n\n [WOMEN IN ABUSIVE | RELATIONSHIPS The Denise House (formerly Auberge) For Women & Chidrer Toll Free 1-800-263-3725 Confidentiality Assured 728-7311 75/80R13 SNOW TIRES - mounted on Dodge rims, asking $150 for the pair. 985-0262. 20 H.P. ALLIS or Simplici- ty with mower and snowthrower (nice condi- tion). Walk behind, and other new and used gar- den tractors available with snowthrowers. 0% and no payments til April 2000 on new AGCO Allis products available OAC. Trewin Farm Equipment, Black- stock 986-4283. 20" SHARP TV & VCR, 5 years old, cost $650, accept $300; Sega Gene- sis game system, 2 pads, 4 games $75. 986-0274. 36" SNOWBLOWER, fits garden tractor $225; 6' blade, 3 pt hitch, $225. 985-7810. 5 PC. DRUM SET & 2 cymbal stands, $250 or best offer. Call 985-9167, after 5 p.m. AIR HOCKEY GAME, full size, $250; Levolor patio blind, 93" long, off white, split entry, $100. 986- 0084. ANNOUNCING new lower price on mini dish satellites. Only $199 after rebates, or lease for $12.49 monthly. Program- ming from $8.95 monthly. 14 years experience. 905- 655-3661. BUY LUMBER AT mill prices. T & G hardwood flooring from $1.69 sq. ft. - pine & cedar for decking, siding & shingles. High- land Forest Products. Hal- iburton, Ont. Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1-800-567-7114, 1-705- 457-3192. CHARACTER CAKES - All occasions, "creative designs". Kathy 985-3679. COMPUTER SPECIALS. Internet starter system $388, Pentium laptop $749, loaded 400mhz system, superfast $888. We love doing upgrades and difficult repairs. 905- 655-3661. 'HEIRLOOM DOVETEC CORN BURNING stove, used only 3 days, in new condi- tion. New sells for $1,900, will sell for $600 firm. 705- 277-2387. FIREWOOD - all hard- wood, cut & split 16"; also firewood logs. 985-3361. FIREWOOD, all hard- wood, cut, split & deliv- ered. Daytime 439-2906, evenings 986-9700. FIREWOOD, all hard- wood, logs and slabs, also cut & split, all seasoned. 906-852-7586. FIREWOOD, seasoned hardwood, cut, split and delivered $200 bush cord. Call Jamie 905-263-8493. FRIDGE and STOVE $300 for pair; fish. hut $125; Little Tykes play- ground $400. 985-8588, after 6 p.m. HAY AND STRAW, round & square bales, no rain. Pick up or delivery. 905-797-2249. HAY -round bales, good quality, $16/bale. 986- 4246 or 986-5611. HAND- CRAFTED double quilt, excellent condition, $350; treadmill folds for storage $150. Both OBO. 985- 9689. LADO (HAWK SERIES) guitar, 12 string, 1 year old, played approx. 5 times, includes case, $350. Call 985-9612, after 6 p.m. MOSCOVY DUCKS, $5 each. 705-786-2597. REFRIGERATOR, frost free, deluxe stove, wash- er, dryer, H.D., showroom condition, $575 for all. 905-426-3864. REGULATION SIZE Duf- ferin pool table - almost new. Call after 5:30 p.m. 985-8153. ROXTON SOLID MAPLE table & 6 chairs (2 Cap- tain), two large leaves, $600 OBO; pool table, 4'x8' $300 OBO. Both - excellent condition. 985- 0897. SAND, GRAVEL, LIME- STONE, topsoil, triple mix, crushed granite, crushed red brick, reclaimed asphalt. Pick-up at our yard or we deliver. Any quantity. SHEPSTONE HAULAGE, 1451 Reach St., Port Perry, 905-985- 7282. SNOWBOARD, youth 50 inch, boots (size 7), bind- ings, $150; pool table 4x8, $250. 985-4317. T-BAR FENCE POSTS, good, used, 7" and 8' long, $4 each, delivered. 705- 778-7246. USED SPECIALS - four 195/60/15 Blizzak snows $199; four 265/75/16 hi- treads $250; four 265/75/16, $180, installed and balanced. NORTH PORT TIRE 985-8054. USED TIRES, all sizes, guaranteed. From $19.95 - 13". Bring this ad for free mount & balance. North Port Tire 985-8054. WINDOWS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS. New win- dows in stock. Cash and carry or professional installation available from the Window Warehouse located in the Reach Industrial Park, Regional Rd. 8, 985-3747. EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (905) 985-7306 193 Queen, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1B9 B =o 1987 BUICK PARK AVENUE, 3.8 F.1., fully loaded, emission tested in July, excellent shape, must sell, $1,850 obo. Call (905) 986-1584. 1990 PONTIAC SUN- BIRD - 5 speed, 4 cyl., 300 kms, runs great, some rust. $950 or best offer, as is. 905-852-4254. 1992 BERETTA 199,500 kms, cruise, power locks and windows, good shape, $2,500, as is. 985- 8094. 1993 SUNBIRD SE, V6 loaded, 82,000 km. New tires, brakes, exhaust, excellent condition, $6,500 OBO. 905-985- 2353. HERDER SYA No 166 Reach Park Rd. Port Perry 985-3885 IVER ATE 30 oY ES * One Year roadside assistance with each certified vehicle. "Some coriditions apply. '99 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Sun roof, balanced factory warranty 'G8 FORD CONTOUR Loaded, 36k, ba HR 2,995 'G7 SATURN SL Air, auto 51 K *9,995 '90 CHEV $10 PICK-UP 4.3 auto. new paint, *4,495 160K All Vehicles Certified 6 mo/ 6.000 Powertrain Warranty Incl. Good Reliable Certified Vehicles RET 25 Vehicles in Stock to Choose From 1986 GMC full size, Jimmy 4x4, well main- tained, $4,700. 905-986- 5352. 1997 GMC EXT. CAB 4X4, air, ABS, am/fm Cas/CD, running boards, liner, bug screen, 81,000 km. Black & tan. $29,000. 985-8563. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. 1996 FORMULA 500 SL SKIDOO, low kms., mint condition. Asking $4,200, 985-8661. 1997 POLARIS XLT Touring. 600 triple. Extra 12 suspension, $5,000 OBO; 1988 Indy Trail. Runs great, $1,250 OBO. 986-0689. 1 BEDROOM APT. immaculate, in Janetville, walk to amenities. $540/month + utilities, first & last required. Absolutely no pets! 705-324-8454. 2 BEDROOM BUNGA- LOW, furnished, down- town Port Perry, first and last, $950 month. 905- 668-5720. BEAUTIFUL, NEW, 1 bedroom apt. Non-smok- ing, no pets, available February 1, 2000. 985- 8569. BRIGHT, 3 BEDROOM HOUSE close to down- town. 1-4 pc. bath, 1-2 pc. bath, hardwood floors. $1,100/month plus utili- ties, available immediate- ly. No smokers, first & last. 985-8439. COMMERCIAL rental units in Blackstock. Start- ing at $200. 985-7754. EXECUTIVE RENTAL - Port Perry, spacious and bright one bedroom open concept, southerly expo- sure, modem kitchen with 3 appliances, central air, plus gas fireplace, walk to all amenities, $950 month including utilities. Call Deb 985-6282. GREENBANK, clean, quiet furnished rooms, bachelor/families wel- come. Skye Motel - 905- 985-2328. INDOOR STORAGE - cars, boats, trailers, etc. Reasonable rates. 985- 3962. INDUSTRIAL or commer- cial units, approx. 1,000 sq. ft., office, washrooms, gas heat, 600 volt power supply, immediate avail- ability, plenty of parking in established industrial plaza. Several smaller industrial units also avail- able from $300 per month. 985-3885, pager 721- 6047. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8570. LARGE 3 BEDROOMS, Little Britain, $975, includes oil heat and elec- tric stove, tenants pay hydro. 1-905-434-5329. No pets. SHOP SPACE for rent, Reach Industiral Park, 2,000 sq. ft. unit and 1,000 sq. ft. unit. 985- 3333. SPACIOUS 2 BED- ROOM duplex with main floor laundry in Little Britain, $650/month. Call 705-786-2515, after 8 p.m. SUNDERLAND, 2 bed- room apartment, clean, newly decorated, $550 + hydro. No pets. 1-705- 357-3251, 0109. . VERY LARGE 3 BED- ROOM APARTMENT, parking, first and last, ref- erences, $675 plus hydro. Manilla. 985-1685. BEAUTIFUL 9 1/2 ACRE building site, Prince Albert, residential zoning, great investment $249,000. 985-8696. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES - health guarantee, first shots, parents on site. Call 705-786-9026. ENGLISH POODLE PUPPIES for sale, 2 female cream, 2 males black; shots/dewormed. Call 705-488-2131. SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS, registered, blue or brown eyes, vet checked, assorted coat color. Sue 986-0340. Station' Dog Grooming "Reasonable rates, Quality results." Complete grooming SErvices. 5 minutes North of Brooklin. For appointments, call S905) 655- 4461 910 S Mon. - Fn § Baldwin St. N Myrtle Station A AXREE RE BLACK LEATHER wallet Mary & Casimir Street areas, Sat. Dec. 4. If found call 985- 8563. MEN'S PASTEL ORANGE MALE CAT, "Murray", neutered, declawed, member of family, 6 years old, missed View Lake Dec. 1. Reward. If found call 705-324-6412 or 905- WE ra a TIMBER - Don't be in doubt, get paid before we cut. D and D Forest Prod. Ltd., 905-986-4292, 905- 242-0104. 1-800-304- 1996 FORMULA 3 600 SKI-DOO 1,200 Km. on brand new engine, clutch & recoil straight from Ski-Doo not rebuilt. Remote theft control, studded track. Needs absolutely nothing, just a little snow. $4495. *Spare motor available 985-3885 JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, scrap, used vehicles for recy- cling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905- 986-4281. SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. $50 and up. Call Ray 985-8707. SNOWMOBILES & SNOWBLOWERS for parts, any condition. 1- 705-786-1455. WANTED Old stump fences wanted for landscaping. Fair price paid, cash 985-0951 SUBSCRIBE NOW RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking winter bookings. References available. Phone 985-9649. SQUEAKY HOUSE CLEANER. Bondable and reliable. Reasonable rates. Call pager 435- 9661. Leave number and call will be retumed. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in country environment. Lots of love, laughs, leam- ing indoors/outdoors. Within minutes from Greenbank, Port Perry, Epsom, Seagrave. Full- time, part-time welcome. Pets/smoke free. Call Gail 852-0081. EXPERIENCED 200K. KEEPER required 16-20 hours per week, strong computer skills and knowl- edge of Simply Account- ing a must. Plese FAX resume to (905) 576- 5767. OUR CUSTOMERS DEMAND excellent ser- vice for an experienced PHARMACY TECHNI- CIAN with good communi- cation skills. We can pro- vide a challenging and friendly work environment. 15 hours per week to start. Fax resume to 985- 8464. Classifieds in The Port Perty.Star & Weekend Star! Settlement House Shops Requires a PART-TIME SALESPERSON Please respond in writing to Cathy Palladino 183 Queen St., Port Perry, Ont. L9L 1B8 Only those to be interviewed will be contacted. WANTED WANTED WANTED WANTED WANTED o THE PORT + = PERRY STAR = = IS LOOKING FOR E i HELP IN § 5] COMPOSING. E = Your dudes will include = IN typesetting, designing ads = 5 & scanning photographs. EE. = Applicant must be = knowledgeable in Quark 4.0, 2 Photoshop and must = = be able to work quickly = = & independently. S & Hours available include = = Monday & Tuesday evenings BE = = plus. weekends. = = Fax your resunie to: = = PAMELA HICKEY, = &] Composing Room Manager [= at (905) 985-4160 NEON FEO OR O03 UB BOS oF BY OF KY Y paper in Scugog. The Port Perry Star is looking for an advertising sales professional. The perfect candidate will be a self starter, well organized and energetic individual who will have a positive outlook and can contribute to the continued success of the best local If you are that person and are looking for a positive and fun work environment that growing, fax your resume to: The Port Perry Star 188 Mary St., Port Perry, L9L 1B7 Fax - (905) 985-4160 UB BE SE Wo | The job will focus on our growing list of specialty publications in and around Durham Region. You must have a solid sales background and a relentless drive to succeed. | is constantly Attn: Don Macleod EE aA PE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of DOLLY ROBERTS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of DOLLY ROBERTS, late of the Township of Scu- gog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about November 11, 1999, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before December 30, 1999, after which date the aforemen- tioned estate will be dis- tributed by the under- signed having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 25th day of November, 1999. MICHAEL L. FOWLER Barrister and Solicitor 175 North Street PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL 1B7 Solicitor for Richard McFadden Estate Trustee FRIDAY, DEC. 10 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lit- tle Britain on County Road 4, the estate of the late NEIL & ANNE McEACH- ERN, formerly of Argyle. Pine Bonnet chest, oak parlour table with Barley Twist legs, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, Balloon back 'chairs, round walnut parlour table, antique pump organ & stool, chesterfields & matching chairs, walnut magazine rack, oak plant stand, antique dressers, French Provincial chesterfield & chair, oval & flat top trunks, single wooden bed, oak wall telephone, Mantel clocks, bridge lamp, 7 pc. toilet set, wal- nut comer cupboard, cruet set, Moffat 2 door refriger- ator, 24 inch electric stove, 15 cu. ft. freezer, Toshiba portable color TV, Inglis automatic washer, antique tool 'box, qty. china, glass, kitchen uten- sils, power & hand tools & collectable items; 12 H.P. 'MTD riding lawnmower. Also consigned 1989 Opti- ma. Don & Greg Corneil auctioneers, R.R. #1 Little Britain 705-786-2183. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8 SALE TIME: 4:45 P.M. Auction sale of fumiture, antiques and collectables for an Uxbridge home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., 391 Regional Road 21, Port Perry, 1 km. west of Utica. To include: Kitchen suite, bedroom suite, chests, entertainment unit, lamps, prints, coffee and end tables, Singer treadle sewing machine, Royal Winton platter and bowl, Wedgewood bow, vases, bone china cups and saucers, Ironstone egg cups and soup tureen, steins, Carnival glass dish, Noritake dish, brass candlesticks, Royalty pieces, Depression glass. Sale managed and sold by NEIL BACON AUC- TIONS LTD., 905-985- Npicon A UCTIONS NL LTD. PR same I at ors a PREP: +o PRR TRAD RE ANP HER 391 Reg. Rd. 21 RR4, Port Perry LOL 185 (905) 985-1068 2 Tn Pr Kiwis Bap Rw tug wary gg