"A Family Tradition for 132 Years" A Buy-A-Book Plan has been introduced at the Scugog Memorial Public Library. The plan provides an opportunity for honoring family, friends, birthdays, graduations, anniversaries or remembrance of loved ones in a public spirited and lasting way, simulta- neously helping the library maintain an up-do-date col- lection in an era of declining government funding. The plan works this way: upon receipt of a fully tax- deductible minimum dona- tion of $25 and a completed donor form (available from the library), the library will purchase a book and have Patrons can help library with 'buy a book' program a commemorative book plate fastened into it. The donor may request the purchase of a book from a specific area of interest, however due to collection requirements, the library must reserve the privilege of selecting actual titles. Unless donors request anonymity on the donor form, their name and the name of the person being honored will be published in a quarterly listing in the local newspaper. For further information, please call The Scugog Memorial Public Library at 985-7686, or pick up a no- obligation information package at the library. \ be The Canadian National Institute for the Blind Durham Region Service Centre, Service Day, is planned for Thursday, Sept. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Versa-Care Centre, 130 Reach St. in Uxbridge. 'CNIB display due in Uxbridge Representatives will highlight services and display technical aids that are available through the CNIB. If you are interested in a specific item please phone the CNIB office at 436-7732 by Sept. 3. Everyone welcome. f u he DENTAL * DR. J. COTTRELL * DR. C. BANFIELD * DR. T. KING (Orthodontist) ns at 1 {mate cl Band /, othing EXPeyy Te Ce PORT PERRY 238 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Ss. Please Call - (& yea 3 claibo WEEH! FREE GIFT . [WITH PURCHASE OVER > $100) Jill . Bradley CENTRE * DR. J. HARDY * DR. L. GIDEON * DR. T. McINTYRE (Periodontist) 985-8451 T (CGC DR. L. GIDEON Please Ca985-7952 ) ) Evening & Saturday Appointments Available New Patients Always Welcome Swimming for dollars Scugog Soccer Club president Ray Dallas, far right, accepts a cheque for $3,000 from Julie Goodwin of SwimKids after she swam 10 kilometres in her pool recently to raise funds for the local soccer pitches. Also on hand for the presenta- tion were Sara Cosway, and David Mcintyre, 8, who collected almost $150 in pledges. The money will go towards levelling out the existing fields and making the entrance and exit ways safer. CHRIS HALL/PORT PERRY STAR . AT-A-GLANCE "Mil 30D Husion cover changes TLML10-10 8-7/8" x 7-3/4 Waeekly/monthly with referel BOSTON "Coca Cola Pencil Sharpener AK 1310] Fa846. 7 1181 188 MARY ST. - PORT PERRY - (905) 985-7383 Phone (905) 985-7383 Fax (905) 985-3708 SHARP Scientific Calculator EL-500L 10 plus 2 digit LCD d ) DT hit nog LCD daploy Self contoined in protective hord case. 238 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY YYVYYVYVY VY VY 4 6 4 4 6 40 2 4 40 EY YT VY PPT VV VY VV YP YY VT TV YY VV PTT VY TTY YY PY POOPY ITY Y VT TY CYT YY Ld yy vVIYVY YY VT? VY RP.Y YE VY TY V.vY9.9.9 9.999 9v7.9%.v9 ANN YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY