6 - PORT PERRY "WEEKEND STAR" THURSDAY APRIL 20, 2000 E-MAIL: port. perry.star@sympatico.ca - Caesarea - Blackstock - Raglan - Nestieton - Yelverton - Prince Albert will be corrected If brought 10 the editor's altention. We reserve the right to edit or refuse publication of any material submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher is not liable for sight PUBLISHER................ J. Peter Hvidsten BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy GRNRRAL Mon Seessennne Don Macleod ona Member Dudley, Janet Rankin, Lesley West MANA TOR.. Jeff Mitchell community @ de CNA OFFICE MANAGER. ... Gayle Stapley Newspaper ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Cindy Jobin, ADVERTISING MGR...Deb McEachem Member Ontario Community Association Gail Morse, Heather Mack, Linda Clarke, REPORTER................. Chris Hall Newspaper Assoc. Janet Archer, Malcolm Lennox Freelance Wiiters- Heather McCrae, John B. McClelland Published every Friday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - LOL 187 PRODUCTION: Trudy Empringham, PHONE (905) 985-7383 Distributed free in the following communities: Port Perry - Uxbridge - Sunderland - Little Britain - RR Lindsay Janetville Pam Hickey, Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel, FAX (905) 885-3708 Oakwood - Manilla - Seagrave - Greenbank - Brooklin - Ashbum - Columbus - RR Oshawa Robert Taylor, Richard Drew, Scott Ashby EDITORIAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by columnists, consibuors and letter writers are not necessary those of The Port Perry Star. Letters must be signed and the telephone number (which wll not be published) included. Requests that a name be withheld wil be honoured only I there is a compeling reason 1o do so. Errors ical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher is not able for other eors or omissions in OPINION A costly spitting match Hockey fans were treated to spectacles of varying quality Monday night. The first was a pretty good playoff-calibre hockey game, won, unfortunately, by the Ottawa Senators. The other, less enjoyable attraction featured the latest installment in the war of words being waged between the provincial and federal governments over who's responsible for funding our faltering health care system. It's becoming a very costly spitting match, funded by taxpayer dollars, which accomplishes absolutely nothing. Except, perhaps, to deepen the disgust average Canadians feel when confronted with institutional mendacity and inaction. Our health care infrastructure is crumbling. Services are hard to get, and people are crossing borders to gain access to proce- dures they can't receive at home. Alberta is taking steps toward legalizing two-tier health care. And these bozos are spending millions on commercials. 1 If this country was The Titanic, we'd all be awaiting a cold, watery grave - women, children, and everyone - while the crew scrambled about, blaming each other for running into the ice berg. The mutual propaganda campaign being mounted by the feds and the provincial Tories is not only illogical, it's unethical. Each payment that goes toward making advertisements repre- sents another wasted opportunity to reinvest in the system. Once again: We don't care who's to blame, boys. We just want it fixed. { wrt #Y HiLFIGUY X changes or iL connection with any advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. All iaims of error in publicaion must be made by Wednesday, noon, prior to the next week's publication, and, if not made, will not be considered. No claim will be allowed for more than one insertion. Little Dustin Jeffrey, 2, and brother Dylin, 4, were caught in this photograph last week while waiting for the Easter Bunny to arrive during his annual trip to the Scugog Toy Lending Library. If you have an interesting picture we could use for Photo of the Week, please drop it by The Star office, or call 985-7383. LETTERS ©. |RoCKY! YOU'RE ~|ONE 8\G PUFF ~{BALL! TIME {To GET RIDOF Ss TiS WINTER To the Editor: Re: Future discussion involving recycling at public events. This is a follow-up letter regarding recy- cling at public events such as "Festival Days." | feel that this is not just a public, but a personal concern. We have in our area access and opportunity to recycle, which must be utilized. We should be taking advantage of these facilities. Recycling is just as much a part of our society as garbage collection, and just as important. As plans fer "Festival Days" approach, | believe recycling is an important issue to address due to the large volume of vendors J fi aa Hs Recycling should be part of events selling recyclable goods. My hope is that you find this an issue and look for ways to accommodate it, just as you would for any environmental concern. I would like to promote the use of blue boxes and | encourage the town to supply these bins as needed. My partner and | have taken it upon ourselves to volunteer our time as required. We can all take pride in becoming a part of an environmentally friendly Port Perry as it takes an intricate role in a public display of taking responsibility. Sharlene Lens, Oshawa To the Editor: It is difficult to write this letterin a way that will make it contain one message. Just like the articles on page 2, 6, and 9 of the Weekend Star of April 14; the Cartwright students' desire to pummel their principal with ice cream bars; the violence in schools opinion piece; and "the moron" Foote's five-star review of American Psycho are at once ridiculous and sublime. The single message? We don't have You call this setting an example? to test teachers. Just ask the kids what they think of being in school and what they would like to do to their "boss" (the principal). If it is true that "some young people need to re-learn ways in which to resolve conflict" and "it is our job to help them learn", then exactly what lesson is the Cartwright principal teaching? Fun?... Wow! Tim Johnston Port Perry