is Tr A FR TE Nt TF IRATE Rw rT aR Oe n TT _--m etal 4s TE Ed Te Ne = vey A Ed FE oa a Thal BA u TT, gia SERRE Fil fe ET Ag ak RE Rs AR SET SEN Sie . oe : we hy - ad ---- 6 - "WEEKEND STAR" FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2000 PS ---- Hcl nt ep edi imine oem PUBLISHER................ J. Peter Hvidsten GENERAL MGR.......... Don MacLeod Ty Noa Merlist Dudley, Janet Rankin, Lesley West, Heather MANAGING EDITOR. Jof Milchall ona LD N TAR community (0 CNA Callan FFIC GER.... Gayle Stapley . ; vu i E88 Newspape * Ginn i i ADVERTISING MGR... Deb McEacher Member Ontario Community A TT | Ccoiation ADVERTISING: Ginni Todd, Shay doin, REPORTER................. Chris Hall Newspaper Assoc. Gail yViealher PA Li Caves, Frosiunca Wiss: Heat McCrae, John 8. MeGiellons, Published every Friday by the Port Perry Star Company Limited, 188 Mary Street - Port Perry, Ontario - LOL 1B7 sant Archer, Malcolm x La PHONE (905) 985-7383 Distributed free in the following communities: Port Perry - Uxbridge - Sunderland - Little Britain - RR Lindsay Janetville PRODUCTION MANAGER: Pamela Hickey FAX (905) 985-3708 _ Oakwood - Manilla - Seagrave - Greenbank - Brooklin - Ashburn - Columbus - RR Oshawa Production Staff: Trudy Empringham, E-MAIL: Caesarea - Blackstock - Raglan - Nestleton - Yelverton - Prince Albert i DORAL POLICY: Opinions expressed by columnists, contributors and leter writers ae not necessarly those of The Part Pay Star. Letters must be signed and the telephone number (which wil not be ona orrected if brought 1 the editor's attanton. We reserve the right o edit o refuse publication of any maerial submitted. ADVERTISING POLICY: The publisher is not able or sight changes or CONPEcon with any advertisement in any subsequent issue of the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement Al ciams of aor in publication must be made by Wednesday, noo, prior 0 170 nex! weok's publoation. and. I rox ee, wt hos Le pubished) included. Requests that a name be withheld will be honoured only # there is a compelling reason 10 do so. Emors typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher is not kable for other errors or omissions in considered. No claim will be allowed for more than one insertion. BUSINESS OFFICE: Judy Ashby, Kathy Daryle Wright, Arlene Cheel, Richard Drew OPINION Review's a good move Raising an interesting point in the ongoing debate over the Harry Potter series of children's books, and their place in the Durham District School Board's curriculum, is Pickering trustee Paul Crawford. Leaving the battle over reinstatement of the books to his col- leagues, Mr. Crawford has said he'll launch an effort to find out just how this situation has come to be. The situation is this: The Potter books, quite popular among children and their parents to say the least, are only to be read aloud in classrooms if parents of all the children who may hear the stories agree. That means that if even one parent believes what he or she hears from trustees like Jane Weist, and objects, the reading will be disallowed. There's been plenty of rhetoric surrounding the restriction of the books. And it's pretty apparent that what Mrs. Weist doesn't know about witchcraft, the Wiccan religion and, it would seem, children's literature, could fill the board's administrative centre in Whitby a couple times over. When the dust settles, the question of how these books came to be under this cloud will remain. It's a serious question. As Mr. Crawford says, trustees simply missed, or misunderstood what was happening. Therefore, an examination of the process of reviewing material is a good move. Because there are methods of manipu- lating every system, in order to promote one's agenda. Is that what happened here? We'd like to know. Proto OF THE WEEK Is this a great shot, or what? Fred Ashton submitted this photo of a tenacious pup, tugging on Mr. Ashton's grandson's diaper. If you have an interesting picture we could use for Photo of the Week, please drop it by The Star office, or give us a call at 985-7383. LETTERS Continuing Canada's French folly a de a Ny RT N il mmf Wm "1 = Wm HE RAMBLES (J Yop QCA Na \ SEAR WW Tso 8 1S THAT 000 > Co SOMEONE'S 22 11/1 / HEAD ON nl TUE FIELD! 2 mi To the Editor: Prime Minister Chretien says there is lots of money to spread around (to buy votes) with an estimated $30 billion surplus. This is the man who said three times that he would scrap the hated GST. Canada's debt is a national disgrace. It was not long ago that noted author Peter C. Newman stated in McLean's Magazine that Canada is bankrupt. Yet the Liberals in Ottawa continued to spend like drunken sailors on official bilingualism. After Trudeau, who sunk us in debt, Mulroney in four years increased the nation- al debt by 70 per cent. Chretien continued the Mulroney and Trudeau folly for frivolous French until we ended up with a near $600 billion debt. English is the most widely used language in the world. It's the language of air control the world over, and the language of most trade. The spread of English, first with the industrial revolution in England, and now the Internet, has made it the language of choice. It is the language that in the next four decades that will be spoken by 80 per cent of the world's population, according to a study by Dr. Cetron. None are so blind as those who will not see catering to the sepa- ratists of Quebec have not only divided the country, but taken us to the brink of bankruptcy. Dean |. Kelly, Port Perry \ 4 Ws : ; i FR To the Editor: A new Scouting year is about to start. The Scouting program is for youth from five years old right through to adult. There is fun and adventure for everyone. Last year our Beavers enjoyed hikes and a Beaveree. Our Cubs had four camps including a camp at Fort York and hosted a Cuboree. Our Scouts had countless camps including a canoe camp and week long Come and enjoy the Scouting adventure Jamboree. Our Police Venturers help Durham Regional Police along with attend- ing several camps and spent 10 days camp- ing in England. This year promises to be as exciting if not more exciting. We still have spaces for youth and adults. Come out and enjoy the Scouting adventure. Ellen Greenough Ist Port Perry Scouts