Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Feb 2000, p. 6

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"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" PUBLISHER................. J. Peter Hvidsten 6 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, February 1, 2000 GENERAL MGR...,....... -Don Macleod MANAGING EDITOR... Jeff Mitchell OFFICE MANAGER..... Gayle Stapley ADVERTISING MGR.... Deb McEachern Member Ontario Community REPORTER............... Chris Hall Newspapel Assoc. Freelance Writers- Heather McCrae, John B. McClelland PHONE (905) 985-7383 FAX (905) 985-3708 E-MAIL: PORT PERRY STAR ee tee vr I 00 Jurts anaaian Grn, (CNA Association Publications Mail Registration No. 07881 : Published every Tuesday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - L9L 1B7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year - $37.45 (includes GST) Six Months - $19.79 (includes GST) Foreign 1 Year - $96.30 (includes GST) ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Cindy Jobin, Gail Morse, Heather Mack, Linda Clarke, Pam Hickey, Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel, Robert Taylor, Richard Drew, Scott Ashby, To PAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by columnists, contributors and letter wits are no necessarily those of Tha Port Perry Sta. Letters must ba signed and the telephone number (which wil not be published) included. Requests thal a name be witiheld will ba honoured only ¢ fers is a compeling reason 1o do so. Errors or exracted f brought 1 the edtor's attention. Wa reserve the right (0 edi o refuso publicatort of any material subiitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher is not fable for sight changes o typographical tors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. Th publisher is notable for Ofer &mors of omissions in connection with any advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Al claims of erfor in publication must be made by Wednesday, noon, prior to the next weeks publican, and, if not made, will not be considered. No claim wil be allowed for more than one insertion. BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy Dudley, Janet Rankin, Lesley West Janat Archer, Malcolm Lennox PRODUCTION: Trudy Empringham, rr p-- Editorial Comment A few lingering questions Maybe it's the fabled winter blahs or a recent near-death experience with influenza, but we're feeling a bit grumpy of late. Many Canadians probably are too, or should be. We're wondering: a Why Jane Stewart continues to hold a cabinet post in the federal government. The outlandish disregard for public 0 Cas o o finances shown by officials with the Human Resources min- istry may not have occurred solely during Ms Stewart's watch, but she's the boss now, and that means she's I'™ SENSING gia holding the bag. If no high-ranking officials within the THAT PEOPLE i" 7, U / WHY Vi LBL) 2 Zi HH ? dil ministry structure are going to be axed -- maybe they know ox << too much? -- she should be. TL A Canadians, who over the past several years have seen medicare eroded, access to the employment insurance they've paid for denied, and other instances of waste and arrogance in Ottawa, should be screaming bloody murder. a What's the big deal with squeegie people and panhan- dlers? Do we really need a provincial law protecting us from street people? Are we all so timid and weak that we need a bit of Big Brother legislation when-a simple "No Thanks" would suffice? It's another Tory law that appeals to base stereotypical thinking, and it's a waste of time and resources. a When everyone is going to stop listening to Ottawa: Senators owner Rod Bryden and show him the door.if he wants and needs so badly to leave with his NHL franchise. John O'Toole seeks public inpul on the rising price ot gasoline... ND EES SSS SS a i MM mmm nmin Ni 0 Hey, Rod: We hear they're dying for a team in Portland. Or _ LN how about Cleveland? \ 0 How accurate this damned groundhog actually is. Tomorrow, of course, is Groundhog Day, and sunny skies = Rood are forecast. That means six more weeks of you-know-what. Should we trust this rodent and buy another load of wood, or what? PorRT PERRY STAR HN A Sp kg RD A sd ai Port Perry Star Letter of the Week Starlite owners not indifferent To the Editor: | would like to thank the town councillors, the mayor and the Port Perry Star's rep- resentative for their interest regarding the issues surround- ing the Starlite Bar & Grill, presented at a public meeting on Jan. 10. Concerning the Port Perry Star's article by John McClelland (Starlite debate heats up, Jan. 14), may I bring to his attention two points of omis- sion. They relate to the chief articles of contention. Addressing the subject of entertainment and noise lev- els, the newspaper article omitted the statement by Mr. Nemoy, Starlite's lawyer. Last summer the Starlite Bar & Grill invited town offi- cials to be present during a noise level test using profes- sional equipment and provin- cial guidelines. The town offi- cials declined. Test results were within provincial limits; in fact, street noise tested higher. Second, Mr. Nemoy, in reply to the charges concerning an inappropriate garbage sys- tem, stressed the fact that the present system meets all gov- ernment guidelines. This also was omitted from the news- paper article. Without this information the reader concludes that the Starlite Bar & Grill was indif- ferent to the charges and needs of the town of Port Perry. Ken Bell Port Perry RPL har EET SIS GAC

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