- f i . A Op SY WOODEN BUNK BEDS, $225. Call 985-2912 leave message. Office Centre We carry the following supplies: * Office * School Art / Craft * Computer * Ink Cartridges (name brands, compalible reinked & refill kits) 188 Mary St., Port Perry 985-7383 Fax 985-3708 Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9-5 Saturday 9:30 - 1:30 VS : hs sr 1985 TOYOTA COROL- LA as is, $800 obo. 985- 1505. 1987 PLYMOUTH VOY- AGER SE in amazing "condition, 195,000 kms., $2400, 985-2108. 1990 FORD TEMPO, emission tested & certi- fied, $3,500 OBO. 985- 4643, 985-1991. 327 auto, engine done, body excellent, cragar rims, recent appraisal of $7300. Sacrifice for $3000 firm. Dan (905) 626-3682 1990 AEROSTAR, 7 pas- senger, N.S., air, p.s., #b., tilt & cruise, excellent condition, 182,000 km., $3,700 certified & emis- sion. 985-8938. 1992 FORD EXTENDED large box, XLT 4WD, V8 auto, loaded with cap, air, $5,295 as is, 1986 GMC pick up, bright red with cap, V8 auto, no rust, $2,695, certified. Herder Sales 985-3885. TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards, sales & installation. Van & Truck World 579-6868. HERDER SYA MS 166 Reach Park Rd Port Perry 985-388 QUALITY USED CARS z 4 8 ® 8 ~ 3 All Vehicles Certified ] . : from 3 1900up 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT - very clean, very private, $565/month plus utilities, Janetville, first and last required, no pets. -1705-324-2050. 1 BEDROOM, bright, newly decorated apt., Myrtle Station, separate entrance, references. 905- 655-9765. 2 BEDROOM APART- MENT, available Oct. 1, requires references, first & last. $750. Call 985-4811. 3 BEDROOM UPPER HOUSE,shared garage & laundry, large yard, Little Britain area. 705-786- 1694. 48' STORAGE TRAILER. Weekly or monthly rates. Clean and dry. 985-4272. 5 STALL HORSE BARN/ARENA and field, and shared accommoda- tion for one person. Avail- able October 1. Call 905- 261-0507. INDUSTRIAL SHOP SPACE -1,500 sq. ft. starting at $700 month. Several to choose from, 550 power, paved park- ing. Call 985-3885 or 721- 6047. KINSMEN HALL - Avail- able for dances, meetings, receptions. Kitchen & bar. Plenty of parking. 985- 8570. LOWER APARTMENT, in Uxbridge, 1 bedroom, kitchen, fireplace, $650 all inclusive, available Octo- ber 1. 985-7754. PORT PERRY. Separate entrance, lower floor back- split, 3 br. apt., spacious, air conditioning, cable, shared laundry. Congenial couple, non-smokers, no pets. Partial furnishing optional, $800 inclusive, first & last, references. Box 152, Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1A3. RESTAURANT FOR LEASE -10 kms east of Port Perry, fully equipped, good location, ready for October 5 possession, new carpet and paint. Call David 985-754. RETAIL COMMERCIAL rental units in Blackstock. Starting at $200. 985- 7754. UXBRIDGE, Quaker Vil- lage Drive, large single fumished bedroom, newly decorated, share house, everything included, non- smoker, must love dogs. Mobile seniors welcome, $385/month, first & last. 905-852-4454. No pets. WATER STREET, older, clean, small, two storey, two bedroom, fridge, stove, walk to downtown, across from park/lake, parking, for November, suitable for adults, $595 plus hydro. Realty-Pro (905) 433-0270 9 a.m.-5 p.m. WELL LOCATED 1 bed- room apartment, electric heat, partly furnished, available October 1, refer- ences, 986-4246 or 986- TAKE OVER 20 acres in prosperous west Texas. Assume $150 mo. pay. balance $9,995. Call 1- 800-875-6568. PORT PERRY WRECK- ERS: Collison, used vehi- cles for recycling. Top prices paid. Certified scales. Call 905-986- 4281. SCRAP CARS, trucks, etc. Call Ray 985-8707. IBWSe PAVY CL) FREE TO A GOOD HOME IN THE COUN- TRY. A pure-bred Springer Spaniel, liver & white, lovable, bouncy, named Maude, and a black Labrador/Husky mix, a sweet, calm old fel- low, called Tennyson, great for children. Call Larry 985-9944. AL'S MAINTENANCE - Barn & roof repair, garbage removal, eave- strough cleaning, flush- ing/repair, odd jobs & more. Serving Port Perry & surrounding area 985- 1850. EXPERIENCED RENO- VATOR to do small repairs. Call Don 986- 5046. LEZLIE APPLETON Dec- orating Consuitant - dealer access to-vinyl built shut- ters, Hunter Douglas blinds, carpet, custom draperies, paint, wallcov- erings. (905) 985-9649. NO DRIP OIL UNDER- COATING Pete DeHaas, 985-7473. RICHARD APPLETON CERTIFIED PAINTER - Quality painting, wall papering, wood finishing and refinishing, plaster repair, complete restora- tion services and decorat- ing consultation available. Taking late summer and fall bookings. References available. Phone 985- 9649. Cas # ASSISTANT TEACHER required for toddler aged class. Knowledge of Montessori philosophy preferred. Please mail resume to 16150 Old Sim- coe Road, Port Perry, LOL 1P3, Attention: Laurie Wil- son Forbes or fax to 905- 649-5938. COUNTER PERSON required, computer & sales skills an asset, for a fast paced office environ- ment, full-time. Fax resume to Cathy at 985- 1440. DAYCARE CENTRE requires experienced assistant for toddler class. 655-7500. DAYCARE SUPERVI- SOR required for 1 year maternity leave. Must have minimum two years fA ECE experience. Supervisory experience an asset. Must have own vehicle. Approximate start date early January. Please send resume by October 6, 2000 to Utica Daycare, 14251 Marsh Hill Rd., R.R. #4, Uxbridge, On, LIP 1R4, or e-mail tea @tristarcoat- ings.on.ca Call 905-985- 8783. JACK'S AUTO PARTS - cars, trucks including 4x4's for recycling. Top prices paid. Will pick up. Call 985-8160. ESSENCE OF BEAUTY - experienced hairstylist wanted. Call 985-9986, ask for Debbie. FARMS ARE FUN - It's pumpkin time at Forsythe Family Farm. We need school tour instructors and part-time weekday mar- ket/bakery help, at our Markham farm. Call 905- 887-1087. FENCE LABOURER, own transportation, full- time. 985-9078. and MIG welders wanted in Port Perry - General labourers must have experience with power tools, $9/hour; MIG welders must have min. 6 months experience, $12/hour. Call 905-579- 0252. 32 JOBS AVAILABLE IN PORT PERRY Packaging / Assembly General Labour / Welding $8 to $12%/hr. Apply in person Bring your void cheque for Direct Deposit ADEPT PERSONNEL INC. 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax or call 436-2975 24 - "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" y, Sep Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419 YOUTH DART LEAGUE Ages 9 to 17 years, Birth date @ Sept. 01 Starts: Sept. 30. 9 am Fee: Inital $5 Weekly $2% Fer further info contact: Jim Fleming Looking for a SHIFT SUPERVISOR Must be mature and willing to work nights and weekends. Some experience preferred or will train the right candidate. Please apply in person between 2-5 pm. Port Perry location Sad COMMON CANTERBURY COMMON POSITION AVAILABLE New home subdivision requires a receptionist to work Saturday and the occasional Friday and Sunday. Must have experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, typing contracts and other related duties as well as presenting information to our customers. Please fax your resume to Canterbury Common at 985-0388 Attention: Michael Butt SETTLEMENT HOUSE SHOPS Has openings for the following positions: * PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER * PART-TIME/FULL TIME MAINTENANCE/DELIVERY PERSON with a 'G' License for daytime shifts Monday to Saturday. Please apply by mail, fax or e-mail to: Terry Wilson, c/o Settlement House Shops, 183 Queen St., Port Perry, ON LIL B38 Fax: (905) 985-4082 E-mail: info@settlementhouse.com | Workers NEEDED Now v/ Farm Labourer / Bakery Counter Person Are You: ® 16 - 24 years old # Out of school & work You may be eligible for JoB CONNECT Register at: Job Connect - Durham College North Campus 2 Campbell Drive, Uxbridge ON (905) 852-7848 Port Perry Star & Weekend Star. | Always first "with local news! MATURE reliable caregiv- er to care for two children- 4 years and 6 months. Full-time sitter to.come into our home, four day weeks, some nights and weekends. Experience . required. 985-7333. OUR CUSTOMERS DEMAND excellent ser- vice. For an experienced PHARMACY TECHNI- CIAN with good communi- cation skills we can pro- vide a challenging and friendly work environment. 15 hours per week to start. Fax resume to 985- 8464. PART-TIME CLEANER WANTED.Tuesday & Thursday nights. Approxi- mately 4 hours per night. Extra nights available. $10 per hour. Port Perry area. Experience an asset but will train. Call 985-3869, and leave message. 3 FE ARE YOU CONNECT- ED? Intemet users want- ed! $500-$7,500 month. www.pc-intemetbiz.com NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of IRVA MARY ENG- LAND, Deceased. All claims against the Estate of IRVA MARY ENGLAND, late of the Township of Uxbridge, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on August 26, 2000, must be filed with the undersigned on or before October 12, 2000. Thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 7th day of September, 2000. MICHAEL L. FOWLER Barrister and Solicitor 175 North Street PORT PERRY, Ontario LIL 1B7 Solicitor for Douglas L. Bradley, Edwin K. Prentice and William Harrison, Estate Trustees 985-7563 cLASSIFIED AD | | SELLING | DEADLINES | | YOUR | PORT PERRY STAR MONDAY - 12 NOON HOME? | weekenp stare | | Wy notty the | wepNespay-10AM | | 1-2 Punch of the Port Perry Star & Weekend Star | E---- Phone 985-7383 a a NE NN A Sachi § 0 ) Lal oul A | T, CREDITORS Claims against the Estate of KATHLEEN LILLIAN WATTS, late of the Village of Blackstock, in the Regional Municipality of Durham must be in our hands by October 6, 2000, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims which have been delivered by us. Dated September 6, 2000 EDWARD E.P. IGLAR Barrister & Solicitor 92 Brock Street, West Uxbridge, Ontario LIP 1P4 Solicitor for the Estate of Kathleen Lillian Watts FRIDAY, SEPT.29 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN, 3 miles east of Lit- tle Britain on County Road 4. Refinished cherry side- board, refinished walnut desk and inlaid top, mahogany games table, washstands, bridge lamp, blanket box, refinished drop leaf table, teak table with 6 chairs, oak china cabinet, treadle sewing machine, dresser wardrobe combination, odd pressback chairs, porch rocker, walnut bed- room suite, maple rocker, oval and fiat top trunks, 5 h.p. Wheel Horse riding lawnmower, 3 pth 9 ft. triple K cultivator, 3 pth Case finishing mower, 24 ft. Trail Blazer house trail- er, 28 ft. Rambler house trailer, 15 ft. flatbed trailer, hydraulic tail gate for 1/2 ton truck, Winchester 94 Klondike Gold Rush Com- merative rifle, Remington 30-06 semi-auto rifle, Winchester model 1200, 12 gauge pump shotgun with deer slug barrell, Winchester 2200 pump shotgun, CIL pump shot- gun, plus other 22's, qu. china, glass, household and collectable items. DON & GREG CORNEIL auctioneers, RR 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. MONDAY, OCT. 2 SALE TIME: 5 P.M. Estate auction at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER, Lindsay. Selling contents of local estates. Quantity of modem and antique furniture, appli- ances, new round oak table and chairs, new chestertield set, prints, glass and china, collecta- bles, hundreds of interest- ing items, some tools. Don't miss this sale. Barry MclLean-Bowes & Cocks Ltd. realtor, sales repre- sentative, ORVAL & BARRY MCLEAN auc- tioneers, 705-324-2783 or 1-800-461-6499 or bmclean @lindsay.igs.net for flyer. SATURDAY, OCT. 7 SALE TIME: 10 AM. Farm sold! Century farm contents to include 3 gen- erations of antiques, fumi- ture and collectables. MAJOR shop equipment, tools, lathe Il, presses, hay-200 round bales, compressor, 3 tractors, J.D. 3120 cw loader, J.D. AR, M.H. Pony, full line of farm machinery, 1977 Cadillac car, 3 fork lifts. Large quantity of tractors, crawler and equipment. Former business of MCNEAVAN TRACK and PRESS, RR 1, Cameron, on Glenarm Road. #1993, 4 kms west of Hwy. 35, N.W. of Fenelon Falls, see signs. For fax list call CALVIN MABEE AUC- TIONS, Rosedale 705- 454-2841 or 705-374- 4800. SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 SALE TIME: 10 AM. Large estate auction of antiques. Antique pine cupboard flat-to-wall, leather chesterfield suite, dressers, Peterborough milk bottles, large qu. of china cups and glass wears, china doll, comer oak china cabinet, round oak table and chairs, blan- ket box, nest tables, lawn fumiture set, antique wall phones, asst. swords, jewellery, oil lamps, silver chest, Limited Edition prints, many knick knacks and collectables, 16' Sun- ray boat cw 55 h.p. Evin- rude and trailer, many tools, aluminum ladder 30', full household appli- ances, stereo, fridge, stove, apt. size h.d. wash- er and dryer matching set, garden items, air condi- tioner, color TV and bed- ding linen and qu. of sewing items, sewing machine, etc. A very tidy offering selling Estate of MRS. SADDIE ZAK of RR 1, Fenelon Falls, to be held at THE MABEE AUCTION CENTRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale or 7 kms south of Coboconk, 911#5933. Don't miss it! Terms cash, Visa, Interac only. Call CALVIN MABEE 705- 374-4800 or 705-454- 2841. 'WEEKEND STAR' CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES WEDNESDAY - 10 AM Classifieds in The Port Perry Star & Weekend Star! WORK FOR YOU Call 985-7383 TW a TT ST RL EL SL Te TR TT A I Te TE BB TE BW TT IP PT We Www w= A a a a EP J ind wb aso wand own cod -