---- eg -- ---- gt 28- PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" MCINTYRE, Buck & Kim are pleased to annouce the birth of their daughter CAUSEWAY Brittany Rose, weighing 8 LIVE Ibs. on November 11. Big BAIT sister Brandi, grandpar- ents Norma & Paul Mcin- 2080 Hwy. TA tyre & Fred & Cathy Walk- er and Paulette St. Jean are proud to welcome Brit- tany. Many thanks to Dr. Gilmour and the nurses at the New Life Centre. 1998 Fishing Ann & Chuck Terry and ] Pat & Dave Sillers are Licenses pleased to annouce the Available safe arrival of a grand- 2 daughter Paula Rose WOMEN IN ABUSIVE Sillers, December 21, RELATIONSHIPS 1997, weighing 9 Ibs, 14 For Help Cal oz. Happy parents are Rob & Patricia Sillers. (lormerly Auberge) for women & children Toll Free 1-800-263-3725 Don and Marg. Elford are Confidentiality assured thrilled to announce the (905) 728-7311 arrival of their first grand- RE-OPENS DEC. 31 child, a girl, Jaime Lynn, bom to daughter and son- in-law Cathy and Mike Nixon. Jaime arrived December 18, 1997, 8:05 a.m. at the North Durham Health Services in Port Perry, weighing 7 Ibs. 9 ozs. Proud parents Cathy and Mike would like to thank Dr. Puckrin, Dr. Brown and all the wonder- ful nurses at the New Life | NEW IN TOWN? Centre. A special thank A you goes to Dr. Cohoon LET US PUT i and labour coaches Aunt OUT THE MAT 1 Brenda and daddy Mike. FOR YOU! Maternal great-grand- mothers are Margaret Postil and uy Eff! be sure to call Cm 1 emai yon SineCl 1930 KAREN E. HUNT. C. P.E. - Electrolysis. Permanent hair removal. Call now for your confidential compli- mentary consultation - (905)985-9085. Member of E.A.O. and C.F.E.C. Waxing also available. LEGION HALL for rent, "Best Deal in Town", new expanded menu. 985- SNOWBOARD. hardly used, $300, OBO. Call in 8502. the evening, ask for Paul 985-8135. STEFS APPLIANCES - (Cove L washers-extra capacity direct dry; dryers-extra SALE capacity; fridges $150/up; stoves $150/up; freezers $300/up. 362 French St., Oshawa. 432-7167. Furniture Covers, Duvet Covers, Comforters, SUNFLOWER SEED, Window Toppers & more wild bird seed mix, Niger All fabric *9%/yd seed, (bulk or packaged). Sat. Ja n. 3 Kenroe Farms - 985-7582. 9am.-2pm. TELEPHONE JACKS (beside San Man Motel) installed, reasonable 985-1995 rates. Call Dave for an estimate. 985-7558. ATTENTION - VETERANS Ex-Servicemen & Women & Dependents The D.V.A. Counsellor Sandra Wilkie, will be visiting Branch 419, Port Perry Royal Canadian Legion on Wed. Jan. 7, 9:00 a.m. By appointment only. Anyone wishing information, advice, or assistance on Vets Allowance or Disability Pensions, contact Dave Wilson 2 BRONZE STATUES make an offer; 1-90,000 BTU Warm Morning propane heater $600; one-2 horse trailer $2,500. Call Susan 985-9416. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS, factory sale - save thou- sands. 21x30, 33x60, 48x79, 70x150. Quick delivery and erection. Sale ends 12/30. Winfeld and Sons Ltd. (905)649-3722. APT. SIZE WASHER and dryer with stand, new con- dition, $800. Phone 985- 7651 after 6 p.m. BARLEY & STRAW for sale. 655-3064. BUSY BEE SHAPER, 1 Salamander propane heater 400 BTU, radial arm saw with stand, 1 electric fumace. 985-8507 or 985-8786 after 5. CABINETS from full cus- tom to assemble yourself and save. WOODTECH 985-0420 Reach Industrial Park. FIREWOOD - all hard- wood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. FIREWOOD, hardwood, cut, split and well sea- soned. 905-986-0828. FIREWOOD SALE 8 cords to truckload, buy now and save for next year, also season cut and . split. 905-852-7586. HAY FEEDERS, new round bale, H.D. $225 & $185; cattle squeeze with auto head gate $560; snowblowers, 3 pt, rear blades; tractor chains, var- ious sizes. 705-324-7047, Janetville. KITCHEN/BATH CABI- NETS and counter tops. Factory made-to-order or custom to meet your needs and budget. 985- 3767, Green Apple Cabi- nets, 173 Queen St. NEW AND USED FIRE- PLACE - Deals - Deals - Deals. Full showroom, 180 Casimir St., Port Perry, 985-0715, Over- ridge Fireplace Ware- 4 SAVE ON LUMBER. Mouldings, flooring, trim, baseboard, Oak, Maple, Ash, and Red Pine. Floor- ing 1/2" and 3/4" x 3-4", 57-6". Also wood doors Pine and Oak, door jambs, crown mouldings, lumber for decking, T.N.G. Pine, Cedar, Oak and Walnut, panelling, lumber for fumiture and Pine logs for log homes, poles for pole barn, and Pine or Oak lumber for stalls, also hydro poles. 905-263- 8058. SEASONED FIRE- WOOD, 12 inch $60 face cord, $10 extra for delivery 985-7745. (905) 985-7296 a. INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (905) 985-7306 193 Queen, Port Perry, Ont. LIL 1B9 WE CARRY: Self Coun- sel books and forms - power of attorney kits, sills, leases, etc. Presen- tation boards - 48" x 36" tor science fairs. Star Office Centre, 188 Mary St, Port Perry - 985-7383. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS. New win- dows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Window Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd. 8, 98543747. SECOND HAND For Kids on holiday from December 24. Re-opening January 6. Look for our Winter Outer- wear Clearance - up to 50% off. 159 Casimir St., Port Perry. 985-7795, Tues. to Sat. 10 am. - 5 p.m. 1 BEDROOM APT, immediate availability, main street location, $525 all inclusive, newly reno- vated building. Call 985- 3885. 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown Port Perry. Available immediately $550/month + hydro. Ref- erences required. 905- 852-9700. 2 BEDROOM APT. avail- able January 1, Water Street, overlooking lake. Evening 985-8704, days, 985-3333. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, recently decorated throughout, 2 minutes north of Port Perry, $895 month plus utilities, avail- able January 1. Call Keith 985-7351. 3,000 sq. ft. OFFICE SPACE available, will divide to suite, in new building on 7A. Available now. 985-8507 or after 5 p.m. 985-8786. AVAILABLE February 1 - large 2 bedroom apart- ment. Bright, new rug and paint with fridge and stove. No pets. 905-985-8507 or 905-985-8786 after 6 p.m. COMMERCIAL RETAIL, downtown Port Perry available for lease. Con- tact Guy Latrielle for more details 985-4427. COMMERCIAL SPACE available on 7A, 2,000 sq. ft. or will divide into 1,000 sq. ft, plenty of parking, gas heat, 200 amp. Plenty of uses, great exposure. 905-985-8507 COMMERCIAL STORE SPACE for rent, Water Street. Days 985-3333, evenings 985-8704. CUTE, COZY AND peaceful 2 bedroom farm house just 5 min. drive north of Port Perry. $700 per month. First and last plus utilities. Available Jan. 1/98. Serious inquiries only! Call 985-7520 between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. DOWNTOWN PORT Perry, ground floor 1 bed- room apt., ideal for retired couple. Available immedi- ately. Please call 705-448- 2474 or 985-8695. NEARLY NEW, large 1 bedroom apartment, Uxbridge. Separate entrance. Private parking. Suitable for couple. Refer- ences/non smoker(s) pre- ferred. $700 inclusive. 852-7327. FURNISHED 1 room, 1 bedroom apartment in country home, wall-to-wall carpet, microwave, oven, fridge, private entrance, heating, air, hydro and parking included. Located between Oshawa and Port Perry. Car essential. Suitable for 1 person. $100 week. Phone 655- 3483 after 5 p.m. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8211 or 985-1791. LARGE 1 BEDROOM apartment downtown Port Perry $575 plus hydro. Available Jan. 1. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. LARGE 1 BEDROOM basement apt., partially furnished, for 1 person only, includes fridge, stove, heat & hydro. $650/month. Vacant. Call Mark 985-4300. LARGE BRIGHT 2 bed- room apartment down- town Port Perry, $650 month plus hydro, avail- able October 1. 985-3011 days, 985-3128 evenings. LITTLE BRITAIN, clean 2 bedroom, laundry facility, $575 + hydro, cable included. 416-208-7910 or 705-878-3597. LOVELY 4 BEDROOM farmhouse, combination FAO, Simcoe North, Manilla. First and last with references $800 per month plus utilities. 705- 357-3210. MAIN FLOOR OF brick house on 7A. Two bed- rooms, bathroom, kitchen, dining, living and laundry room. Quiet, non-smoking people preferred, no large dogs preferred. Only responsibility is to clean own walkway in winter. $900/month including utili- ties, first & last, refer- ences. Available March 1. Call Blaine at 986-1857. MASONIC HALL - avail- able for dances, recep- tions, parties and meet- ings. Kitchen & bar. Call 985-8912 or 985-8973 (leave message). NOW AVAILABLE, large, bright one bedroom apt. $575 monthly inclusive. First & last required. No pets. 905-986-4822. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE - Approx. 650 sq.ft. of ground floor space in downtown Port Perry. Ideal for small office or retail operation. $800 month, includes heat, hydro. Call Peter at 985- 7383 or nights 985-3089. PORT PERRY - LARGE DELUXE 3 bedroom in a quiet well kept building, 2 bathrooms, walk-out patio doors. No pets, $855/month plus hydro. Call Dave - 985-2534. PORT PERRY - 2 bed- room main floor apart- ment, $650 plus utilities. Call Grant 985-4427. SELF-CONTAINED 2 bedroom apartment, ground floor, Queen Street, Port Perry. Avail- able Jan. 1. $725 mo. Call 985-7651 after six. SHOP RENTAL unit approximately 1,200 sq.ft. 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Washroom, office, and loft. Ideal for light industrial, trucking, or automotive repair. 985- 3198. SHOP RENTAL unit approximately 950 sq.ft. washroom and storage loft, 14 ft. loading door on busy road. Ideal for light manufacturing or automo- tive. 985-3198. STEPHENSON'S POINT area of Scugog Island. 3 bedroom redecorated house set among mature trees with lake view & access. $840 + hydro. No pets please. Call 905-877- 5436 or 416-977-4670. WOODVILLE - large bright 1 bedroom apart- ment, townhouse type, new condition. $599 plus utilities. Availalbe now. 705-786-2514. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. MANILLA AUTO WRECKERS will pick up scrap cars, trucks, farm and construction machin- ery - 705-357-2644. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905- 986-4281. SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. $50 and up. Call Ray 985-8707. AL'S MAINTENANCE, snow services, eave- strough cleaning, garbage removal, basement seal- ing & more. 985-4879. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking winter bookings. References available. Phone 985-9649. SCUGOG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Snow- plowing, yard clean-ups, grass cutting, hedge trim- ming, odd jobs. Dave Ballingall 985-2834. NANNY for our 6 month old daughter, in our home, starting February 1998, 4 or 5 days a week. Call 905-985-0669. NANNY, housekeeper, "mom" needed part-time to look after 2 boys aged 4 & 1, in our home. Please call 655-8968 after 6:30 p.m. WANTED - 58 people to lose weight and get paid at the same time. Call 728-3594. BBQ RESTAURANT - Well established BBQ take-out restaurant/dairy bar in town of Uxbridge. Good cash flow. Ideal for couple. Price negotiable. 905-852-0542. LONG ESTABLISHED Profitable Cleaning Busi- ness for sale. For health reasons. Clean financial statements available to serious enquiries only. Reply to Box 1, c/o Port Perry Star, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, Ontario FRIDAY, JAN. 9 SALE TIME: 10 AM. Special cow sale at LIND- » SAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD., R.R.2, Lind- say. Selling bred & springer cow & cows with calves by side. Regular sale time 10 a.m., breeder cows sell approx. 1 p.m. Cows will be pregnancy checked. Carl Hickson 705-324-9959, Sale bam 705-324-2774, Arnot R. Wotten 905-263-2512. SATURDAY, JAN. 10 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Breeder cow sale. 2 com- plete herd dispersals at LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN, R.R.2, Lind- say. 35 mature Limousin cows, double polled Limo bull exposed June, the property of BOB LUNN, Ballieboro; 65 Charolais cows mostly 2nd and third calf, due Jan. 20 to April 1. Bred P.B. charolais bull sells, the property of ROBERT JUNG, Sunder- land. Both herds on vacci- nation program. Carl Hick- son 705-324-9959, Sale Bam 705-324-2774, Amot Wotten 905-263-2512. SATURDAY, JAN. 3 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. New sporting goods, Estate auction at ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CEN- TER-Lindsay property of the Late ISABELL DEATH ESTATE & others. 100 pr. new X-country skis, boots, hundreds of jackets, new sporting goods, ball, hock- ey, etc., brand new chesterfields, 2 & 3 pc. sets, new Oak round table & chairs, excellent appli- ances, furniture, some antiques, glass, china, household, interesting items, 1987 Dodge pick up, 1973 Skidoo TNT, 705-324-2783 or call 1- 800-461-6499 for certified appraisal service or to list your sale. Orval & Barry McLean auctioneers. Auctioneers ----- EIL | N Bicon® AUCTIONS PO Bax 220, Greenbank, Ontario, LOC 1B0 (905) 985-1068 AR has been selected asa CANPAR SHIPPING COUNTER for all your personal or business parcel and letter delivery requirements Call today for more details (905) 985-7383 SELLING YOUR HOME? Why 1 not try the 1-2'Punch of the Port Perry Star & Weekend Star Phone 985-7383 Received every week in more than 20,000 homes. NAME Apply in writing to: Cathy Palladino 183 Queen Street Sales Team. SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS Superb Country Shopping Requires Part-time Salesperson Experience in Furniture Sales an Asset c/o Settlement House Port Perry, Ont L9L 1B8 if you would like to join our Customer Oriented Only those to be interviewed will be contacted. BADGES - engraved name plates for desks, walls, or doors. Various sizes and colors. Available from Star Office Centre, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, 985-7383. STAMPS - rubber, self- inking, signature, logo and daters. Available at Star Office Centre, 188 Mary Street, Port Perry, 985- 7383. A etl lat The Port Perry Star publishing twice a week Tuesday and Friday with a combined pressrun of more than 23,000 copies weekly. For further Information call 985-7383