"A Family Tradition for 133 Years" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 19 PHILP PONTIAC BUICK Serving The Community Since 1976 General Motors Products, Pontiacs, Bujcks & GMC Tucks GESTS RRR Se ar Jie SE RET PORT PERRY PHARMACY LTD.} 209 Queen St., Port Perry * Free In-Town Prescription Delivery * Open Every Sunday AR For all your office supply needs! || Faxing * Color Photocopying * Laminating and more! 1 188 Mary Street, Port Perry | il 985-7383 or fax 985-3708 | STATISTICS = In women, breast cancer is the 81 most common type of cancer EE 1 in 9 women will develop breast #8 cancer over a lifetime i 321m men, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer Ea 1 in 9 men will develop prostate cancer over a lifetime | XODRUG MART | 268 Queen St., Port Perry 8 Bb More than $3.5 billion was spent 905-985-8886 Port Perry's Full Service Pharmacy on treating cancer related illnesses in 1993. FREE DELIVERY ON EVERYTHING WE SELL eo Leukemia remains the most OPEN EVERY DAY | common of the childhood cancers. IMPROVED SURVIVAL RATES "A CULTURAL |i EXPERIENCE" }& A TIVE 191 Queen St., $ Port Perry ocu 905-985-6956 Research during the past 25 years has led to greatly improved survival rates for three types of cancer. Childhood Leukemia, testicular cancer and Hodgkin's disease. Ab a i iit i ~ Ara Fitness ~ Birkenstock ~ Converse i ~ Ecco ~ Fin-Comfort ~ Mephisto ~ i] Jenny ~ Romika ~ ~ Rhode ~ Reinberger ~ Rieker ~ Salamander ~ Volkswalker _- ALT tS e Today, the five-year survival rate for childhood leukemia is 83%; in 1970, it was 17%. Bl Today, the five-year survival rate #8 for testicular cancer is 95%; in 1970, 126 Water St., Port Perry 985-9611 2613 3 Eglinton A Ave., Scart. 416-265-1699 Ef SA 4 ETE TT I CC i ---- NE Rares - A SS IETR 24 HOUR SERVICE ) ELECTRIC op 8 it was 73%. PLUMBING nsTALATON |e Today, the five-year survival rate | 51 5meoos, [8] for Hodgkin's disease is 90%, | | & G 11151 Simcoe St, Jil fOr Hodgkin's disease is 90%, in HEATING; PotPery I 1970, it was 30%. 985-8950 Lakeview Dental Care for the whole family SN YK N AS 4, al BY somnigtna TRATION FUN Raisin | Your Dollars Make a Difference! 3 Each time you contribute to the Canadian Cancer Society, we put your money to work in your community. Here is how your investment is spent in the fight to beat cancer: 38% : communiry / |; Why Your Donation Counts! One in three Canadians will develop cancer in his/her lifetime. Two in three families will have at least one member who will be affected by cancer. | Your contribution makes a significant difference. During the 1930's, strides in research resulted in the successful recovery of 1 in 5 patients treated for cancer. Now, in large part because of the Canadian Cancer Society funded research, 1 in 2 is likely to recover. Donations have led to substantial improvements in many aspects of cancer prevention and treatment. Every Canadian has a stake in this research and its outcome. How You Can Support the Canadian Cancer Society e Donate Funds - through contributions at the door or by mail... as a special events participant or sponsor... in wills or gifts or life insurance... gifts in memory of loved ones. e Volunteer - Give Time - Be a driver or door-to-door canvasser... promote cancer prevention... work on advocacy issues... take a leadership role. Provide Your Skills - planning and financial management... fundraising... assist in organizing corporate and business campaigns... office support services Provide Care and Support - get involved by offering friendship and help to cancer patients RN eS RR SE To lend your support or learn more about the programs and services we offer in your community, please contact: rere CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY 5302-172 King St. E., Oshawa, ON (905) 725-1166 (V2 VAL OF SV LR GLO Ja IA SX OF I £ © Jo" If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer and would like to talk to someone call Cancer Connection at 1-800-263-6750. You will be connected by phone with a cancer survivor "who's been there", who shares your experience and concerns 8 VAN CAMP & KELLER : : CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS \ PORT PERRY DENTURE CLINIC COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE * DR. J. COTTRELL * DA. C. BANFIELD * DA. T. KING (Orthodontist) P | ory Cleaners | | Cleaning Done On Premises Saturday Sam to 2pm PORT PERRY DENTAL CENTRE * DR. T. McINTYRE + DA. L. GIDEON Please Catt 985-7052 81 204 CASIMIR STREET #1 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOL 1B7 Bl TeLePHONE: (905) 985-9725 * DR. J HARDY * DR. L. GIDEON (Periodontist) 1888 Scugog St., Port Perry f Hy 1 (905) 985-1329 » Ya 308:8028_icicn UXBRIDGE nJolod QI WoJ.Y RE Evening & Saturday Appointments Avallable B. CALLERY & ASSOCIATES Bl ToLL FREE: (800) 215-3852 FAX: (905) 985-4598 : + FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING + TAX PLANNING + ESTATE PLANNING [SS : * FINANCIAL PLANNING & PROJECTIONS { LS Buses CONSULTING . JuoiNG Petroleum Products for Home » Farm = Industry 3 Models now available _ Call for your FREE literature 200-1032 Brock St. South, Whitby, Ontario LIN 4LR Tel: (905) 430-7444 Fax: (905) 430-9313 PLASTICS INC. 15400 Old Simcoe Rd., Port Perry (905) 985-8479 108 BROCK ST. WEST, UXBRIDGE David & Lori Tomkinson INSURANCE & FINANCIAL PLANNERS W. BRIAN CALLERY CLU,CFP,CHFC, in ¥4 PETRO-CANADA Hl Ralph Taylor Fuels Ltd. 204 Casimir Street, J Wayne Taylor Port Perry, Ontario J 190 Wentworth Street East, Oshawa wr conto Bl (905) 723-3742 (Oshawa) (905) 885-2438 (Pt. Hope) Fax: (905) Y85-4598