"Scugog"s Community Newspaper of Choice" PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, November 27, 2001 - § Keeping tabs on the township (©) Gales Chm Brenda Robinson Who: Brenda Robinson Age: 46 From Where? Port Perry Background? | went to Port Perry High School, then | was married and | have lived in town for most of my mar- ried life. I have four kids, Gar, Kenton, Lisa and Amanda and I have one grand- son, Carter My Husband is Paul Robinson. Current Job? | work for the Township of Scugog as a clerk-receptionist and | also assist the Director of Parks and Recreation. Day-to-day | answer phones, book conferences, and book hall rentals. I also work with the Scugog and Blackstock arenas, take care of park paperwork and special events. As well | meet and greet people, answer ques- tions and concerns that people have, give information on what is going on, where locations are, upcoming promo- tions and community assistance. How long have you worked with the township and how did you get the job? I worked for the M.T.O. for 11 years before coming to the township five years ago. The job here was advertised in the paper, and | went through two interviews with Mr. (former Township Clerk Earl) Cuddie. | kept on phoning and came into the Township Office a lot and | was the one who received the job out of 300 people. Describe some of the changes you've seen in the township since your arrival? Mr. Cuddie retired last year, so there is a new C.A.O; the township has expanded, and we now have a Parks and Recreation Director (Jay Todd). When Mr. Cuddie retired Mrs. (Yvonne) deWit and Ms. (Kim) Coates took over his job. There has been a lot of growth with the new outdoor pool, the skatepark, the second ice pad and the fire hall. What are you involved with in the community? | was part of the Port Perry Ringette Association for five years and | NICK BRONSON / PORT PERRY STAR ~ Brenda Robinson has worked within the Scugog Township Clerk's Office for the past five years. She deals with the public on a daily busi- ness and assists the Director of Parks and Recreation among other duties. am now part of the U.C.W. at the (Port Perry) United Church. 1 spend more time at home with my grandson and at work | am involved with the skatepark and the fundraising committee for the second ice pad. What is your favourite part of the job? | love to talk and help people when | can, do phone work, and help people find halls to rent. I love the peo- ple 1 work with in all the different departments and public relations. Any significant changes that we can expect over the next five years? We will have a second ice pad at the Scugog Arena and maybe a new municipal office where we are all together in the same building as well as additions to the skateboard park because there is still fundraising going on. And that was 15 minutes with Mrs. Robinson. Thanks Brenda. Nick Bronson is a Port Perry High School co-op student who is working at The Port Perry Star. Unity Place park more than $3,000 over budget Councillors voice their frustration after told skatepark over budget Scugog Township coun- cillors were not happy to learn that Unity Place, the new skateboard park locat- ed beside the local arena, has come in $3,000 over budget. Councillors, questioned Jay Todd, Scugog's Director of Parks and Recreation, as to why the project ran over budget at last week's meeting of council. Mr. Todd informed them that he was forced to call in trades to complete some of the work when those scheduled to do the work voluntarily couldn't come when they were needed due to other commit- ments. Ward 2 Councillor Marilyn Pearce said she was not happy to see the deficit. "It was not costed prop- erly or we didn't get the level of community sup- port expected," she said. The skateboard park has cost $60,601 to date with the township provid- ing $33,000; the Province of Ontario contributed $5,000 and the Port Perry and District Skateboard Committee raised $16,000 for the facility. Other funds came from a township golf tourna- ment and services in kind from a number of local businesses. When asked who was going to pick up the $3,000 deficit, Mr. Todd indicated that the township would probably be on the hook for it. The skateboard park has proved to be popular with area youth, but has also received its share of (-- PORT PERRY * Dr. L. Poranganel ¢ Dental Care For The Entire Family t Evening & Saturday C Appointments Available Please Call 905-985-8451 Visit our website: www.iluvmydentist.com 238 Queen Street, Port Perry [SAR EE a] CRS Ta EWAN NEVER 1 [ofo]1) [2] * Dr. J. Cottrell » Dr. J. Hardy * Dr. L. Gideon * Dr. C. Banfield Dr. H. Dewar ¢ Dr. J. Zeisler * Dr. T. King (Orthodontist) ® Dr. T. 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Mr. Todd told council that the idea of setting up an advisory committee to help monitor the park and work with the kids has been considered. He said there are some conflicts with BMX bikers and skateboarders using the park and they may have to set up a schedule for when it can be used by the two parties. Regional Councillor Ken Carruthers described Unity Place as "a fabulous facili- ty" but was discouraged by what he sees happening. "Parents have to buy into this as weli as the youth," he said, referring to monitoring the park. - Thieves grab lawn tractor Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's help in a theft that occurred on Nov. 22 at a residence on Scugog Line 6. According to police reports, a resident of the home returned to find that a tarp had been removed from a lawn trac- tor at the rear of the home and the tractor taken. Stolen is a bright green 2001 John Deer lawn mower with a 45-inch deck. Anyone with informa- tion on this, or any crime is asked to call the Durham Regional Police at 1-905-579-1520, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222- TIPS. Sat., Dec. 1, 2001 ¢ 10 am. - 5:30 pm / Sun., Dec. 2, 2001 « 12 pm. - 5 pm. Our Annual Christmas Open House Featuring the talents of Local Artisans 971 High Point Rd., RR. #2 Port Perry (905) 985-9924 (west off Hwy 12 at Scugog 2nd Line Skm. south of Manchester) www.portperrystar.com YOUR'1 SOURCE FOR LOCAL INFORMATION ; | 4 Marc's Pain Marc Laing 285 Service Interior & Exterior Painting ir GD 905-852-22%