"Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" CHRIS HALL / PORT PERRY STAR Hazel Wallace, right, seen above with Community Memorial Hospital Foundation president Kent Farndale, recently donated $1 ,000 for the purchase of a geriatric chair for patients. Mrs. Wallace, now 91, worked at the hospital for 15 years as a switchboard operator. The chair was recently put into service at the local hospital. The geriatric chair allows the patients to be wheeled around in great comfort to the Garden of Memories, the court yard, or anywhere they like around the hospital. "This is a very important donation to the hospital, a very gen- erous gift from Hazel," said Mrs. Farndale. The donation of funds to the hospital was made in part "because at my age, | may need to use it sometime -- you never know", said Mrs. Wallace. No strike! Teachers will return Sept. 5 Bv Rik Davie Special to the Star Local trustees for the Durham District School Board (DDSB) are applauding statements by Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation pres- ident Earl Manners that high school teachers will be in their classrooms on Sept. 5 despite being in a legal strike position as of midnight on Aug. 31. Mr. Manners made the statements Friday (Aug. 25) in front of 200 local OSSTF leaders at a confer- ence in Niagara-on-the- Lake. "We made a commit- ment to parents and stu- dents in March, and we will honour that commit- ment," Mr. Manners said. "All public high schools will open in September with teachers in every classroom." Scugog trustee Bobbie Drew said that she was satisfied with the announcement and would continue to try and reach a contract with Durham's 1,300 secondary teachers. "I am delighted that Mr. Manners has made the announcement, and we will continue to negotiate towards a contract with our teachers," Ms. Drew said. As for any reduction of extracurricular activities, which according to some sources would be a legal job action while teachers are in a strike position, she said: "I hope Mr. Manners will not do anything to stand in the way of teach- ers who wish to carry on with extracurricular activi- _ ties. These teachers do so for their love of the activi- ties and the betterment of the school environment." Uxbridge / Brock trustee Nancy Loraine said the new school year will start on an up-note for her. "It puts a positive spin on the new year and it gives students and par- ents a certainty they have not had for a couple of years now." Minister of Education and local MPP Janet Ecker told The Star on Sunday that she welcomes the news and "lI have always asked that nothing hap- pen to disrupt the chil- drens' education this fall and that remains my bot- tom line." While Mr Manners said his members will be on the job in September, he qualified the statement. "If there is any disrup- tion in schools this fall it will be the responsibility of the provincial govern- ment," he said. "If the minister wants sports, music and theatri- cal productions, then she will 'have to fund them," Mr. Manners said. He stat- ed that his members will not participate in any fund raising for school events, or allow their private vehi- cles to be used for school trips. He added: "That was not the choice of teachers and educational workers. It is the direct result of this government's continued undermining of public education." Mother Jackson's Open Kitchens Wholesale Brand Name Factory Outlet CONSTRUCTION 15350 Old Simcoe Rd., Port Perry CUBIS IVE VA $30 Golf & Cart After 2 pm, Mon'-Fi1 Golf & Cart:$30/person or $52 for 2 people (Tee Off Time required) Plus! 2 for 1 Dinner Entree* in Wolf Den Restaurant. Call 1-888-321-WOLE. (9653) 1-705-328-3949 'For Equal or Less Value Dinner Reservations Requested tExcluding Holiday Mondays 1 INUIT Golf Club Leads The Pack. Better Greens. Beautiful Fairways. Natural Setting.