18 - PORT PERRY STAR, Tuesday, May 1, 2001 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" The farm population is cer- ] tainly very busy with the planting season proceeding very quickly with the warm, dry weather con- ditions. A great number of Cartwright High School supporters attended the fundraiser at the Rec. Centre on Wednesday evening in the form of a wine tasting event. In addition, music for the enjoy- ment of those present was given by the various bands of the high school: Over 200 attended this evening. Congratulations to the Senior Concert Band of Cartwright High ing award at the Oshawa-Whitby Kiwanis Music Festival. John Beirness is the proud and very capable director of this band. School on receiving a gold stand- Last week, Marie and Cecil Gibson enjoyed several days visit with their friends Ross and Irene Vanclief of Corbyville. The United Church Auction on Friday evening was another great success in several ways - the entertainment level remained great - the addition of the new auctioneer in the person of Brian VanCamp to the experienced pair of Arnott Wotten and Harvey Graham was excellent. The crowd was large and the fundraising very successful. Everyone cer- tainly reported a great fun evening. Larry Hoskin of Lake Louise, Alberta is visiting his mother Mrs. Muriel Hoskin and other relatives and friends for a few days. There are still a few tickets for BLACKSTOCK Joyce Kelly the Spring Smorgasbord spon- sored by the Nestleton United Church to be held on Saturday, May 5 beginning at.5:30 p.m. In order to attend you must have advance tickets which are avail- able from either Gwen Malcolm at 986-5527 or Janice MacKenzie at 986-5598. On Tuesday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. an organ recital will be held at the Blackstock United Church when a representative from the Rogers Organ will be in atten- dance to 'demonstrate the new church organ which recently arrived at the church. A great musical treat right in our village. The Malcolm Sales Barn, just south of the village, is once again a hive of activity as local auction- eer Bruce Kellett is holding regu- lar sales there. Watch for ads to learn the dates of upcoming sales. There were 15 tables at the Tuesday evening card party with the following winners: Vivian Kidd who also had the most lone hands (eight), Verna Draper, Lorna Edgerton, Lois Lowery, Bétty Kirvin and Gerald. Kelly. CHS' Senior Concert Band honoured again Lucky draws were won by Chester Madson, Audrey Mahaffy, Gary Notenboom, Gerry Frost, Sarah Brunton and Ruby Smith. This week the regular pot luck supper will be at 6 p.m. fol- lowed by cards at the regular time of 3 p.m. sharp. Cartwright Minor Ball is look- ing for more umpires. A clinic this Saturday, May 5 at the Town Hall in Blackstock from 9 a.m. until | p.m. will be conducted by Cartwright Minor Ball. The cost is $20 which includes certificate, crest, rule book, insurance and your own counter. To register, contact Gary Beechey at 905-986- 0035. This gives you an opportunity to earn some extra cash this sum- mer. What can be done to keep the Blackstock dump open? Blackstock Transfer ~ Penny's Mini Station Closing My sympathies to our civil servants who have to look at costs and receiv- ables and take drastic mea- sures when they are not compatible. I- was in the transfer station during the week and was the only cus- tomer there. Saturday | was there again at 2:30 p.m. and «there was a line-up for the proper bins. We are not making up these stories, as the computer registers time and date of every entrance and departure. If we put all those Blackstock clients on Durham Road 8, Port Perry on a Saturday, | can see two traffic officers directing traffic. To cut this labour cost | suggest open- ing the transfer station Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. If this is not profitable, try Wednesdays and Saturdays, making sure ' 'that times are well adver- tised. There is a petition at Market in CAESAREA Blackstock. Broken Windows A senior resident returned this Sunday for the summer, after being away all winter with a daughter and her family. Saturday night there was a party in the area. These hoodlums can't get enough fun out of a party, so they went on a destructive ram- page. Our house alone had four windows broken, and some of them were ther- mopane windows. Why does alcohol turn some people into this type of individual? Police are still investigating. Caesarea Ratepayers There will be a meeting this Thursday, May 3 at 7:30 p.m. at 20 Putsey Drive. We appreciate your atten- dance and encourage some new faces to join us. The agenda will include approving the accounting for the Easter Egg Hunt, and making plans for our yard sale on May 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Remember the yard sale is our biggest source of revenue to sup- port the Saturday, June 30 Canada Day Celebrations, the Easter Egg Hunt, and buys gasoline and whip cords for our grass cutting - along the roadside. Have you noticed our four flower beds of late? Blackstock and District Lions Club There will be a dinner meeting this Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Blackstock Rec. Centre with Ted Williams, a speaker from Casino Rama. Lake Scugog Historical Society Bill Morrison and 1 will be out looking at the pio- neer cemeteries on Monday night. President Carty Nicholson spoke to the Scugog Township Council last Monday about LACAC. | was surprised to hear so much controversy on the subject by our coun- cillors. There will be more discussion forthcoming. The next meeting is Thursday, May 10 at the museum school house at 7:30 p.m. Caesarea Community Hall Board Our next euchre night is this Thursday, May 3 at 7:30 p.m. and the next hall board meeting is Tuesday, May 8 at 7:45 p.m. Joke of the Week A university extension program organized a female choral group. They named it the Extension Chords. Thought for the Week A good system shortens the road to the goal. Orison Marden Send your community news to The Star: editorial@portperrystar. com : andy tosh at7 7 i) call if: you are goingto have a yard sale and please get 'your_toonie to them before May. 12 as that makes it "much. easier for them so they don't have to come around pe everyone gets rid of their treasures. veryone. We are ready with over 80 unique and exciting items for you to purchase at our tal- "ent auction. he night is May 4 with viewing at 6:30 p.m. "and The auction starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Please plan to "come out and enjoy a fun evening complete with door prizes. If you would still like to donate to our fundraiser for new eaves troughing and a new well for the Seagrave Church please call Betty Lou Beacock at-985-3595 or Diane. Puckrir at 85-2489. We will be. accepting items "right up until the auction time. Come out and help. do wonderful thi s for our church. Ashleigh Sandiford had an amazing 12th birthday party with 1 her brother Billy this past weekend, along with four other friends. Needless to say, they are going "to be pretty tired at school tomorrow. i fost Saturday, April 28, sunny ear' e Salvation Army's 'annual fun run/walk along the water front trail in Whitby, Pau Jewéll 'placed first in oy 16-year-old and under category with 19 mins. 7 ba for the > km. x run, Way ! to 89 Paul. : a e age of was. on aa Funeral ! th Rev. Ross C atl Mrs Hurst was | buried at a cemetery in Hampton yy