28- PORT PERRY STAR - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" (J £5 LUMBERS "As Time Goes By" Introductory Special $349 Framed Just i time for FATHER'S DAY June 20 THE §| FRAMERS GALLERY Port Perry 985-2543 NY Er re --mm----m----------------m er Re --. - tilt, cruise, air, AM/FM, So) 2 io : 6 oyl., 4 dr, ps/pbpwipl, tilt, cruise, 6 cyl. auto, ps/pb. AM/FM cass. 6 cyl. 4 dr, ps/pb, tilt, cruise, 4 dr, auto, air, psipb, 1 AMM. ai GREEN GREEN '14,200 6,995 ps/pbypw/plpm, . antilock, mag wheels, AM/FM cass, air, Bal New Wart GREEN Cy "13,200 . AMM cass, ai : BaiNewan RED 15,200 1 SCUGOG CHRYSLER SALES o SERVICE PARTS ¢ COLLISION BODYSHOP al CHRYSLER As Time Goes By "Not long ago when moving, | went through a box containing some long treasured keepsakes. Among the varied items I found my Grandfather's watch. I remember so well when he presented it to me. He explained that it's an old tradition in our family for Grandfather to pass his watch down to the eldest grandson. Now the watch is well over a hundred years old and it's time for me to pass it on to my Grandson. Living at a time when so many of our values have been cast aside, I decided to create this painting to document a bridge with the past. I can only hope that this custom prevails and will continue in the years to come". YOUR so DEALS ON NEW OR USED VEHICLES 98 DODGE SS 97 DODGE CARAVAN 4 dr. auto, ps/pb, tilt, auise, 6qyl. 4dr. ps/pb/pmvpl, child's seats, 96 CHRYSLER INTREPID 4 dr, ps/pbypwipl, tilt, cruise, 4 dr, ps/pb, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass, air. ak" 14,900 Wwe *7,200 985-7354 404-8220 at the corner of Hwy. 12 & Hwy. 7A in Manchester I I I I II a I TI IR RIN sy Ty "he res a CT Ym