------"" © ------ A A: i WG MO HO G1, i ! i IH

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